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Tony Anderson Sep 2020
Renee it's your birthday
God bless you this day
You gave me the gift of a little sister
And I love you more each day

Renee it's your birthday
Happy birthday Renee

I wish for you much peace
I wish you so much joy
I wish for you your heart's desire
And all that you enjoy

Renee it's your birthday
Happy birthday Renee
Tony Anderson May 2019
Backyard football
Is there no greater sport
No helmets
No uniforms
No pads
Just you and the Earth

Caked with dirt
Caked with mud
A few cuts here and there
That was part of the fun
Just playing
Just enjoying time together
With friends
With family
With everyone

Rain did not stop us
We kept playing
Lightning Thunder roar
The game was the thing
The fun
The joy
Rolling in the mud

A flury or two
We did not care
We still played
Storm warnings
What were those
We have a game to play

Backyard football
Is there no greater sport
No helmets
No uniforms
No pads
Just you and the Earth
Tony Anderson May 2019
I think therefore I am
I think
I mean I hope so
I’m sure that’s right

I am therefore I think
I think so anyway
I am what
I think
I am not sure

Am I even here
Where is here
Does it think it’s here
Am I only here because I think I’m here
What if I thought I was there
Would I still be here

Where is there
Does it still exist without me being there
Would it still be there if I stopped thinking about there
Am I there and just don’t know it
Could I be there just by thinking I was there
Where is there
Could it be here

I think therefore I am
I am therefore I think
I think I’m lost
Tony Anderson May 2019
He was the boy no one wanted
Small and afraid
No one at all to love him
Only himself to blame
What did I do
I was just born
Why do you hate me
Why all the scorn
Night after night
Day after day
In silence as he weeps
The boy no one wanted
Reaches out to thee

She was the girl that no one wanted
Small and afraid
No one to love her
What did I do
I was just born
Why do you hate me
Why all the scorn
Night after night
Day after day
In silence she weeps
The girl that no one wanted
Reaches out to thee

The unwanted exist
On the street
Dark alleys
Empty lots

The unwanted exist in big cities
As well as small town

The unwanted exist where child abuse abounds
Tony Anderson May 2019
Water is soft
It can make grooves upon the Earth
Those grooves become mighty rivers

Water is soft
It can tear down mountains
Tear down trees
Tear down homes

Water is soft
It can wash away cars
Cause sinkholes
To engulf the land around it

When words are soft
They can
Break the hardest of hearts
Turn enemies into friends
Stop the wrath
Stop the rage

When words are soft
They can
Heal the broken heart
Calm the hurting
Tear down emotional walls
Tony Anderson May 2019
Grilling Hamburgers
Time for a cookout with friends
Potato salad
Games music joking laughing
Good Food good friends lots of fun
Tony Anderson May 2019
Come into the jungle
The fire burns
As the flames grow higher
So does the beating of your heart
As the flames grow higher
So does that wide eye stare

Come into the jungle
Become one with all that is around you
Hold nothing back
Let yourself be free
Let yourself trully be

Come into the jungle
Open yourself to your purest form
Open yourself to the jungle dweller
Lurking within you
Become who you trully are
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