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Oh man, so cruel pleeeeeease do not be

Can't you this very important truth see

Animals and birds pain feel like you n me.

Suffer the same you will; this you have yet to see.

Karma leaves no one; neither you nor me

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Centuries ago, in Ancient Persia, there lived a great king

For this battered tortured world, he brought back spring.

Taught he people, righteousness and bravery; n how to it, cling.

Homage unto you, from us, O Cyrus the Great, king of kings.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
On Roj Ram Mah Khordad
Time flies, it's true; passed have, years ten gross
But even today, it hasn't been able to lessen our loss.

Far away from us you are now, but every moment I re-live can.
Dad dearest, besides being a legal luminary, you were a great man.

To Frehan n Zoish, I tell your super exciting tales.
Tell them, grow up they should, like you, acquiring your quales.

Stay happy in Goarathman behesht, with Mom may you.
Remember and bless us all, as you would always do.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

My  dearest  Grand old man,  99 on this Roj Behram you would be;

Sad indeed is this drying bough,  without its trunk,  you see!

Love from parents is manure n water, v. well know you;

Oh Dad,  miss you tremendously, specially today, I do

There is nothing more precious than this love n care;

To expect n get this from  siblings, is a chance rare.

In Heaven,  happy with Mom, may you always be.

All of you, do come to  receive, when it's time for me.

Know this I well,  life is complicated;  it's a tough test;

Happy Birthday Dad,  wish you I,  all the very best.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

It is indeed so very lonely, gloomy and sad.

Difficult very it is to this bitter truth accept

But now to cuddle in your arms, I  cannot expect

Life undoubtedly goes on,  but it's never the same;

But it's an universal fact,  so no one can we  blame.

Love you Dad n Mom, happy stay, up there in Heaven.

Blessed n lucky we were to have such wonderful parents

Because of  this, so very culturally rich, is our inheritance.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
इतना दर्द कोई सहे कैसे ?
कब तक वो जिए यूहीं, ऐसे।
न बोल सके, न सेह सके यह एहसास;
अब तो घूंटता है उसका स्वाशो स्वाश ।
जीवनमें उसके लिए, रही नहीं कोई वजह
फिर क्यूं जिए कोई यूहीं, बेवजह ?
आके तु बता जा, मन् में विश्वास जगा जा।
एक बार फिर, जीने की तमन्ना जगा जा।

Armin Dutia Motashaw

My Lil darlings, you are my Sunshine n my rain.

You are my jewels most precious, my Zoi, my Frain.

Grow may you both to become humans truly great.

Zarthostis true, may you become, n our fame re-create.

Do this n achieve all this you can easily, know I, you are both very clever.

Remember Ma and Dae love you most dearly; n will do so for ever.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

Signifies this special day of Dassehra victory; triumph of good over evil

Be it Ram, Faredoon or Krishna, show us they how to destroy a devil

In today's Kalyug many times saddened we are to see evil triumph over good

Desperately pray we should, that this condition reverse very soon would.

All around we see evil, cheating, ******, robbery, arson, loot and rudeness

May goodness overpower evil; prevail thereafter should only goodness.

If sincerely try we, to rid Ravan within us, we can; but endeavor ours should be earnest

Start if we right away, a little by little, surely pass we can this difficult test.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Ravan easily proved to the world, the difference between knowledge n wisdom

His inflated ego destroyed his beautiful "Soneri Lanka", his grand kingdom

Because of his over inflated ego, pride n lust for Sita; to Ram, he lost his fiefdom

Sadly mankind has more Ravans today than Rams; under stress is this entire world

Active very are the Ravans, whereas cool n calmly sit Rams, all curled

If this knowledgeable Ravan, wise was, he wouldn't, at Ram, have insults hurled.

Help me O Ahura, to a balanced mind possess; sans jealousy, ego n pride

Help me please to wise be; n to my self-respect maintain, even smiling, with tears dried

Grant me to attain the peace n happiness for which I have strived n also often cried

Armin Dutia Motashaw

When daughters are small, you give them your all

Each moment of the day, you are always at their beck n call

Or running behind, to them protect from harm or a fall

They are those cute lil toys, your very own, walkie talkie dolls

Who in our lives a purpose, joy n enthusiasm infuse n

But in the blink of an eye, they grow up, to become pretty, slim n tall

Sometimes during their teens, due to a problem, they may create a wall

But work parents must immediately, to see it crumble n fall.

Once big, daughters study n some even reach the hall (of fame)

Daughters with their parents a solid unbreakable bond install.

Lucky are parents, who daughters have; they  love their parents n them enthrall

as age catches up,
in our sunset years, they look after us n on us call.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

O my  cute little kiddos,  so loving and caring; give me please a promise small.

Please do me, your parents, our environment, ourNation n our Earth a favour small;

Our resources natural, running out on us are; in our own little way, let's try to save them all.

Hark, hear, pay heed to my  plea; your parents, teacher's and Bharat  Mata's call.

Remember you have a memory huge, most powerful,  even though you are today tiny n small;

Each time you leave any room, switch off the lights,  fans, AC, TV; we owe this to  Bharat  Mata after all.

If practise this you will daily, soon a habit you will form; which help you will, to stand tall.

Leaking taps kiddos are a sin; promise me, to close them; or to repair them,  a plumber call.

Each time as a gift to your friend, buy a plant small, not  toys or clothes from a mall.

A seed of goodness, a tree  please among your friends, with your example sow; grow soon will, a tree tall.

And most importantly spread this information by constructing bridges, destroying walls.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Towards mother Nature, we must show our care.

Our contribution in our own small way, with Her share.

It can be huge big or insignificantly small, but it's got to be there.

Let's just do our bit, need there is none, to compare.

Her flora and fauna should be under a human's duty n care.

Rear  Her endangered species, which become have rare.

Each one can at least grow house plants; for this, develop a flare

Save seeds and sow them, wherever you can; a tree a year, is fair.

Save it with your ideas innovative; water is becoming rare.

Work we must, to our debt fulfill and prove that for Her we deeply care.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

One,  at least one good deed, do we must, every day.

With the elderly,  a little while spend,  everyday;

With a child, simply become one, enjoy and play;

May be sing, paint or play in sand or with clay

With hubby/wife  keep suspicion absolutely at bay.

With relatives n friends, in their hour of need, please stay.

A little social work, will enhance your very own day.

And above all,  please don't forget to thank  Ahura n pray.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Kind  Lord, this Diwali, dispel may You, all the darkness.
May go away, all small or big dreaded sickness.
And diminish may, all our physical, mental n emotional weakness.

Also vow I, Chinese products, I will try n ban.
Earthen Diyas use as many as I possibly can.
Ban crackers I will;  pollution they create; harming beast n man.

Umpteen delicacies made will be, some in Syrup, some dry.
Sweets n salty savories, to share with the needy, I will try.
This a smile can bring on their faces, n prevent their hungry-cry.

Distribute I will pencils n books, to education spread.
It is as important as distributing bread.
To think of an uneducated India, I actually dread.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Deeply desire I, a surrounding, clean, very green n serene, with scented n colourful flowers, I mean

Imagine roads n railway lines on both sides,  loaded with fruit n flower trees! That's a deeply desired scene !

In the name of development, moving away we are from nature; only concrete jungles all around are seen

Climatic changes n water shortages result, sea levels are dangerously rising, and few to safaris have ever been.

Oxygen levels reducing are; poisonous gases our children harm; need they, an environment clean.

Rain harvesting, if done n artificial lakes created are for our generation future; to them a lot it will mean.

If cotton n jute grown n used is; n reduction in the use of plastics n wood promoted, eco-changes will be seen.

Lord, please o please fulfil this deep burning desire of mine; since long burning deep down my heart it has been.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Deeper than the oceans, huge and intensely deep;
Is a human's heart, where, indeed very difficult it is to peep.

Into it one simply cannot pry, however much one does try.
It is only he who knows his happiness; or sorrow, if it does cry.

I do not know, how a man so beautifully well can pretend.
Opposite signals, contrary to his feelings true, he can send.

Easy perhaps it is to dive deep into an ocean and pearls fetch;
As compared to finding out, whose name on one's heart, he does etch.

O Lord, why have you made us humans, so complicated !
Why didn't You, us simple make, upright n less complicated.

Request You, can I, to make us straight and simple.
A heart that goodness exudes, eyes clean n a smile with dimples.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Dark, very dark is the night
Only stars twinkle, no moonlight.
The darkside of nature, is set to fight.
But O Lord, protect us; win may the white.

Sayeth the Lord," within you, is the light".
Enlighten yourself; shine it will bright.
So look I deep within; n a fire ignite.
Now everything is crystal clear n bright.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Love is an absolute necessity, need it we all

Whenever you remember your loved ones,  just call.

Busy life keeps us all,  but don't ever delay, don't stall

Pleeeeeeease pick up the phone,  just call .

Armin Dutia Motashaw
The Jashan at the foot steps of Demavand Koh

Thank You O kind Ahura, for this special moment that You send;

Ecstacy sheer it was, to this very special Jashan attend.

Felt Your presence, as if You were just round the bend.

Thank you sincerely for this wonderful opportunity that You, us sent.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Don't let depression get into you ever

Immediately,  your negative thoughts sever

It's because of the negative things you see,

Hear and feel around you;  lost is all the  glee

The moment depressed you start feeling ;

Troublesome thoughts send you  reeling;

Dance a steps few or  listen to music happy.

Disappear will your gloom; start you will feeling peppy

Remember that song; " put on your dancing shoes "

This help will,  to definitely shake away your blues.

Singing, dancing, taking a brisk walk, help you will certainly

know we,  responsible for depression are our thoughts mainly.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

To be loved; every heart does seek

It's a desire deep n strong, not weak

With harsh words, a heart  cracks

Of scars multiple, there are tracks

Another's heart, like your very own treat;

Where there is harshness, just retreat.

Treat with lots of love n care everyone's heart;

Treat it as if of you, it's a very part

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Deeply saddened I am at the caustic remarks made.

Wish people, a little understanding had.

No one in his right mind, purposefully do this would.

An accident, because of camouflage it was;
But poisoned tongues some, made it a murderous cause.

Even for a moment, to see reality, some didn't pause.

Poison some people can really spew;

Luckily, understand the facts did, also a few.

Mankind, indeed strange is, twist they can things easily too.

Ahura kind, grant us wisdom to things rightly interpret

So that, in Your kingdom, we wouldn't have to fret.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Indeed this world is a place for learning, absorbing humanity or "DHARMA"

Learn one has to in this "Shaala", this school n perform good "KARMA"

Today, everywhere, all around us n within us deep, there is plenty of "ADHARMA"

Awaken for this, we need to, our subconscious mind; in this endeavor, help us can, no pharma

With care great, practise we must Manashni, Gavashni Kunashni, good "karma"

Life this, very temporary is; like days few, in a Dharam shaala, that really is, of life, the "Marma"

So remember well we need to, that here we are, for a stay short, in this so called ""DHARAM SHALA"

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Died I, most willingly, for my Mother land

Bothers no one weather in water or sand.

Left behind were my beloveds, parents, kids, wife.

No one will ever understand their sorrow n strife.

A soldier for his nation, gives his all.

He fights unto his breath last, n then falls.

People I wish so indifferent n callous were not.

Respect they would every soldier who valiantly fought.

O God in Heaven, this respect, to them, please teach.

For our Army, a prayer, compassion, respect some, I beseech.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Difficult times, a lot of important lessons teach us

The true character of people, we come to know thus.

These difficult times are terrifying, almost like a curse

Most difficult n taxing they are, on our wallet or purse

The hospitals n doctors openly man-handle us ;

Emotionally too we are crushed; its indeed a curse.

Lucky we were to have a few, kind n considerate docs n nurse.

Relatives n friends true who are, life then teaches us.

Sweet talks and advise give many, free of cost to us;

But few ready are to actually pitch in n alongside work with us.

Very many things, during these difficulties, life teaches us.

Most importantly, help us these difficulties, whom to trust

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Sadly,  we so very selfish are; know this you, it's  not new.

By man,  if not needed,  God would be discarded too.

We worship Him,  more so, because we need him.

That's why, of my poem; today,  this is the theme.

Think and let me know,  if He granted us everything,

what would be our tendency, in His praise how many would sing?

Our very own example let us first take;

Introspect, think n truthfully a decision make.

Truthfully, from  the bottom of your heart, decide, dear ladies and gents.

Why do we, our children love more than we love our parents?

Our parents so much have done for us, so  selflessly.

Worked for our wellbeing they have endlessly.

Yet when we have to choose between both; opt we, for our children. Why?

Sadly it's almost always our children,  say this I with a sigh!

Delve deep down; into your heart; not just at the crust.

Like it or not, accept this bitter fact we must.

Similarly,  think deeply; if you had everything you desired;

Would you love God as much, or of  prayers you would be tired?

Your answer need not be to anyone, revealed;

In your own heart, you  can keep it sealed.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

God meant n created man to be a kind caring human being.

But very sad He must be, at what He is today seeing.

Man was supposed to be loving, caring, absolutely distinct.

Man very attrocitious has become; developed has, a killer instinct.

How very cruel man is; out he is to **** men, n nature destroy.

In the name of religion, he attrocities commits, even as a young boy.

Sad, very sad you must be on seeing this lowly, steep decline.

Imagine I can how you feel when your own children, these humans act like swine

Disheartened are you; Or disturbed at this behaviour so low ?

Wisdom grant them O Lord; so stop they this disgusting flow.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Happy he was, when totally ignorant about this fact he was.

Realized he did not; trusted he blindly people because.

When love n trust we, our near ones, we our eyes easily close.

When truth strikes, frustrating n bitter is the blow;

Things turn topsy turvy; suddenly turbulent is the flow.

Overcome one does; n wobbles back, though in a motion slow.

Life thereafter same does not ever remain.

Changes it drastically; smile does one, hiding his pain.

Feels one he is living a life artificial; in a way, insane.

Well, life tough is n very often complicated too.

Live one has to, with a smile when actually he does rue.

From him we must all learn to life face, inspite of disillusionment too.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Dive deep down into those fathomless depths of the ocean I do, to find pearls, precious and rare

Believe me, it is worth taking this trouble, when successfully you can them find, with hands bare

Pray I, my Lord, to grace me, grant me these invaluable, most precious pearls, those beyond compare

O Ahura, when ready they are, scooped from their oysters, them with readers, I would like to share

Varied may they be, shiny, shimmering, lustrous, white, ivory, or pink, for each and every, I deeply care

My poems n quotes should create an impact deep n for a better change; like oxygen does to air.

May every reader digest/absorb at least a  pearls few, be it helping nature, earth, religion, or elder-care;

Be it fighting pollution, reusing plastics n water; or prepared we must be, to consequences dire bear.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Your divine intervention, Your mercy we seek O Lord;

Living like this we humans can no longer afford.

With covid n storms, in trouble deep is the entire race

In Your loving and caring hands, we rest our case.

Forgive us, help us to recover, n on our feet stand.

Lord kind, seek we Your support, Your helping hand.

Our ego You crushed, the world is again at Your feet.

Today we see humans crying in pain; their chest they beat.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
O Lord Kind,

Fill my entire being with love, kindness and Your divine light.

Things then will automatically fall in place and become bright.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

This Diwali, if your spirit is damp,
Look out for a small clamp;
And light a tiny oil lamp.

The lamp of faith, please do light.
It will certainly turn things happy n bright.
And that, will definitely be a wonderful sight.

This Diwali, get rid off the darkness within.
Open your heart n light a lamp there-in ;
Spreading its glow to kith and kin.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Kind  Lord, this Diwali, dispel may You, all the darkness.
May go away, all small or big dreaded sickness.
And diminish may, all our physical, mental n emotional weakness.

Also vow I, Chinese products, I will try n ban.
Earthen Diyas use as many as I possibly can.
Ban crackers I will;  pollution they create; harming beast n man.

Umpteen delicacies made will be, some in Syrup, some dry.
Sweets n salty savories, to share with the needy, I will try.
This a smile can bring on their faces, n prevent their hungry-cry.

Distribute I will pencils n books, to education spread.
It is as important as distributing bread.
To think of an uneducated India, I actually dread.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
On a dark no-moon day, comes Diwali.
Sing children joyfully, "aali re aali, Diwali aali".
Tiny lamps, make this dark no-moon night bright.
Indeed this is a beautiful, eye-pleasing sight.

Children, I know, crackers you love to burst.
But kindly a minute spare, n listen to me first.
Minutes few of fun, cause problems very big n grave.
People many, suffocated feel; n pollution we pave.

Frighten we, little babies n of course, dogs too.
In future, about our actions insane, we will rue.

Celebrate let us Diwali, with beautiful, colourful Rangolis n lights.
Share sweets special;  homemade n healthy.
Helping moms to them make, even if you are wealthy.
Let's a portion small of these goodies, with the less fortunate share.
Prove let us to ourselves, that we really n truly care.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

D.. Deep jalaye shraddha ka aaj;

I.. Iski jyot se, roshan kare sara samaaj; aur charo aur prem pasare.

W.. Wada kare, neki ki aur pyar ki rah pe chale, hardum.

A.. Aakar de ek aise jahan ko, jaha pyar hi pyar **, shraddha aur swabhimaan **.

L.. Lau sada jalti rahe har dil mein, shraddha, sacchai aur prem ki.

I..India ka, hamare desh ka, naam roshan kare, desh ka har baccha.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
Well, don't just stand n stare.
Do a tiny gesture of kindness, of care
It can help a man, to well fare.
Do it daily, often. It shouldn't be an act rare.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Does love really die?

Someone asked me, "does love die" ?
No I said never, with a sigh!
A true lover, never bids a good bye.
Love is forever, never to die.
It lives on n on, beyond life; I cry!
Love doesn't die; there is no reason why.
I believe firmly, love is eternal, it doesn't die.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Dedicated to all my darling Doggies

You are indeed, Man's most faithful friend.

Love him unconditionally you do, till your end.

Loving him n protectig him at every bend.

From foes, thieves, you him always fend;

Just by feeding you, he tries to make an amend;

But actually humans need to their ways mend;

And to your needs, carefully n more lovingly tend.

Thank you ever so much, for being man's best friend.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Man's best friend you are,
Superior to any other found so far

Selflessly, with your love unconditional, you heal his scar

All you need in return is a little love n the door slightly ajar .

Your cute antiques entertain your master, jumping from a ring or over a bar.

Your faithfulness cannot be matched with any other, you are a star.

How I wish, afford I could, to have a cute doggy, who is a superstar.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
I have written this for all of us......









Armin Dutia Motashaw

Do we really care for our great religion ?
Please introspect, reaching your inner most region.

Do we truly wish it revives n survives eternally,  for ever ?
Or our ties with it, do we directly or indirectly want to sever ?

Ask let us, our ownselves, what are we really doing ?
Think deeply about the consequences, that will be ensuing .

O young ones, to our great ancestors, owe we a lot.
In these materialistic webs please don't get caught.

Come forward to preserve our dear religion n it's tenets.
Work hard to it revive; n protect it's valuable assets.

Faith in you, we have; achieve you can, if you determine.
Will you then, your ownselves, kindly introspect and examine ?

Come forward to preserve our religion; n it revive.
Responsible you will totally be, if it doesn't survive.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Let's go back a little n become lil college gals once again;

Let's go back in time, for a minutes few, to 1971, when it all began.

Pearl n me meeting Badri Prasad in the lift; n his becoming our friend

Our meeting Nisha (not Neesha) n how she to the Nsg. College did land.

Mabel's attack of asthama, rushing her to Nair, that's how our friendship did start

With France n Veera, remaining as Mrs Sigamany's giddy goats we did; till we finally did part

Pearl once even became Dr. D'sousa's daughter by saying "present Daddy", was real fun

Bunking English classes n going to the canteen, by us, was frequently done.

Cherish I, those detours to K. Rustoms, for "1 Pista sandwich n 2 same things"

My darling Af lovingly taking us like a mother hen, under her wings

Oh! Endless memories, soooo very many, fun filled ones, fill my mind n heart

Of my very being, now they are an integral, important, inseparable part.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Things have so drastically changed in last twenty-four hours

Learn I will have to, to see your picture, around which there will be flowers

From a live wire, a photograph, become you have; just a steady dot.

So many changes occurred have, account them, I simply cannot

Numbness has me enveloped, yet my feelings I am trying to pour

43 years of married life and 45 years of association is the long score

How to react to this or it accept; I really don't know, what to do

It will be most difficult to live without you, but I will have to.

Perhaps with my writing, my passion, try I will to myself keep busy

But know I very well, life without you is not going to be easy.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Things have so drastically changed in last twenty-four hours

Learn I will have to, to see your picture, around which there will be flowers

From a live wire, a photograph, become you have; just a steady dot.

So many changes occurred have, account them, I simply cannot

Numbness has me enveloped, yet my feelings I am trying to pour

43 years of married life and 45 years of association is the long score

How to react to this or it accept; I really don't know, what to do

It will be most difficult to live without you, but I will have to.

Perhaps with my writing, my passion, try I will to myself keep busy

But know I very well, life without you is not going to be easy.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Said I to myself, "Oh  Armin,  when will you stop this  day dreaming "?

"Stop it at once, or people at you, will soon be screaming!!!"

Ahh  only if I were rich,  a complex at  Udwadia,  I would definitely build.

O  Ahura,  how I wish,  this You would have,  in  my destiny willed.

Then, materialize would my  ideas,  I  often so enthusiastically conceive .

Elderly couples could here securely and most comfortably live.

The  air here,  unpolluted , fresh n crisp is,  with  sea  breeze ozone rich n cool.

A  compound with a garden,  lawn, a gym, n a  swimming pool;

Medical facilities,  good food, and of course, exist should transport.

Time fly would happily for them, they can dine, wine, dance and enjoy some sport.

If our wealthy ones, like Tatas, Godrej, Poonawala, Pallonjis et al,  a building each would donate;

Filled with Happppppinessss n health, secured would be,  our elders fate.

With  IRANSHAH  close at hand,  the Parsi population here will increase

Only if some benevolent Sethias, would take up this project pleeeeeeease.

A plea this is, from this dreamer to these seers affluent, wealthy and rich;

After reading this poem,  lives of many elders you can very easily enrich.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
Masa dear,

Your ever smiling, loving face I will always cherish.

Assisting you during family ills, to them nourish

In  your cute ways your patients, you did admonish.

And I enjoyed playing your secretary.

Calling Soli Dad " mari chalti halti sugar factory";

And Khutu Mama, the Doc of your car.

I shall always remember Masi n you as bright stars.

Sarosh Yazad panahbaad

Armin Dutia Motashaw
It's Earth Day.... A few lines straight from my heart....


Our Earth is burning, scorching, but who is  bothered; why bother; do we really care???

We discuss, argue, hold summits; but then mostly things are forgotten; do we really care???

Forests are cleared, trees chopped off in urban areas for construction of buildings; do we really care???

Polution increases, rain decreases, water shortage is acute; but there's hardly any action; do we really bother???

Sea levels are increasing, glaciers melting and decreasing; but how does it concern us; do we really bother???

Our grandchildren may have to carry portable oxygen; but that's really not our concern; about this, do we really bother???


Armin Dutia Motashaw

Celebrates Easter, all around, the entire Christian world, on this auspicious day.

Kiddos enjoy the Easter baskets, eggs n Bunnies , in every corner curled, happy n gay!!!

For us it is a very very special day, it's memory with us will always, forever stay.

An icy cold day at Niagara Falls it was, in 1984; when we couldn't keep the cold at bay;

I impulsively requested a lift and met Leena and Grandma on this very special day.

Took us she around the falls, almost into Canada n to Grandma see, on the way.

Dropping us at our motel, after a sumptuous Italian meal, at a posh restaurant, she went away;  

Only to surprise us with a big Easter Bunny n basket, n gifts many; as in our room we lay.

At the desk, cancelled she the taxi booked; n back came early morning,  bright n gay

She first home drove us and with gifts umpteen loaded us; Santa on an Easter Monday !!!

At Buffalo airport, dropped us she when; overwhelmed we were and didn't even know, what to say

We thought never would we meet them ; never would we be able to come back, to see them some day !!!

But a relationship strong grew, letters n gifts lovingly exchanged we; visited them we did, one day.

Lovingly, a good morning n night I wish her, every morning n night, even today;

May in Heaven happy they remain; our dearest Grandma, Leena n Arlene I pray.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Indeed easy it is, for us, to take the easy way out;

Right it is not, to take this easy route; don't you ever this doubt.

Easy it is to slip down in these times bad, specially during a crisis

Even more so, in today's world, filled with so many ugly vices.

Where many flourish, even when they evil & the devil follow

When justice doesn't prevail; & injustice with salt we have to swallow;

Slip then people down; because easy it is, to that easy way take.

O Ahura, hellp us to the correct path take & our way to Heaven make.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Eating a Passion

Eat do not, like there is no tomorrow.
If persist we, it will only bring us sorrow.
Learn to balance , so that we enjoy the 'morrow.

Dhanshak our weakness, evidently is;
But eat let us, a small portion please.
Or we may, because of it, som eday cease.

Fresh fruits, nuts healthy definitely are.
Chutney of mint, coconut n corriander from a jar;
Or even salads some, with lime sqeezed, are at par.

Butter milk, curds enjoy we can, along with lime juice.
Have you ever tried, to carrots n oranges fuse?
Boiled  peas, beans yummy are; why them, refuse?

Vegetables for Bawajis should be a must.
Every day eat we cannot puddings , pies or its crust.
Or we soon, certainly n surely will burst.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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