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Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Dare to excell
Dare to succeed
Reach for the sky
Dream high
Dream high
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Merry-go-Round spins
Faster and faster it goes
So dizzy I am
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Waterfall tumbles
To the ground it splash
The river moves on
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Leaves fall from the trees
Spinning and dancing they go
Beautiful colors
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
Make me laugh so hard
I feel like busting a gut
My eyes tear up, my face turns red
Make me laugh so hard
I sound like a braying mule
I can't see straight nor walk straight
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
I think therefore I am
I think
I mean I hope so
I’m sure that’s right

I am therefore I think
I think so anyway
I am what
I think
I am not sure

Am I even here
Where is here
Does it think it’s here
Am I only here because I think I’m here
What if I thought I was there
Would I still be here

Where is there
Does it still exist without me being there
Would it still be there if I stopped thinking about there
Am I there and just don’t know it
Could I be there just by thinking I was there
Where is there
Could it be here

I think therefore I am
I am therefore I think
I think I’m lost
Tony Anderson Nov 2018
I thought you loved me
I should have known
It was all a joke to you
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