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Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Time tics on
Make the most
Of the time left
For one day
Your time will stop ticking
Live your life in full
While you still can
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
The rich use the poor and middle class
As pawns and game pieces
For their own ammusment
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
She was a fighter
Champion kick boxer
Black belt  in tie kwon do
Through the sweat
Through the tears
She excelled over them all

She was strong
Both in body
As well as in mind
She fought
She trained
She was the best

Off the mat
She fought only in self-defense
She never started a fight
But she knew how to finish it
And finish it quickly

Off the mat
Out of the ring
She was sociable and engaging
Laughing and joking
Talking it up with friends

In the ring
On the mat
It was all business
Fight or lose
Tears shed
Blood spilt
She gave it all she got
Then she'd give some more
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
I am not
A puppet on a string
Here for your amusement
I do not
Will not
Dance to your whim
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Her eyes were like gems
As she pressed her lips to mine
Then my eyes closed
I was overtaken in the moment
Sweet bliss
Sweet bliss
Just ourselves and nothing more
That kiss was only a moment
But the memory lasting a lifetime
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
I can't breathe
All your rules and regulations
Suffocate me

I can't breathe
You have got a strong hold
Please let me free

Society closes in
Traps you
To be one way or the other
Society closes in
Squeezes out your life
To conform you
To take away your humanity
To turn you into a mindless drone
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
I stand in the shadows
You can't see me
But I am there
That someday we can be together

I stand in the shadows
You the popular one
Me the freak
Or at least
That is how I am judged

I have few friends
Mostly I stand alone
You're always surrounded by people

I have tried many times
To show you how I feel
I have poured out my heart and soul
You just laugh like it was all a joke

I wrote you poems
Confessing my love
You took those poems
You gave them to the wastebasket

And yet
After all that
I still wish to be with you
Call me a loser if you want
You're right
I lost
I lost my heart
I gave it to you
Though you have rejected it
I don't want it back
You keep it

I stand in the shadows
Wishing you would love me
And show me the light
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