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DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The day began with a jolt
As from the bed I did bolt.
I am now recovering,
From what I am discovering,
My legs did instantly revolt.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The job was more intense than he thought
Had he bit off more than he ought?
His routine began long before dawn
This resulted in more than an occasional yawn.

His first week at work lasted a year
He constantly hoped it would disappear.
Friday finally came with much fanfare
His feet and back did greatly despair.

Before he knew it the weekend was gone
Attention to sore feet he had dutifully shown.
Now it was back to more of the same
Would he be able the torture to tame?
He quickly discovered to his dismay
That week number two was more like play.
He had endured week one and passed the test
He was much more able than he’d initially guessed.

Weeks became months, months became years
Gone were the worries and his outright fears.
Promotions had come and not very slow
He was now ready to retire as CEO.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
This day is God’s gift to you,
What with it will you choose to do?
It can be spent in so many ways,
As you enjoy the sun’s warm rays.

There is a way that some may choose,
As hours each day they lose.
They simply choose to each day start
With a miniscule part of their heart.

They sleep much longer than what is required,
And finally realize that much day has expired.
When they at last their activities begin,
It is almost time for the day to end.

They are again aggravated with their self
As desired accomplishments are put on the shelf.
Completion of much they had wanted to see,
But again, and again, it will simply not be.

Then there is the one who early rises,
Because he desires no last moment surprises.
Most daily expectations he routinely sees
And in these activities he is with himself pleased.

A question remains that each must ask
As he approaches day’s many tasks.
Will enthusiasm or laziness be my daily start?
Can accomplishment I claim as each day departs?

The realized end is up to me,
If from responsibility I carelessly flee.
Since One has promised expert support,
No course of failure should I ever purport.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
He stood there as we departed the bus,
Nobody but he could make any fuss.
First impressions are those that last,
And his was certainly made very fast.

He seemed larger than any in the crowd.
To ensure that all heard, he was very loud.
He immediately began barking out commands.
Which were heard throughout the land.

Speech was heard that was not very cool,
Words you had never heard in Sunday school.
An atmosphere of command was quickly in place,
And to question that authority would bring you disgrace.

Hours quickly turned into days,
As we began to learn his ways.
To regular hours and regular chow,
We readily adapted – somehow.

Activities of both mental and physical sort,
Required each of us to quickly contort.
Impossible it seemed each and every day,
To accomplish all that was thrown our way.
When it seemed that all energy was spent,
Another task from him was sent.
To even hint that it could not be done,
Was another victory by him won.

Day after day we labored through,
Finding things easier to do.
As pounds were perhaps lost and more energy found,
We came to realize that we were “graduation” bound.

The obstacle course was one final test
To discover ourselves at our best.
He stood there laughing as we would crash,
Or into the mud sometimes splash.

Finally, it all came to an end,
And that last day with him we would spend.
To finally realize that it was really done
And the impossible race had been well run.

Looking back after these many years,
With much satisfaction, and occasionally with tears,
That man who once seemed to have no heart,
Gave to many a fresh, new start.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The memories of a veteran are as varied as can be,
Some involve sorrow, others genuine glee.
To have learned new things and seen new places
While trying to put names to remembered faces.

To have given your all and passed the test
Brings joy in knowing that you have done your best.
At other times, however, to have tried and failed
Yet, in the end to have still prevailed.

On some missions wondering how you had made it through, Accomplishing what few had the courage to do.
Sometimes, regardless of how hard you would try,
You would find yourself unable to do anything but cry.

Upon learning that a buddy had given his life
In the heat of battle, amidst unbelievable strife.
Some of these things that a warrior must endure
Puts metal in his backbone, that is for sure.
To ask one if he would ever do it again,
Many would affirm without any spin.
To have succeeded in defeating a menacing foe
Makes one eager to again go.

A few made the choice to from duty flee
Thinking that in another country they could be free.
The freedom they enjoyed in their cowardly state,
Is to most of us, however, a miserable fate.

The service of no two was exactly the same,
Most never experienced prestige or fame.
They went and stayed till the job was done,
Then returned home for their day in the sun.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
They came from all over the land,
Some very young, others old.
There was in them all something grand,
That needs to be continually told.

That “something” that in them all was found,
That simply could not be obscured,
Was a devotion to duty and honor profound
That to the end endured.

In Asia, Europe, Africa, and more,
They answered their country’s call.
And there on foreign, distant shore
They courageously, silently did fall.

There still are some whose remains
The location of which only God is sure.
The freedoms that they died to obtain
Prayerfully will forever endure.

Gratitude is to them surely due,
If it could be properly expressed.
This, obviously, we cannot do
Except by public address.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To soar into the wild blue yonder,
Is a thought about which he had often pondered.
He had often dreamed on sleepless nights,
What it would be like to someday take flight.

In his youth, much time he would spend,
Thinking about that exciting end.
Would he be able to ever realize
The fulfillment of flying into those blue skies?

As he into the teen years entered,
This thought was still not completely splintered.
Although he figured it would never be,
He still hoped that realization he would possibly see.

As young adulthood for him began,
He saw in his life a change of plans.
A duty he sensed, so enlistment was started,
And into a military career he departed.

The “job” that he did for much of his career,
Did not include that which was, to him, still dear.
To be a flyer had, in his mind, faded away,
It was for a much earlier day.
Late in his career, as an “old man”,
An amazing thing happened, and a changed plan.
An opportunity to fly was to him presented,
And pursuit in that venture he never relented.

Much training was required for this position,  
And into this world he was ready to transition.
As an aerial gunner in the “Special Operations” world,
He found himself suddenly hurled.

The training was very tough, no doubt,
But this was what he had dreamed about.
He never lost sight of reaching that goal,
Even though considered, by many, too old.

The many missions he was privileged to fly,
All over the world into that blue sky,
Brought to him much joy indeed,
He was able to experience that for which he did plead.

The excitement that he still to this day knows  
Increases more as the older he grows.
You ask how I know about this joy,
It is really quite simple – I was that boy.
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