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Tony Anderson Feb 2019
And crazy booths with decorations

What an AWESOME way to spend the day
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
I want to play
I know I'm short
I know I'm scrawny
But give me a chance anyway

I want to play
I know I don't look like much
I will prove my worth
I will prove my stuff

Just a chance
That is all I ask
To have friends
To laugh
To joke
To have fun
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Love is a flower
Let it bloom in your life
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Love is like a river
Flowing between two souls
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
She knew she was beautiful
Full of style
Full of grace
Her laughter
Put a smile on everyone's face

She had a dark side
She kept hidden
A dark past of
Brokenness and disgrace
She believed his lies
Those lies
Almost cost her her life

She fought to survive
The situation she was in
As he beat her time and again

Broken bones
Broken nose
Blood spilt in his rage
She fought through the hurt
She fought through the pain

A black Eye
A beaten in face
Tossed around like a ragdoll
She however
Stayed her pace

Jab after jab
Punch after punch
A kick here
A bite there

She finally fought her way to be free
However the damage was done
That all could see

She wears the scars as a badge
The bruises mark will heal in time
She does not look back with shame
She does not regret what she did
She fought to survive
She did not run
She did not hide

Life is a classroom
Sometimes the lesions
Are hard to take
She stands tall
She stands proud
After all she has gone through
To be the woman she is today

She still thinks she's beautiful
She is still full of grace
Despite the scares
That monster left on her face
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Within the shadows he exists
Walking a lonely road
Covered with skulls and bones

He does not exist in this time
Of any
His sins have separated him from all
He is
Being punished by his past

He cries
Not tears
Blood flows instead
Blood pours
Blood rains down

As he steps on another bone
As he steps on another skull

Demons torment him everyday
As he walks in great dismay
He can not run
He can not hide
They will find him
They will torment this poor soul

He is forever trapped
Between time
Between space
Nevermore to love
Nevermore to be loved
Forever to walk within the shadows
Forever to walk alone
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
He lurks in the shadows
Afraid to be seen
Afraid have being laughed at
Afraid of others being mean

He is an outcast
To his classmates
And kids at school
He does not fit in
With the nerds
Or with those
Who are cool
He tries to rise above
They just shove him back down
Then the laughter starts
Sounding from all around

Hr cries silent tears
After a day of laughter and sneers
He chokes on each hateful word
Barely able to catch his breath
He has cried so much
It hurts his chest

He thinks about ******
Just killing them all
Being the one laughing
Watching them fall
He thinks about taking his on life
That would just be a waste
No one in this school
Would care enough
To show up at his wake

The pain
The hatred
Continues to take it's toll
He carries on
Knowing he is strong
Strong enough to handle their hate
Until the day they graduate
Then he can tell them all goodbye
Never having to see them again
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