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DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To soar with eagles is a noble goal,
To run a marathon before getting too old.
To travel to lands and exotic places,
To observe new things and see new faces.

To travel to the moon or some other place,
To discover a new drug that will disease erase.
To write a book that is a national bestseller,
To be more than the “average feller”.

These are the dreams that many children have,
And hope that some day they will see.
These are the wishes many “old folks” have,
And wish that only they could be.

To the youngster with wide-eyed futuristic view,
Keep dreams alive and always pursue.
To the senior who thinks that too long he did wait,
Perhaps, even now it is not too late.

To set your sights on something not done,
To go where others are afraid to run.
To accomplish what some may have said you could not do,
Will bring much satisfaction to many besides you.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The path that is often travelled least
Is where we are sometimes led.
Most try, however, with effort increased
To travel another path instead.

To go the way that everyone goes
Is clearly the way of ease.
To some, however, this laziness shows
As self we wish to please.

We think somehow that the “easy” way  
Is always the decision that’s best?
What we often, however, in reality display
Is that from simplicity we should take a rest.
The trail that is dust covered and minus the crowd
Is very often treasure filled.
We should therein be continually proud
That we have a challenge fulfilled.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To be among the best
Was the lad’s earnest desire.
He rose above the rest
In his soul there was fire.

He understood well
The severity of the test.
To him it was swell
To pursue this great quest.

He vigorously stayed the course,
He endured all the pain.
Himself he did force
To from quitting refrain.

Graduation day finally came,
The ceremony, it was grand.
Not longing for fortune or fame,
With proud peers he did stand.

Smartly placed on his head
Was the beret of beautiful green.
Nothing more need be said,
All was proudly now seen.

At attention he proudly stood,
With a very swollen chest.
It was now understood,
He was with America’s best.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Little boy blue tried to blow his horn.
He blew till he was blue and all forlorn.
He could not figure out why no beautiful sound
Could from this instrument be found.

He took it home and put it away,
With thoughts of trying it another day.
Weeks quickly passed and in his mind,
Those thoughts no longer would he find.

Many weeks later by chance he discovered,
The horn which had not been recently uncovered.
He picked it up and began to play,
Music which he could not on an earlier day.

He mused within himself how this could be,
“Never had this trouble before,” said he.
Then he realized why there was at first no sound,
He had needed simply to turn it around.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
There often is found, in many little towns,  
A place where old-timers still gather around.  
Not only old-timers, but “youngsters”, as well,  
Especially on Sundays, they “stay for a spell.”

Some would argue, and say to you,  
It is because there is nothing else to do.  
This may satisfy a question in their mind,  
I think, however, another reason, you will find.  

It is here that folks have gathered, for years,  
To sing, to worship, even shed a few tears.  
It is here they sometimes bury their dead,  
It is here they consistently hear the Word read.  

It is at this place, though rare to find,  
People find solace and peace of mind.  
It is here that the Bible is still believed,  

And its message is, without doubt, received.
The preacher may be “country” and not well learned,  
But a place of respect, he most surely has earned.  
You see, his sermons are not “watered down”  
To satisfy the modern, politically-correct clown.  

The music is still in agreement with the Word,  
Never is the loud, night-club sound heard.  
Yes, folks are “old fashioned” and “set in their ways”  
In a few of these churches from by-gone days.  

People still dress with respect and decency,  
They are not caught up in the “come-as-you-are” frenzy.  
The user-friendly atmosphere, that once was unknown,  
Gives the modern church-goer, a relaxed tone.

To these little churches let us, with haste, return,  
And the compulsion to "moderness", obediently spurn.  
It is back to Bethel that we ought to go,  
Where the “old-time religion” is still more than show.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To “find” oneself is often the way  
That folks from normalcy go astray.  
They leave the comforts and routines of home,  
In frivolities’ paths to wander and to roam.  

The temptation there is so very alluring  
It makes ones’ stay sometimes enduring.  
There is always something new to try  
That will cause you to eventually ask yourself why.  

When finally you reach the end of that road,  
And flounder and fret from the heavy load,  
As in your haste alternatives are sought,  
Perhaps where you left was not as bad as you thought.  

To return there will necessitate swallowing your pride,  
As you admit that the way you have tried  
Was not as fulfilling as you thought it would be.  
Now you must from it purposefully flee.  

As you travel that lonely road back to your home,  
Remember that you never travel alone.  
A constant Companion is by your side,  
He will forever there abide.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The Lord, the Shepherd, He is mine.
I will know no want of any kind.
In pastures green I will rest
And know His care for me is best.

Those still waters I can see.
It is there that He leadeth me.
Restoration to my soul I can know
As to Him I willfully, cheerfully, go.

In death’s dark vale there is no fear
His voice of assurance will I hear.
It is through this door that I must trod
And enter into the presence of God.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Many these days tend to formulate,
Ideas based upon a former date.
They remember life from way back when,
And conclude that it was so much better then.

Argument arises though by modern crowds,
Often to the point of being loud.
If things were so much better long ago,
Why then do we not back there go?

The thoughts of making a dollar a day,
Would cause the minds of many to stray.
To pack your belongings on the back of a mule
Would certainly be an unbearable rule.

Things that we have that were missing then
Is somehow where our thinking may end.
What about things present long ago
That most in these days simply do not know?  

Things like time for family and friends,
Contentment after the payday ends.
Helping a neighbor with barn repair,
Encouraging him through times of despair.

Then there are things like common respect,
Genuine caring instead of neglect.
Going way above and beyond,
Instead of having to be coerced to respond.

Some things remain year after year,
Others you will now days never hear.
What if things were as they used to be?
Would we in ourselves contentment see?
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To soar into the wild blue yonder,
Is a thought about which he had often pondered.
He had often dreamed on sleepless nights,
What it would be like to someday take flight.

In his youth, much time he would spend,
Thinking about that exciting end.
Would he be able to ever realize
The fulfillment of flying into those blue skies?

As he into the teen years entered,
This thought was still not completely splintered.
Although he figured it would never be,
He still hoped that realization he would possibly see.

As young adulthood for him began,
He saw in his life a change of plans.
A duty he sensed, so enlistment was started,
And into a military career he departed.

The “job” that he did for much of his career,
Did not include that which was, to him, still dear.
To be a flyer had, in his mind, faded away,
It was for a much earlier day.
Late in his career, as an “old man”,
An amazing thing happened, and a changed plan.
An opportunity to fly was to him presented,
And pursuit in that venture he never relented.

Much training was required for this position,  
And into this world he was ready to transition.
As an aerial gunner in the “Special Operations” world,
He found himself suddenly hurled.

The training was very tough, no doubt,
But this was what he had dreamed about.
He never lost sight of reaching that goal,
Even though considered, by many, too old.

The many missions he was privileged to fly,
All over the world into that blue sky,
Brought to him much joy indeed,
He was able to experience that for which he did plead.

The excitement that he still to this day knows  
Increases more as the older he grows.
You ask how I know about this joy,
It is really quite simple – I was that boy.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
They call him a veteran.
What a noble name!
He wears it proudly
Though not seeking fame.

He showed up when called
And proudly did his part.
When his buddy fell,
It broke his heart.
He served in places near and far
And survived a “hell” he knows too well.
Images will remain forever,
Most of which he will never tell.

So as you complain
In your life of ease,
Remember those who served
If you please!!
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
This day is God’s gift to you,
What with it will you choose to do?
It can be spent in so many ways,
As you enjoy the sun’s warm rays.

There is a way that some may choose,
As hours each day they lose.
They simply choose to each day start
With a miniscule part of their heart.

They sleep much longer than what is required,
And finally realize that much day has expired.
When they at last their activities begin,
It is almost time for the day to end.

They are again aggravated with their self
As desired accomplishments are put on the shelf.
Completion of much they had wanted to see,
But again, and again, it will simply not be.

Then there is the one who early rises,
Because he desires no last moment surprises.
Most daily expectations he routinely sees
And in these activities he is with himself pleased.

A question remains that each must ask
As he approaches day’s many tasks.
Will enthusiasm or laziness be my daily start?
Can accomplishment I claim as each day departs?

The realized end is up to me,
If from responsibility I carelessly flee.
Since One has promised expert support,
No course of failure should I ever purport.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To be an American is something grand,
As witnessed from a distant land.
The quality of life we enjoy here,
Is surely something that we should hold dear.

Many complain within these doors,
Who have never traveled to distant shores.
They have never seen the poverty and pain,
As in so many places misery reigns.

If life is so horrible in this place,
Why do so many to these shores race?
Is it as bad as is commonly reported?
Or have some carelessly, the facts distorted?

From one who has been privileged to many places see,
There is no place on earth I would rather be.
These blessings on which we have grown to depend,
I trust that we all will eagerly defend.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
He stood there as we departed the bus,
Nobody but he could make any fuss.
First impressions are those that last,
And his was certainly made very fast.

He seemed larger than any in the crowd.
To ensure that all heard, he was very loud.
He immediately began barking out commands.
Which were heard throughout the land.

Speech was heard that was not very cool,
Words you had never heard in Sunday school.
An atmosphere of command was quickly in place,
And to question that authority would bring you disgrace.

Hours quickly turned into days,
As we began to learn his ways.
To regular hours and regular chow,
We readily adapted – somehow.

Activities of both mental and physical sort,
Required each of us to quickly contort.
Impossible it seemed each and every day,
To accomplish all that was thrown our way.
When it seemed that all energy was spent,
Another task from him was sent.
To even hint that it could not be done,
Was another victory by him won.

Day after day we labored through,
Finding things easier to do.
As pounds were perhaps lost and more energy found,
We came to realize that we were “graduation” bound.

The obstacle course was one final test
To discover ourselves at our best.
He stood there laughing as we would crash,
Or into the mud sometimes splash.

Finally, it all came to an end,
And that last day with him we would spend.
To finally realize that it was really done
And the impossible race had been well run.

Looking back after these many years,
With much satisfaction, and occasionally with tears,
That man who once seemed to have no heart,
Gave to many a fresh, new start.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018



DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To travel that road others do not use,
Is a decision that only a few dare choose.
To go in the direction of everyone else,
Is often to decide new experiences to lose.

To go with the flow is the easy way,
While on many journeys day after day.
It is there, on those oft-traveled paths
Most in mediocrity will stay.

To dare to be different is a challenge, no doubt.
A challenge which few ever know about.
The ease with which they choose to live
Is that from which they will not come out.

Why not see and learn things new,
As that end destination is pursued?
It may be discovered, much to your surprise,
You with more wisdom have been endued.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
A million dollars does not a wealthy man make,  
For many are much deeper in the hole.  
A head full of knowledge does not a wise man make,  
For none can know the whole.  

The absence of pain does not a healthy man make,  
For some will die with no pain.  
The abundance of things does not a happy man make,  
For some will know no gain.  

To know or have none of the above-mentioned things  
May be for you God’s will.  
There is great contentment this absence sometimes
As you abide in His presence still.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Where you go in life is up to you,
Or so folks often say.
New places to go or things to do,
Can often bring much dismay.

Going to a place where all are unknown
Can unnerve even the very strong.
Expectations are perhaps vaguely shown
As you try to decide where you belong.

In many new trials discovery is made
That endurance is put to the test.
Through much deep water you may have to wade,
Perseverance is that which is best.

So, go where you’re going,
And new things learn.
In knowledge you will be growing,
And satisfaction you will earn
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
I wished upon a shooting star
To be away – somewhere far.
And then the thought occurred to me,
Somewhere far, you cannot be.
Be content wherever you are!

— The End —