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Soon will be coming Holi,
And  people will play it in a group toli.

Amidst all this fanfare, request you I, to consider this most sincerely ;

When painting each other,  in a frenzy do not get caught;

Harmful paints n colours use do not; n precious water waste not.

Summer soon will follow n water indeed scarce will become .

We will it need; n request you I, to leave for plants, animals n birds some.

Wood comes from chopping off trees, which  are very precious;

An earnest request is, to play an ECOFRIENDLY HOLI;  let's be gracious.

Let's burn away all our vices and all our habits weird  and bad;

Let each of us with these,  bravely combat, without being sad.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
wishing all my friends and colleagues "Eid Mubarak."
Celebrate may you, with Biryani, kababs,sevaiya n food from the "sadak".
May there be happinezzz n peace, in your lives.
May there be good health n honey, from the best bee hives.

With best wishes,
Armin Dutia Motashaw

Taken aback I was, looking at the ugly old person in front of me.

An ugly wrinkled face, fluffy eyes, a fat human, I could see.

Gone where was that pretty, attractive face, ever smiling ?

Lines of pain I saw, in there, along with the creases; she wasn't smiling.

Clothing to wear was now a task;
For little things, she had to ask.

Forget running, now difficult it was to walk; it seemed a Herculean task.

Worried about the future, elders are; because difficult become, easy deeds.

Rely they on others for almost everything; even awaiting their feeds.

Lord Kind Help the elderly.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

A sacrificial goat is the man belonging to middle class.

He is born to suffer the Govt's taxation torture, their "trass".

Squeeze they, every drop of his already pale blood n all his money

Whilst they enjoy with his tax money, all the delicious honey !!!

Pampered are the poor; instead of training them to become worthy;

Because, these masses in return, votes give to the govt. aplenty.

Then its the rich, who increase the prices of their products, to cover up their loss.

Bothered about the world they are not; principles they toss.

The working man's life most miserable is; after tax, receives he only two thirds.

Thereafter he pays taxes on everything except air n his words.

Crushed his life the Govt has, to parasites clothe, house n feed

Helplessly he gets ****** n *******; n is treated like a ****.

Empty will be his cup; after the tax- burden on his broken back !!!

Dreams his, fulfilled never will be, money to spend he will always lack.

Dear Lord,  honesty we know has value little, in today's world;

The dishonest, cushily sit in their comfy A/C homes all curled;

As the salaried middle-class man slogs like a beast of burden

The leaches **** his resources to build assets golden.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

A helping hand lend,

A smile, across send

A little out of your way, bend

Beautiful will be our end.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Try to be a kindhearted Santa, sure enjoy this you will.

Need there isn't to many things buy and pay a heafty bill .

Leave you can old clothing some, at your door or window sill.

Serve you can an ailing elder, and pay some amount for his pill.

Remember always, life for the poor is  very difficult to deal.

Easy it is not, for the elders too, speak a kind word or deed like a meal.

A little we must try to do; even if an entire void we cannot fill.

Let the Santa in you, show up often; I am sure he will.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Lord, There is too much of violence n havoc in our world;

Why are You sitting n watching this quietly, all curled ?

Please help this miserable, suffering world.

All around, everywhere, people affected, cry and wail;

May peace, tranquility and lots of joy on this Earth prevail.

Entreat I, let ships of peace, prosperity and happiness sail.

Bless us with thoughts, words and deeds good.

So that improve our"karma" immensely would.

And eventually, the results of this show would.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Sad to see such a lovely couple, in this state.
See in them we, such a strong dislike, bordering on hate.
May be their wishes n desires they couldn't satiate.

Estranged relationships hurt both the mate(s).
Eye to eye they see cannot; changed has their fate.
I sincerely pray, for their reunion, hoping it's not too late.

Lord, it's all too complicated; why do You such relationships create ?
Why can't there be more understanding, love n faith ?
Why do undesirable souls unite; why do You matters complicate ?

If marriages are made in Heaven, then why this sad state?
Some say, laws of Karma these relationships dictate.
Answers we have none; though some people call it fate.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

A maiden sweet, fell in love .... here is what she says,

"A circle,  a ring is a symbol of eternal love; love that lasts lifelong.

Love that should last forever, through think n thin, all along.

Reach you I cannot,  so sing for you I,  a heart  throbbing love- song.

Far away  destiny has kept us from each other; yet I have loved you all along.

Remember my love is like a ring of eternity,  I will love you lifelong."

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Wish  I sincerely, now that our days are almost numbered on this  Earth ;

Hope you will be only mine,  when take we  again, a rebirth.

When happenes this, filled I will be with ecstasy, sheer joy and mirth.

Treasure I, those instances few,  happened which during this life span.

That whole night, at the hospital, my desperation to get a glimpse of you  my man !

My yearning to see you, n a totally unexpected visit on  Sun when accidentally into me you ran!

Yet again, your whispering,  that live I,  within your ribs, forget how can I ever?

That dream, so very vivid, so realistic was; I couldn't my thoughts n emotions sever .

For us to love each  other eternally in future reincarnations,  will be my endeavour.

AF Dastur

Every year, come Christmas and Santa I wish to become.
And to cute little children, distribute gifts some.
Hope I, many more people in my endeavour would come.

If rich I would be, even the old a Xmas gift would get.
There are so many elders who need this; many whom I've met.
Who, for their children n grandchildren often desperately fret.

The Sleeping Santa in us, if we awoken, and put into action;
Wonderful, truly beautiful n magnificent would be the reaction.
Can we all, such like-minded people form such a faction ?

Christmas then really will be Merry. And the following New Year, happy will be.
God bless.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

All I request is, just a little love and care.

With me my beloveds, a few moments should share.

Life busy undoubtedly is; yet a moment of care;

For ones loved ones, one must spare.

To the busy, this may not sound fair,

But believe me, their demand too, soon will be there.

For every creature needs  love, attention and care.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
The very first glance n lost I was in those pools deep

Slowly but certainly into them, losing my total identity, I did seep

Under my skin, in every *****, unknowingly though; you quietly did creep

From that day, lost I have, my slumber sweet, I now can't sleep.

Just a glance of you, stimulates my heartbeats; the monitor wildly does beep

Totally lost I am today, ah ! what magic is this ! my identity I can no longer keep

Falling in love is a very dangerous thing; you lose everything; there's nothing to reap

Empty are your hands, heart n mind; only with pearl like tears, your eyes weep.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

A closely knitted  bunch of kids we were;

No outsider could ever, us away from the other stir.

Now distances us  separate; we are far apart.

It's almost half a century you from us did dart;

Then left I our cocoon after marriage; I live far.

But  dearest  brothers, let distance not be a bar;

May it, a rift in our hearts never ever create

Though physically far,  close to each other, let us be, whatever be the state.

Let it never succeed in separating us from each other.

Love you most dearly; I need to  reiterate this, my dearest brothers.

Your everloving sis

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Oh how I miss those days, so beautiful,  so  memorable !

Everyone so  closely knit was,  loving,  caring,  adorable

Everything n everyone, all  relationships were so  informal.

Life now is so formal, almost painful, just about tolerable

People today are more independent,  monetarily stable.

To live in luxury and style, with facilities many, they are able.

Without their own dear ones they are actually more comfortable.

Sadly, these days, family values are fading off, almost saleable

Lord,  give us  back those wonderful days, so beautiful  and memorable.

Armin  Dutia Motashaw
Muktad days, today  culminate; It's time to again goodbye say;

Soon, to  Heaven, dearones  you will be on your way.

Thank you for your blessings and having visited us these 18 days

Remember please,   your memory sweet,  with us, for ever stays.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Very excruciating was this night in Jan 2006; really chill;

To see you breathless, almost suffocated and helpless feel.

Even the oxygen flowing in, help you could not, neither an injection or pill.

Helplessness at its peak; going through a losing battle; waste was this drill.

With all the medical aids, comfort you, we couldn't; though everyone was on their heel (s).

To say that final good bye, the time had come; which almost made us ill.

The pain hasn't gone, my heart still aches, sorrow I still feel.

Good bye Mom is all I could say, with tears streaming down my cheeks, upon the frill.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Farewell Lil Angel

Help those grieving parents, O Ahura.

Lost they have, their little angel, O Mazda.

Take her in your loving arms O Zarathushtra.

Sarosh panah baad.

Armin Dutia Motashaw


" Oh, she is sooooo sooooo old fashioned, absolutely out of date"

May be   I  deny do not; but neither am I ashamed! Torn jeans I just hate;

Buy these tattered stuff they, at prices exorbitant, at a very high rate

Our choli blouse is now worn as a crop-top, to the belly button accentuate

Our grand embroidered "ijar" is now worn with these choli-top; changed has their fate

Happy n satisfied I am with my dresses traditional n their fashion I often create.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

A legal luminary, a great human you were.

To many you were a boss n very many addressed you as Sir;

But for us you were our ever -loving Dad, a wonderful father.

Try I to follow your great values n that of our Darling Mother.

May Ahura keep you all in His ever loving arms, always.

We love you'll and seek your blessings every day, always.

Your children n Grandchildren who adore you.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Your feelings, have little meaning, for others.
For you as their own, no one  really bothers.
Feelings are deep n come straight from the heart.
Of our lives, they are an important part.
But this busy world, for you, has time none.
Perhaps they then cannot have their share of fun.
So learn o human, to live alone, all by yourself.
Learn to live without expectations any, except your ownself.
Human it is, to expect love n care, from your own.
Because, of this very love n care,seeds in them were sown.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Anxious and worried I today feel;

A little depressed too, as if slumping down-hill.

To do my daily writing just now, a little reluctant I feel;

Destiny sometimes, us does severely grill;

Specially when a dear one is suddenly ill;

Behaving sometimes like a shark about to ****.

When our own, besides us are not ; sad we feel.

Help me O Ahura, to recuperate; grant me a strong will.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Where has gone our standard high ?

Our standard so low why has become

High very was our dedication n fervour

Sacrifices readily we gave , most willingly

To  achieve  Independence was a task easy not,  

Dedication n a  burning desire it required

We gave it all, most willingly too

What then happened to our character, why this decline

Let's bounce back before  75, Mother  INDIA turns to.

Revive let us that  spirit,  let it fade  not.

Build back our character let us, once again.

That  DEDICATION N FERVOUR has to be  revived

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Poor Fin Fin, once was Fred's  favourite  toy dolphin;

But was now sadly rejected; and lying in a dustbin.

Thrown out it was because a drunk servant fed it a little gin.

A small rag-picker boy,  picked it up; from the dustbin.

washing it, wiping it;  now made it look new and clean.

As he was walking past a river, in it fell poor FinFin.

Sad was the lad, this was really bad; for now drowned FinFin.

A man, consoling him said, "grow n come up one day will, this dolphin".

Come Danny, would daily, our lil boy, to look for his FinFin.

To his astonishment great, one day he saw a big dolphin.

With glee he cried, as he saw it,  " look, here's my dear FinFin".

Days went by, with some food, he would daily feed FinFin;

Throw a ball at it, he would n return it back, would the dolphin.

Gathered people now to see this play; giving him money, in a bin.

Happily jump,  dance and spin around would,  FinFin .

During one such act, along with the ball, fell the lad as he did over-lean.

Promptly picked him up and brought him safely back, our cute FinFin.

Friends for ever they became; lil Danny and our cute FinFin, the dolphin.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

O Ahura,
Grant me please, fingers really, effectively green.
So that grow I can, beautiful gardens, such ones, I have never seen;
And also to grow cherry-blossoms, tulips, roses, lavenders, orchids, I am keen.
O Ahura, please let me grow many plants; making me a plantation queen.
If a seed I throw, may it grow into a tree lush green.
May I be able to grow vegetables, fruits n many a bean.
This is a passion since long, from the time, I was in my teens.
To grant my wish, is in hands Your, and You know I am very keen.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

O Ahura kind, I know it's rather late,  but change You can our fate.

Kindly dear Lord, increase our Parsi  birth (growth) rate.

Also request You I,  to grant us fingers, fertile n green

Grow into  lush green trees would, twigs, every little seed, every bean.

Help me please plant trees;  like John the Apple seed; bless Anar's deed

Scatter I would,  every  Chikoo, Mango, Lime, Orange,  melon seed.

Every road of  Mother India, loaded would be, with lush green fruit trees.

This would nourish millions, also give shade n cool breeze.

A dreamer may be I am; not ready to accept reality harsh;

But if You bless us,  we well know, change can, deserts n marsh.

Bless us, O my kind Mazda, with fingers very  very green;

So that grow luxurious trees can, with every scattered seed n bean.

Armin Dutia Motashaw.

Fir aayi Holi ek baar, fir le gayi mere  dil ka karaar;

Puchhna chahti hu, kyu rulateho tum mujhe yuhi, baar baar.

Itne rango ke beech bhi hei tan man feeka; aankhoki pichkaarise behte hei aansu zaar zaar

Saalo beet chuke firbhi nazar dekhti hei teri raah, lagaataar.

Radha ka pyaar hi hei kuch aisa, maanta nahi yeh kabhi haar

Jaise kanha ke beena Radha adhuri aise hi, piya- milan beena, Holi hei  adhuri.

Kanha tere beena rang feeke, Chand feeka; soona lage mohe sansaar.

Aa bhi ja Mohan, itna ne tadpa, raah niharu tori; kab aayega tu jamuna paar.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
First Love will always be first love, holding a special corner in your heart.
Of your life, of your very existence, she is a special part.
Her memories very precious are, and them you will always treasure.
Precious most they are to you, beyond any measure.
If some day, you see her, come across her; starts throbbing your heart.
For she was always there in it, holding a significant part.
Ask lovers I do, can you really Love someone, as much as your love-first?
My answer is a sure no; my first love will always be my first

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Whenever you do, always flash a radiant smile;

let it be from within,ย ย then it will reach out far, perhaps a mile.

Even your eyes, it reflects, they speak volumes; when it's a genuine smile;

A smile which is not fake, nor a plastic one, just for style.

A kind tender smile lightens not just your face; it's like the life- giving Nile.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

Our concentration n focus often lose we easily

Or lose interest after the initiative movement n do things lazily.

Then move we aimlessly or away from the original, we drift.

Retractors for us, often make this downward movement swift.

So focus ours, lose we mustn't. Remember, never ever.

Concentrate on the movement n to it carry out should be our endeavour.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

Thaaaank  You ever so much, O Lord, for this new assignment I now take

All efforts to be loyal to this endeavor,  most earnestly I will make.

Come Navroz, and a new beginning,  with my new column I now undertake.

Bless me O Ahura,  to fulfill my responsibilities given by You, which I today undertake.

Bless every thought, every  word n every deed; this world,  a better place pl. make.

May we all change to better human beings become; this world is at stake.

Guide me, direct me, hold my hand as an attempt to write Your  messages, I make.

O Lord of wisdom, whatever I write,  may it be in Ahura's name;  for  Your

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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Darling Valentine,

Fell in love with you, the moment saw you I.

years after; till today the reason, I don't know why.

To tell you though, I was always very shy.

A rose you bought me never; asked you for it I never.

But this nostalgic relationship, I couldn't ever sever.  

Deep down from my heart, I will love you forever.

LOVE explain I cannot; however hard  try I may.

Only know this I, that in my heart, forever you will stay.

Love you I will forever n ever; come what may.

Your's and only your's forever.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Darling Valentine,

Fell in love with you, the moment saw you I.

years after; till today the reason, I don't know why.

To tell you though, I was always very shy.

A rose you bought me never; asked you for it I never.

But this nostalgic relationship, I couldn't ever sever.  

Deep down from my heart, I will love you forever.

LOVE explain I cannot; however hard  try I may.

Only know this I, that in my heart, forever you will stay.

Love you I will forever n ever; come what may.

Your's and only your's forever.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

People often do treat others shabbily  n misbehave

Experienced this sometime or the  other, we all have

But because they are close to your heart,  for them we crave ;

It's they who have hurt you; n bleeding wounds gave

Yet your heart for them often does crave.

Learn we must to overcome these n not cave(in)

Forgetting these wounds, for ourselves, a new path pave.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Messed my life entire, following a shadow.

Enjoyed the Sun I should have, in the green meadow.

Forgotten you, I should have long ago

Thrown your memories out long ago.

Moved on I should have, years ago

But stuck I was, to an unknown shadow.

Forget you, my mind wants to right away

But my heart, away from you, doesn't wish to sway.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

At first things difficult and tiring will be, or even a pain;

But working constantly, tirelessly will bring success and gain.

Once habits good are formed; into your life daily, please them ingrain.

Then care great  take; from  lethargy, indifference n ego to refrain.

Stick to our habits good we must. To adhere to them be firm.

Much gained can be, if people actually follow this norm.

Habits good when part of life become; our character they form.

Then, upon our character, people even vouch and confirm.

To habits good form, should be our endeavour n concern.

Formation though difficult, inculcate this we must in ourselves n our Children.

This formation once complete, very rich dividends will earn.

Hope this important lesson of good habits every human does learn.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Let's do something important for our children;

This act should give us immense satisfaction.

Bless us will Nature and Mother Earth;

That into our lives will bring a lot of mirth.

Store let us water from the RO plants;

And it use to clean or water plants.

Similarly a lot of water, collect we can from our A/C

To use it for daily cleaning; please this see.

Water from   washing machines too can be used to flush

Builders near seashores should use Sea water to flush.

Remember we don't want our Earth to be without water like the
May our TATA empire grow steadily each day, every day, day after day.

May rev. Jamshedji, JRD n your name for ever in our hearts live; forever stay

Please continue doing the good deeds, the "KUNASHNI", remaining attached to the clay

I wish you n your group all the very best, always.

Warm Regards
Armin Dutia Motashaw

I am a fragment of your soul, of you, a very part

Thats why, for ever you smugly live in my heart.

Wonder I,  why else would you hold me, so close ???

So close, as attached a stem is to a blooming rose

An umbilical tie there wasn't, neither relationship of blood;

But I am that seed, who sprung out of this holy mud

Its been years  I have seen you,  or your loving touch felt

Yet I am attached to you like trousers cling to a belt.

Some very special relationships in Heaven are made;

You are that protective tree which gives me that cool shade.

Love you I do, and continue to do so with all my heart;

For I am a fragment of your soul, an inseparable part

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Of joy great, you two are my bundle.
You both, I love to kiss and cuddle.
That's the place, where I don't like any hurdle.

Love I do to become your pillow instead;
When, on my tummy, you rest your head.
Enjoy this shortage of space, I actually do, on the bed.

Love, always in the heart, seeks a space.
Around the heart, weaves it, a delicate lace.
Then, inside the heart, it settles, with Ahura's grace.

May our love forever live and thrive.
May it also, through many other hearts, dance n jive.
May it for ever and ever survive.

Aedoon baad.

Lovingly yours

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Of joy great, you two are my bundle.
You both, I love to kiss and cuddle.
That's the place, where I don't like any hurdle.

Love I do to become your pillow instead;
When, on my tummy, you rest your head.
Enjoy this shortage of space, I actually do, on the bed.

Love, always in the heart, seeks a space.
Around the heart, weaves it, a delicate lace.
Then, inside the heart, it settles, with Ahura's grace.

May our love forever live and thrive.
May it also, through many other hearts, dance n jive.
May it for ever and ever survive.

Aedoon baad.

Lovingly yours

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Of joy great, you two are my bundle.
You both, I love to kiss and cuddle.
That's the place, where I don't like any hurdle.

Love I do to become your pillow instead;
When, on my tummy, you rest your head.
Enjoy this shortage of space, I actually do, on the bed.

Love, always in the heart, seeks a space.
Around the heart, weaves it, a delicate lace.
Then, inside the heart, it settles, with Ahura's grace.

May our love forever live and thrive.
May it also, through many other hearts, dance n jive.
May it for ever and ever survive.

Aedoon baad.

Lovingly yours

Armin Dutia Motashaw


Wish I, you in my arms always stay curled

In 2009, a tiny bundle of joy, you were;

Today, a champ you are, my dear Sir.

May you achieve accolades, very many;

Wish with all our hearts, Shez Phil Zoi Dae n granny.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Indeed lucky we are, if in life, we have true friends

A few are lucky to have the same friend, at every bend.

Otherwise most people make, good fair weather friends;

Who are great to party-sharty but in crisis, their friendship ends.

Some are silent snakes in the grass, beware; poison they spew.

Some are jealous but stick to you, to obtain benefits which are to you, due.

It's always good to have loving, caring helpful ones, in numbers few.

Lucky we are, if we have God sent friends; different may be their hue .

Thank you O Ahura, for granting us these GOOD FRIENDS.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

F.. fun with fairness,             trust is a must
R.. rowdiness n a wee          bit of madness
I.. informal , Bindaas           behaviour
E.. excitement n joy on        meeting each other
N.. naughtiness plays a         vital part
D.. distance should              never ever matter
S.. sweet memories              carried life long.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

When suffer we an awful physical or emoticonal blow,

When suddenly the river of life, takes a turn sharp, n tortuous to flow

When we are at an ebb in life, feeling sad, depressed and low;

It is on a reassurance of a friend, a touch caring, that our face glows

Ready again we are, when our dear ones help us to face these blows.

Friends are, that cool breeze , who help us to defeat deadly foes.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

F to be with
R ..remembrances        sweet n naughty there are many.
I.. intense selfless relationship
E. . Everlasting memories, that last life long
N.. naughty, natural  behaviour.. no formalities
D.. dance, sing, joke... just enjoy.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

F... Fun, frolic and an open heart, we have

R... Radiating love and good vibes, always

I... Independent individuals, yet rock-solid

E... Endless, just like our breathing; upto the end

N... No formalities what so ever, frank n informal

D... Dear and Precious like diamonds n Pearls


Armin Dutia Motashaw
Tears  there are none, dried they have; to cry I am unable.

My heart saddened deeply is, feels let down and very miserable.

My efforts to preserve the environment,  to grow trees are in wane.

Perhaps, that's why, I am behaving in a manner truly insane.

Crying out your heart to God and blaming Him is not an act sane.

Requested You, I had with all my heart, to save my corner green.

Chopped them off ruthlessly they were, by the builder mean.

Wonder I at times, do You really exist; why do You let evil win ?

Filled with sorrow I am, and put off by this frustration.

Perhaps it's only You, I can cry my heart out to; sorry for this reaction.

Now in the MMRCL case, do not let us down. Protect our Padshahs from evil.

Oh Lord, prove Your existence, must not, in any case, win the devil.

Helpless I feel, this in words, I cannot express.

Nor can I, in anyway, my frustration and anger supress.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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