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Mar 2019 · 493
Silly imaginations
Bea Autumn Mar 2019
What if:

The trees could talk
All  flowers walk
Cats did dance
Dogs pranced in pants
Fishes gave kisses
Fairies granted wishes
Smiles blew bubbles
Never had troubles
The sun rayed rainbows
Lions were mellow
We all wore halos
Babies sang solos
We spoke in rhymes
Are faces did shine
Monkeys wore polka dots
While doing the foxtrot
Money grew on trees
Chocolate kisses always free
Every morning the sky said hello
We swim or float in lakes of Jello
Poets please feel free to add on here!  ;  )
Mar 2019 · 298
Wishing upon a Lovestar
Bea Autumn Mar 2019
There is a Lovestar in the night a glowing

With a wish put in words clear and bright showing

Telling you with sight of my love over flowing

So  I'll lasso all the stars from the sky

shower cascades of light with the angels nearby

  Radiating our luminous love shining much

Twinkling stardust filled with dreams coming true

My loves a desire deep embrace into you

Now your eyes dazzle a gaze only for me

With heavens gate open its us you see

Thanks to my lucky star up above

Granting the wish of a undying love
Love * wishes*shining *stars
Feb 2019 · 584
My hearts ruby
Bea Autumn Feb 2019
Like a jeweled locket inside my chest
                                     that's where my love for you does rest
Encased embossed upon my heart
                                     my love for you right from the start
Your love shines as a ruby brilliant to behold
                                      in my soul the gem I hold
Our love was foretold so long ago
                                      before the ancients of old
My heart belongs only to you
                                     always & forever it will be true
Like perfect gems take years to evolve
                                     Soul mates found each other resolved
A precious gem placed inside this heart
                                     Solid as stone destined never to depart
love *rubies
Feb 2019 · 429
Cupids love dart
Bea Autumn Feb 2019
When cupids arrow hit its mark

I knew I loved you right from the start

No stronger love could ever be

Our love will last in eternity

Wishing you Happy Valentines Day

Kisses & hugs with love to stay
Happy Valentines Day! xoxo
Feb 2019 · 483
Bea Autumn Feb 2019
You shine my sky

With your love that

Keeps me so high

The only man

I can ever fly with

We whirl a circled dance

Our limitless romance

Who takes my hand

Leads me to dream land

Soaring heights past blue

Found in you a love so true
Jan 2019 · 289
Expectations rising
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
I'm expecting some miracles to come today

For me and my love ones heading our way

A bird brought me a sign perched in my view

Telling my spirit new beginnings come true

Prayers have gone up my faith brings the dew

All hopes dreamed in love will fall fresh from you

My thanks to God his answers always come through

worshipping I tuned into a heavenly choir with halos

golden angels with harps singing beautiful acapellas

I'm feeling the flow falling new things abounding

Turning things around with changes to be outstanding

Expectations arising with accelerations moving fast

Leaving the bad things behind now over and past
I believe in miracles
Jan 2019 · 284
Free Falling
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
I'm free
At light speed
I can't stop
Heading your
Believing in
Those arms
For protection
Please catch
Before I
I think were
A perfect
with arms wide open
Jan 2019 · 198
Magnets together
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
Gravity pulls us intensely we feel

A love force strong as magnets to steel

Moves with me each step that I take

Kisses me each day with never a break

As fields of roses attached with your proses

Like lead is woven weaves love never broken

Joined we're magnets bonded by attraction

Connected by each others life force reaction

With promises entwined choosing a bond

Together holding we'll always stay strong

Nothing or no one could pull us apart

Our love sealed together never to depart
love is a force
Jan 2019 · 192
Love laced
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
You lace my world with love
Sent to me from up above

You trace my face with fingers
Felt as feathers of a dove

Your eyes gazing deep into mine
Nothing else exists except our time

Chase this heart you captured
Wrapped in deepest rapture

Stood beside me through some pain
Carried me home to happiness again

You took me hand in hand
To our place this promised land
Jan 2019 · 391
Skipping Winter
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
It's all grey rained yesterday

Freezing cold here today

Ready to go out and play

So I'm skipping Winter

Gonna summersault to May
ready for summer!
Jan 2019 · 925
Little words of wisdom
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
If you dream but carry doubt
Chances are it won't work out
believe when you dream
Jan 2019 · 236
Our Clock
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
Our loves like a clock
Your second hand moves
Winding in and around me
ticking only our time I see

The hour seems now late
Yet its right on our time
Looking at your face its fate

Each minute that goes on by
Life love passes before my eyes
When we're suspended together
I want our love to last forever

Its your watch I want to wear
My life with you I want to share
Lets make our time spent entwined
Till my last second breathed be mine
Jan 2019 · 208
Loves Garden
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
I'm tearing down old fences in my backyard

lined with briar bramble and weeds

Planting loves garden with plenty of seeds

Beautiful fields of flowers where butterflies live

Pink roses, purple posies, yellow sunflowers

Making some room to bloom this love of ours

Where humming birds dwell bees buzz in hum

A garden of springtime forever to grow strong

With a waterfall fountain flowing all day long

Forget me knots planted with long trailing vines

Entwining our hearts blossoms love so divine

Our trellis with no tears only jasmine & years
Jan 2019 · 326
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
Its your reflection in moonlight I'm seeing

Now's the time for us so ready to snuggle

I'm feeling it tonight so lets go to bed

We'll ride golden moonbeams instead

This blue moon is full and I can't sleep

Kiss me like I'm your last drink of water

Zoom me away with your touch & sway

Take us to places that hasn't been chartered

Lets burn these beams till dawns sunrise

The eclipse is coming make this a epic surprise
Jan 2019 · 518
Star Chime
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
If I could

I'd have the

Stars Chime

every night

Just for you

That's how much

I love you
Jan 2019 · 416
Kindness speaks
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
I've been bent but not broken

Been hurt still outspoken

Enslaved still strong I'm free

Not blinded by darkness I see

Gave alms to strangers poor

Passed through pain but opened doors

Killed a bull then brought him back

Gained the universe been in lack

Know that loves a universal gift

Don't hold back give it swift

Always smile at passers by

You never know who cries inside

Help somebody if you can

Show G*d's Love that’s His plan
Love & kindness
Jan 2019 · 1.4k
Venus & Mars
Bea Autumn Jan 2019
Your words are like poetry

                           dripping off your tongue

My hearts filled with lullabies

                          and I'm so undone    

The air is electric charged with all

                            this passionate call

Come closer my darling moving in near
                            sing your breathe into my ear

Lay down beside me under thousands of stars

                                viewing our planets Venus & Mars

Nights paradise warm breeze flowing

                                 love me now my heart is glowing

May our love be a celebration

                                  throughout time and space
love* stars* planets
Dec 2018 · 2.8k
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
Time flies by so fast then its past

Remember special moments always last

So make some memories to treasure

Each day have and give some pleasure

So when second chances do come by

To love again say yes reach for the sky

Because I love the moments in time

When you're with me and you are mine

Cherish and relish everyday while you can

Precious are the moments when love is the plan
make every moment count
Dec 2018 · 247
Enjoy your ride
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
Throttled down no holding back

Burnt the bridges of the past

Feeling good and cruising in sunshine

Running life's freeway on full blast

High octane blowing out all the fumes

Rolling speed bumps playing some tunes

Jet like winds are blowing through my hair

Whipping up breezes and I don't care

Racing roads no detours or curves

Not braking just making a few swerves

Each red  intersection I'm moving past

Heading to my destination finally at last
Catch me if you can!  ;  )
Dec 2018 · 181
Outer spaces places
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
Come sit upon this star with me
Tired of loving you from afar

We'll stay here for eternity
Throwing moonbeams near & far

Then we could fly thru space
atop the clouds we float & race

There we'll never need a spaceship
Or a boat we'll cruise us two

The sky's horizon is vast
our ocean is unmapped

Lets go dance rings on Jupiter
play in the red sand in mars

Far distances at night in our light
Into 5th dimensions we cross

Never again in the universe feeling lost
Holding together each other at all cost
Dec 2018 · 481
Mesmerized by you
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
Can I wander thru your mind

Then travel down your spine

dropping into your heart

Feel all your emotions

Deep in your soul in slow motion

Ponder in pools of love there

Its there that I know

We've lose all control

Overwhelmed still lost inside

Our love we cannot hide
Dec 2018 · 264
Me & You
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
We no longer  
Have one heart

We both now
have two

I love us both still
do you
Dec 2018 · 168
At Midnight
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
I have a date for New Years Eve

It maybe fate we will see

Feeling like Cinderella with sparkling enchantment

Dreaming my Prince Charming he will truly be

everlasting love is so romantic to me

So when the ball drops at midnight

I hope the shoe does fit

Awaiting with excitement for that

First New Years kiss
Happy New Year Blessings to you All!!
Dec 2018 · 667
Indigo Ink
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
I am your indigo
You my well of ink

Write me with your feather quill
Entice me penned in charming thrill

Lets write together my sage
our scroll on a new blank page

Your words are of such passion
Romantic with loves compassion

I love each tender written stroke
Let me be in everything you wrote

Imprinted together and  embossed
Our handprints together forever sealed

While our footprints are left
For others to read and be kept…
A poem about two poets!
Dec 2018 · 145
Battle Garments
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
Her battle garments are on she remains ready

This daughter of Zion takes her place remains steady

Beside her arched knights covered in robes of light

We're all on bended knee awaiting for the sound

Trumpets with a blast exalt as the Lion comes past

All bowed low before dawn with grace before the King

Humbled stretched torn, wounded and forsaken

Worn out but still strong a faith in things not seen

Knowing what's right when all is going left

Warring  against many dark spiritual forces

Her defense & stance pure love assigned from above

Gentle as a lamb courage of a lion & wings of a dove

When the prophesy has been spoken believe that it is fate

Fighting till the fulfillment is made though it seems late

What is to be forever love will always endure any battle
Keep your armor on
Dec 2018 · 194
On a beach in Jamaica
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
As I drifted off to sleep I  had a dream oh so sweet
I was with the man I adore

We where back in Jamaica on the beach by a sandy shore
Happy again just you and me

Our room was a hut next to the mango groves & big
Banana trees so very old

As we walked hand & hand to the beach there was a band
Playing all of Bob Marley's songs

I started singing along don't worry be happy as you
laughed out loud & smiled with that grin

We reached our destination with no hesitation
You jumped right into the waves

I swam just to catch you & caught you I did
There in the azure blue water we frolicked & played

As passion swept us up a shower in the Sun came in
We both looked up as a double bowed rainbow appeared

We kissed and said our vows a covenant of our love
forever lasting to each other always

As I awoke and realized this was just a dream of an old
Memory stored

My eyes filled with tears as my heart felt torn today
But loves dreams are priceless and I'm willing to pay
Dream & "Don't worry be Happy:~ by  Bob Marley
Dec 2018 · 458
Kiss a licious
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
Your kisses are soo delicious
Lollipop licks on my tongue
Like berry sorbet melts
sugar rush leaves me high strung
In my mouth to please
But the kiss from your lips
Brings me down to my knees
are savored like sweet honey
Nothing is better not even money
loves kisses so sweet
Dec 2018 · 170
The White Swans Dream
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
We climbed long up to love mountain
Our temperature had been dropping
Blindsided at its highest peak
Only to slide down its fountain
Its slippery ***** then sink
You fell so fast head first
Reaching out my hand to clasp
because my wings were clipped
Trying to save us both to last
From the endless dark abyss
Never knew I’d fall so hard
Heart first still waiting for the
First responders to come pick up
Our shattered remains for rescue
But told them just to leave us two
Because it didn't matter we're thru
lying on the canyon floor months
later a pair of white swans came
Into both of our night time dreams
Spoke our of promises, ring things of same
They said rise up again take each others hand
This broken time shall now be mended
Soul mate love is forever will not be rescinded
Knowing when given this love will never be ended
Its said the Swans mate for life and often when their mate dies the one left behind dies shortly after from a broken heart.
Dec 2018 · 294
Wind Wishes
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
I'm blowing kisses into the wind
In hopes they'll  catch you
wherever you're at I'll send

I'm sending out my hugs
To reach you with my arms
Giving just you all my charms

I'm releasing to you my light
There are fireflies in flight
To shine on you thru every night

I'm sending all my hearts love
Flying it to you on the wings
Of a thousand turtledoves

I'm sending out a gift by angels
Treasured delivery that will be swift
Wind wishes with your dreams coming true
may all your wishes come true!
Dec 2018 · 237
Ready for New Years
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
It's time to say goodbye 2018

All open doors have been closets

Blocked and filled with old storage

Ready for the new year door

That I can walk on through

So ready to start brand new
Dec 2018 · 295
Long time
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
It's been along time since we said goodbye

I guess this time no reason to try

To make the wrongs right & fight

To keep a love going all winters night

Yeah its been a real long time

So I'll turn over and face the fears

Of living without you all the years

Yeah its been time for no more tears
This to shall pass
Dec 2018 · 550
Love birds of a feather
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
Two birds sitting on the edge of a pine

One bird tweets baby you are mine

Be my little chickadee I'm in your trap

so birdy ruffled up her feathers wrapped

her wings around him & pecked his beak

quickly then flew away that left her bleak

But he returned soon carrying some heather

made their love nested so happily together
Dec 2018 · 139
Not Eve(n)
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
There's a snake in every garden

But the light brings out the dark

Don't eat the apple so hardened

If you pass this test he'll send a lark

Your life will flow so easy then

Peace and love will stay within

Keep your light try not to sin

And trust alone in Him above

Only in His everlasting Love

Goodness comes out from the throne

Passes down to us by his Son

The cross a symbol of the Grace

He died for us He took our place
Dec 2018 · 157
No Apology
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
Been waiting for my roses

The ones that didn't come

No phone calls or messages saying

I'm sorry that's heartfelt with love too

No wanna see you again miss you so much

I guess This endless wait is over

Its time now to move on past

Forgive the hurt that's been given

Let your heart find love again that lasts
Dec 2018 · 181
Topaz Mountain
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
I was drowning in the desert
Coming out of this Egypt
Were nothing ever grew
Along with all my hope in you
The ******* that I've known
With all the pain been sown
Maybe on the other side he abides
Seraphim guided my way they flew
Into the land of milk an honey
Entering into promised Eden now
The garden filled with only love
intensely searching  to find my Boaz
By a brook on a mountain of Topaz
I saw him laying under an apple tree
He was weaving a flower wreath
The moment he looked saw I was approaching
He beckoned me to come closer
Our eyes met like blue magnets
Reflected in suns glazed moon beams
Smiling as stars twinkle  bright we touched
He placed the wreath upon my head
Did kneel before me too & said my Queen
I've waited all my life for you to come my way
Then kissed me with such passion overcome I swayed
He carried me up to our home atop topaz mountain
amongst the apple trees where warm honey flows
Blanketing ourselves in bliss of loves ever afterglow
Dec 2018 · 149
Christmas Wonderland
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
In a realm beyond the polar

Northern lights in vivid color

Across the frozen tundra vast

North winds bellow circling fast

Where penquins skate on ice in snow

The walrus's laugh out loud & roll

Its there the reindeer & elks do frolic

Dancing Elves are singing merry tunes

Where Santa lives yes jolly ole St Nick

Making children's wishes all come true
Merry Christmas to all
Dec 2018 · 211
Space in Between
Bea Autumn Dec 2018
We're both so very deep

So why are we so far apart?
Nov 2018 · 224
Chess Mate
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
This game of chess has been such a battle
To hold unto what's ours was the strategy
Taken the pawns moved out one by one
Her knights stood in armor defended by bishops
Rooks fall outside her heart walls of this castle
So its stalemate with no more moves to pace
When king & queen can't even meet face to face
She surrenders to him as that was her fate
Moot point to him for the queen to make
So she moves forward to concede & bow
As the king has never given her his vow
game over
Nov 2018 · 405
Sending forgiveness
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
is like
blowing on
dandelion weeds
Into the air
let it blow* Go
Nov 2018 · 197
Greatest Catch
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
Your fishing again to reel me in

But you've already caught me before

So I'll swim a little further from the shore

Its no mystery who's hooked who

We both know you like this sport

Time to change your bait

This catch is the big one hooked

Just weight it’s a ton

I'll swallow you whole

Take you down in my sea

We'll  have the entire ocean to explore
Nov 2018 · 434
Winter valley of love
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
If my words to you aren't special
And my love is not enough

My tears they fall like snowflakes
In case you did not know

Then let the snowfall settle
Upon the winters bluff

As winds so cold surround me
like the beats inside my chest

You'll find the one thing missing
The closeness we could possess

As the seasons changes quickly
Your fickle heart moved on swiftly

Your other dalliances kept hidden
In secrets not buried

A snowflakes uniqueness melts away
In the winter valley of love
feels like winter!!
Nov 2018 · 142
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
Like sand pours through the hourglass of time

Still waiting for you so long just to be mine

Many moons have come an gone

Since I have heard anything from you

My well of sand is filling up so deep

Lets turn the hourglass upside down

It feels like time is running out & changing

So now awaken from this endless sleep

To be together again with love for keeps
long time gone*love still here
Nov 2018 · 275
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
I'm turning back the sundial a year

Changing some things so you'd be here
Nov 2018 · 160
Christmas Wish
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
Waiting for the kiss of moonlit mistletoe

Snuggling in with the one I love so

By the fireplace embers glow

Happy in this warm space of time

Along side my loves body next to mine

Joyful contentment my heart feels so secure

As living life together with my sweetheart

making tender memories as dreams come true

Finally settled in my love a present just for you
Christmas wishes & favorite time of year Its getting very near!!
Nov 2018 · 159
Do's matter
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
Sending doubts out on Doves wings

Keeping the do's a forever thing

Because you matter to me

It was the don'ts you did

But Yes It's true I do

I'm still in love with you
you matter to me**holding on to love
Nov 2018 · 144
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
Echoes of you tremble through my brain

Thoughts full of love giving memories pain

Lost dreams remembered of what was once  us

Desires replaced by broken hearts we're untied

Over again the echoes still heard no lies

Recorded and played time as it passes by
Echoes are  sound waves returned back to the listener
Nov 2018 · 150
Over Again
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
Able to see thru silent sound
I hear your gaze at me
Though you're not around
Know your heart believes the true
Memories left don't have to be blue
Destination the same here I do
Before, after and again to you
Nov 2018 · 451
Still chewing on you
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
I started eating red licorice now

Trying to paint this blue heart red

And filling up on bow tie pasta till fed

Symbolically to fix this torn heart

So turn it red and tie it up fast

Nothings worked yet need to get past

So I'll try anything it seems

To mend these broken dreams
Nov 2018 · 900
Sparrows of sorrow
Bea Autumn Nov 2018
The  birds arrive each morning I smile & see
Leaves have fallen left barren trees like me
Cooling breezes floating thru my soul
With the sparrows of sorrow
Following around me everyday now
Alone again without someone to love
Such a big loss reaps quiet solitude
Changes I make but memories linger
I miss our time together with gratitude
There used to be a ring on my finger
Time In the tropics I miss you the most
Dreams of a time when we were so close
Even the little sparrows are not forgotten
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