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DrJames Martin Sep 2018
A military way of life began years ago
When Dad decided that is the way he would go.
This decision was not at that time by him made,
In fact, many years later into this reality he would wade.

Many new experiences gave him much enjoyment,
As he eagerly transitioned into this new employment.
Those early years brought both grief and joy
Into the life of that Alabama boy.

Many years later after deciding to stay,
And from the military not to stray,
He joyfully watched son number one
Enter the race which dad had run.

His job choice was obviously different from dad’s,
As he began pursuing that which would make him glad.
To see him go in the direction which was right
Brought to dad much delight.

Now several years beyond this time
He is still enjoying service that is positively defined.
Nearly half way now to completing his career
He perseveres dutifully, year after year.

Many places in the world he has now gone
While family awaits his return to home.
Now while I recount all of this joy,
There is another story involving another boy.

Son number two has now followed the tradition
As in the Air Force he has accepted a position.
Initial training only recently finished
Anticipation is now newly replenished.

Very recently returning to family and home
Entering into a way not previously known.
Anxiously awaiting the birth of a son,
About to begin a routine never done.

“Where were the girls in all of this?”
Is a question that many will not dismiss.
“Where into this picture do they fit in?”
“How, without them, did this all begin?”

The answers are very easily seen,
As they are obviously part of the team.
While waiting at home often in despair,
They have repeatedly proven the extent of their care.

Always supportive though often not knowing
Their appreciation never were they not showing.
Whether wife or daughter, sister, or mother
They never let despair their devotion smother.

A “great way of life” is how it is described
This is a philosophy to which I have ascribed.
All of the aforementioned would surely agree
That this motto is that which we will share for free.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The banner of red, white, and blue,
Is a beautiful sight, ‘tis true.
Endeared by many, scorned by some,
Its place in history securely won.

Under this banner many proudly serve,
From duty they are sworn to never swerve.
In distant lands, away from those dear,
Overcoming hardship, privations, and fear.

Some may still ask why they go.
Why do they such devotion show?
“The answer is simple,” they proudly say,
“We would never have it any other way.”
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
Being a good soldier is a lofty aspiration.
Achievement of this goal brings high admiration.
This purpose should be one’s determination,
Gratitude will result from a proud nation.

To see this high and lofty end,
Attention to detail must one lend.
Devotion to duty must he never bend,
Loud and clear must this message he send.

Above and beyond is his call,
Careful to never in disgrace fall.
Proudly with his peers standing tall,
Confidence and courage he shows to all.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To be an American is something grand,
As witnessed from a distant land.
The quality of life we enjoy here,
Is surely something that we should hold dear.

Many complain within these doors,
Who have never traveled to distant shores.
They have never seen the poverty and pain,
As in so many places misery reigns.

If life is so horrible in this place,
Why do so many to these shores race?
Is it as bad as is commonly reported?
Or have some carelessly, the facts distorted?

From one who has been privileged to many places see,
There is no place on earth I would rather be.
These blessings on which we have grown to depend,
I trust that we all will eagerly defend.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The Lord, the Shepherd, He is mine.
I will know no want of any kind.
In pastures green I will rest
And know His care for me is best.

Those still waters I can see.
It is there that He leadeth me.
Restoration to my soul I can know
As to Him I willfully, cheerfully, go.

In death’s dark vale there is no fear
His voice of assurance will I hear.
It is through this door that I must trod
And enter into the presence of God.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
To be among the best
Was the lad’s earnest desire.
He rose above the rest
In his soul there was fire.

He understood well
The severity of the test.
To him it was swell
To pursue this great quest.

He vigorously stayed the course,
He endured all the pain.
Himself he did force
To from quitting refrain.

Graduation day finally came,
The ceremony, it was grand.
Not longing for fortune or fame,
With proud peers he did stand.

Smartly placed on his head
Was the beret of beautiful green.
Nothing more need be said,
All was proudly now seen.

At attention he proudly stood,
With a very swollen chest.
It was now understood,
He was with America’s best.
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
The path that is often travelled least
Is where we are sometimes led.
Most try, however, with effort increased
To travel another path instead.

To go the way that everyone goes
Is clearly the way of ease.
To some, however, this laziness shows
As self we wish to please.

We think somehow that the “easy” way  
Is always the decision that’s best?
What we often, however, in reality display
Is that from simplicity we should take a rest.
The trail that is dust covered and minus the crowd
Is very often treasure filled.
We should therein be continually proud
That we have a challenge fulfilled.
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