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Tony Anderson Feb 2019
On the lake shore
Rod in my hand
Ready to catch that big one

I know that monster is in here
I've almost caught him before
But he always got away

Not this time
I have a plan

It may be crafty
It may be sneaky
But this time
I will prove I am there fisherman

I know he is hiding
Taking his time
Before the final confrontation
But if I am patient
If I stand firm
I will have him in the end
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Frogs, toads, and Lily pads
Magic mushrooms in the land
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
River runs both deep and wide
How do I get to the other side
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Lord here I stand
At the river's edge
Ready for the cleansing  power
Of the water
Ready for the cleansing power
Of your love

Clean me
Both inside and out
Remove from me
Anything impure
Remold what is left
Into a useful tool
Energize my soul
Tune me to thy will
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
Call me what you will
Just don't call me late for a meal
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
I like crying at the ocean's edge
And watch my tears
Floating out to sea
Tony Anderson Feb 2019
As I look out upon the sea
My eyes fill with tears for thee
Your ship left by the sunset glow
Sadly your ship never returned home

Lost forever
Upon the waves
Lost on and island somewhere
I may never know

My heart hurts with sadness
Just thinking of you
The good times
The joy of being together

Sadly those moments can be no more
I miss you
My love
My soul
My world
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