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Tony Anderson Apr 2019
I'm not going to take it anymore
You have pushed me to my limit
I am ready to explode
With a mighty force
That is awesome to behold

I'm not going to take it anymore
You've called me names
Laughed in my face
You push me down
You've spit in my face

My fists are tight
My anger high
I will start throwing blows
As soon as you come into sight

Blood will fly
Blood will be spilt
As I beat you and beat you
And never quit

I will give you a taste
Of the rage that's been brewing
I will give you a taste
Then keep feeding

My fists will come fast
My fists will hit hard
Let's see you laugh
When you're cover in scars
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
Come sail away
To a land of pure immagination
Come sail away
To a land of your heart's desire

All is possible
All is true
Within this land
Nothinf is old
Everything new

No one grows old
No aches
No pain
Sadness is gone
No tears falling like rain

Your fondest wish comes true
Before the words even exsit your mouth
right there in front of you

So come sail away
Come along with me
Come sail away
Be forever free
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
In the corner of his room
He sits with head between his knees
Laughed at
Beat up
He is broken
He is torn
He is hurting
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
I confessed my love for you
You say you just wanted to be friends

Though I agreed
I feel like my heart was ripped apart
I feel like all the blood in my veigns has poured out upon the floor
I feel like the world is ending
I feel like I am burning to ashes inside  a mighty fire

I confessed my love to you
You said you just wanted to be friends
I'm cool with that
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
I need a hug
The warm embrace of another
A gesture of friendship and care

I need a hug
I am feeling qite low
A hug to refuel my energy

I need a hug
A kind soul
A loving hert
Willing to warm this icy void
I feel I've become

Do I not count to anyone
I want to know someone cares
I want to know that someone is happy
That I exist
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
I am human
I reach for the highest plains of humanity
I am one with the deepest regions of the soul
My truest self
In all ways
In all forms
In all types

I reach for the goal
However I fall short every time
I try and I try
I still do not succeed
If I never give up
No matter how much I want to
I will one day reach the top

All the pain
All the joy
All the sorrow
All the fun
I am not perfect
Yes at times I mess up
If I learn from my mistakes
I am better for it

I am limited by this body
In what I can and can not do
I am limitless in my imagination
So I can do all things
The power of the mind
The power of the body
When they work together
Anything can be done

I Am Human
Tony Anderson Apr 2019
Abused, beaten, torn
Like a ragdoll tossed around
Blood flows freely from the wounds
She cries silently
Beaten by the one she loved
Hated in an angery rage
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