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મારું  પોટલું

તું મારું, મસ્તી થી ભરેલું પોટલું, પ્યારું છે.

દુનિયા માં આખી, સૌથી અનોખું અને ન્યારું છે.

તોફાની બારકસ ભલે હોય; પણ, વાહલું તું, મારું છે.

મારા જીવન માં આવેલું સુખ, વરદાન તારું છે.

તારા  વાણી-વર્તન માં તોફાન, તારી આંખોમાં મસ્તી;

આવે તને બહુ મઝા જ્યારે તારી વાતો માં હું ફસ્તી.

લાવે તું જીવનમાં રંગ; અને ઘરમાં અમારા લાગે વસ્તી.

પોટલાં તારા વગર ઘર લાગે સુનું સુનું; માંગે સૈા, તારી હસતી.

Ma loves you two, with all her heart.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
हरियाली बिना

अब के बरस न कोयल कुकेगी,

न तोते उड़ेंगे, न पंछी, न चिड़िया चेहकेंगी,

अब कभी न बहार आयेगी, न फूल खिलेंगे ।

वोह डालियां, जो फूलों के भार से झुक जाया करती थी, लुप्त हो गई;

अरे पत्ते ही नहीं, तो ठंडी हवा कैसे आयेगी ?

बस, एक बड़ी सी इमारत, बड़ी बड़ी दीवारें दिखेगी ।

जो हरा भरा पेड़ों का परदा था, वहां मानव शक्ले दिखेगी ।

इन पेड़ों के बिना, गिलहरियां अब कैसे और कहां खेलेगी ?

अब न कागा काऊ काऊ करके मेहमानों के आनेकी खबर सुनाएगा ।

ऐसा क्यों होने दिया तूने ओ दाता ?

प्राणवायु की कमी होगी और तापमान बढ़ेगा;

तेरी धरा रो रही है, और मेरा दिल भी है उदास ;

तेरी चुप्पी समझ नहीं आती मुझे, लगाके बैठी थी मै आश ।

अब इन पेड़ों के बिना, यह सब बंदरे भी है बेघर;

कानून अंधा बन जाता है और तु ????

Armin Dutia Motashaw
67 · May 2022
A Painful Divorce

When parents divorce, children suffer the most.

Just because of greedy n aspiring people some;
Who ulterior motives had; a very prosperous state was divided, in fact forced to take a divorce.

Imagine the prosperity that would have been, with  integrity n a little tolerance; today we would be saying Jai Bombay presidency or Happy Bombay Presidency Day.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
कन्हाई मोरे

ओ कन्हाई मोरे, बाजे जब मुरलियां तोरी,

दौड़े आए गोप गोपियां, और राधा गोरी गोरी;

कहे राधिके "कान्हा, तूं सदा थामे रहेना, बईया मोरी;

जन्मों जनमसे, युग युग से, है यह राधिका तो बस तोरी !

मोहन मोरे, काहे तरसाए जीयरा मोरा; क्यों करली तूने मोरे जियाकी चोरी ? "

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Oct 2020

Gandhiji n Shastriji  for our nation  bled;

Killed them, sadly our  brethren with the same red.

A loss great it was for our nation,  as they lay dead

Good,  honest people for the wicked are a  threat;

The dishonest n corrupt, these honest leaders dread

Removed they are, by killing them, by political heads

But live they, for ever in our hearts and our head

So that they forever  live; in history, they should be read.

A F Dastur
66 · Mar 7


Everyone,  including me, is about this talking n discussing, it's all over in media n print

Discussing n women praising; how liberated ! n how much money, she does mint

But sadly,  even today,  many of them live a life, in utter poverty, a fact bitter it is

My maids n their kids, I try to teach; teach them to read n write; but they are really not at ease

Savings, I compel them to make; in a piggy bank; a small amount they have to mandatorily keep

Into details, many other, like anaemia,  sanitation, etc. I would like you to take a peep

A lot more needs to be done; celebrations we educated, perhaps afford, can;

But in reality,  in life actual, should we celebrate this day? Please put yourself there; just be that woman !

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · May 12




Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Apr 18

In this world busy, If for someone we truly and really love and care;

Without the slightest hesitation, however busy, for them, time we will certainly spare

In their many joys, people will join in; but if we care, their sorrow we will share

Help them in their hour of need; help them to difficulties face n sorrows bear;

Help them we will to cheer them up, in whatever way we can, because we care.

Love, kindness and care are the sweetest feelings; they are beyond compare.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Jul 2019

Suddenly a very familiar figure, at dusk I saw;

Thought I, " is it really her, or is it a visual flaw ?"

Beautiful, lean with tresses very long,  she used to be !

But knew my heart, as it throbbed aloud, " it is she," I said with glee.

Her silhouette that I cherished in my memory was perhaps long gone;

The colourful maiden I knew, was now grey n fawn.

A plump figure I saw, most unlike her; yet I knew it was her !

On seeing this silhouette, deep within me there was a stir.

Changed with years had the silhouette I lovingly carried.

Yes, it was indeed the very same person, I cherished !!!

Now she emerged, in a different figure, form and shape;

But how would that matter; her heart was the same; body had a different shape

Ran across I did, to take her in my loving arms.

My very own silhouette, with her many virtues n charm.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Oct 2018
A glimpse, just a glimpse; and my day is made.
Oh darling, you are my Sunshine, my shade.
Your home, my temple is,
My feet whilst passing, simply freeze.
Awaiting eagerly I am, for a smile.
Ready I am, to walk that extra mile.
O love, when will you, some thing , sweet say
Eagerly I am awaiting that beautiful day.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Dec 2018
(After Shaun's wedding)

Thank You, o kind Ahura, for Your blessings many.
Without them we would't be able to do things any.

Thank you Mom n Dad for blessing your grandson
Everything, almost perfectly was done.

Our prince of Wales has got home, his bride.
May she always stand, by his side.

Aedoon baad.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Nov 2022
A Shrinking World

Huge it was, with vast space, plenty of people, and widely open skies;

Now in a room or two, around his bed, wash room n table, in a mess, shrunken it lies.

Umpteen number of people he met daily; heard he sometimes, screams, even their cries

There was noise, commotion, laughter; very many hellos n also good byes

Traveled he widely, using his passages free, especially where Air India flies.

Restrictions age brings n accept this everyone must; this we know, n one definitely tries

But when pain intense becomes, n movements restrictive, then one often cries

Then in helplessness utter, in self-pity n frustration, one sometimes inward pries

Prays to God, appeals to docs many, or Gurus; tries till every tear dries

At last, in his little by little shrinking world, a slow suffocating death he dies

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Dec 2018

O Humdins, come to gather, let us all.
Divided, we will most definitely fall.
Let us to this occasion rise n stand tall.

Bridge build let us, not a wall.
If happens this not, in their court will be the ball.
Get together and unitedly answer this call.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Dec 2019

Totally blank is the canvas, when born one is

You paint it, with colours of your choice, the way you please.

Incomplete remain it will if paint it you don't before life does cease.

Some paint it with Earthy colours; some love things bright;

Yet others pastel shades love; those of the sky, or fading Sunlight.

I love colours various, those which Nature depicts, on white.

Paint each one of us must a picture, of our own choice.

Some so beautifully do it; as if speak up it would in it's own voice.

Life is a canvas blank to be painted with strokes n colours of our choice.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Apr 2023
Instead of fighting against each other;

we should be fighting for each other.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
फ़ायदा लेना क्या है; कोई इन लोगों से सीखे;

पहले रिश्तेदारी बनाते है; उसे बड़े प्रेमसे निभाते है;

पर जब खत्म हो जाए उनकी मतलब,  पूरा हो जाए काम;

तब दुधमें से मक्खी निकाल कर, उस बिचारी मक्खी को निचोड़ कर, दूध पी जाते है।

हाय रे यह मतलबी जमाना !!!!!

66 · Nov 2022

Not just diminishing, almost perishing is our community

Innumerable elders like us, find we, tottering around, with decreasing immunity;

Where today children rare have become, thanks to causes complex n varied;

But our heads, like an ostrich, we have conveniently deeply buried

Indifference and silence this, is killing a society, once very vibrant

It's not that we have resources none; we have to try, n them hunt

Only if I were a multimillionaire, surely a corpus huge I would create;

That corpus, which would greatly help middle class parents to procreate

May a multimillionaire come forward one of these days, to an amount pay;

So that, have we can, at least a babies few by November next, on Children's day.

With a prayer to Ahura, to send a compassionate heart who loves Parsis.

So that, soon there will be an increase in the number of new born Parsis.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Nov 2018
To the Couple New
Wishing Mandar n his better half all the very best.
Don't just worry about the tribulations n tests.
In love, fun,  caring n sharing your time now invest .
Enjoy these days, making every day a fest.

Lots of love and blessings from

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Sep 2021
These days, avoid looking at my hands I, now so bare

Loved you n I both, at the shining red bangles, to stare

Also never to remove them ever, I took great care

Many you would buy; even place special orders;

Many with diamonds studded at the center or at borders;

It was joy n happiness sheer, for me a precious fodder!

You have for ever gone away, taking away my precious red

Very sad I feel, looking at my bare hand n your empty bed

I secretly often wished, instead of you, I could be dead;

For loved life you, much more than I did; in many ways

A crazy foodie you were n a traveller, ready with bags always

Memories there are aplenty of all the fun filled days.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Oct 2020

88 is your Birthday score today,  my Jeh's dear baby, in this pandemic.

Happy Birthday my dear  AIR INDIA; wish you well I do, even during this deadly epidemic

Looked after you,  Jeh did,  very lovingly, to all your needs tending .

Even to  tiny details,  with interest great,  he was  attending.

When you into a beautiful maiden grew; from him, they snatched you away.

The bedecked bride, from her own father was  ruthlessly taken away.

Then  mistreated you were grossly,  and soon your beauty and youth,  you lost.

This, to your admirers was a setback big. To your employees, heavy was the cost.

Today on your Birthday,  I wish you well.  May your fame, once  again,  rise n soar.

Lots of prosperity,  admiration and fame,  wish you we, from the core.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Nov 2018
Oh mornings I actually dread
With worries, fills my head.
On my tender heart, every day he treads.

Starts picking up faults, big n small
He says, I am filled with them all.
Continuous bickering, sarcasm I get them all.

Dreamt I, of love n laughter; fun n frolic
But get I,  an emotional  mental Colic.
To bear the brunt, his frustration, I am a living relic

That's the reason, now mornings I dread.
Of them, I am mortally scared.
Tears me he emotionally to shreads.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Jul 2021
ઓ તાપી
On Tapi Mata's Birthday......

ઓ તાપી,

કિનારે તારે, હતું મારુ અતિ સુંદર Cooper Mansion;

જ્યાં ખુલ્લી ચોખી હવા, મસ્તીથી લહેરાતી હતી.

જ્યાં તારી ઉપરથી વહેતો ઠંડો પવન, મન મસ્તીશકને આપતો શાંતિ

અહીં, સદા મારા રેડિયોગ્રામમાં થી, સુંદર સુર રેલાતા હતા

સાથે મોગરાનો પમરાટ, ખુશનુમાથી મનને કરતો હતો ખુશીયોથી તર

હતું એ મારું ઘર, એક પ્રેમ મંદિર, સુહામનું, પ્યારું મનઝર

તારે કિનારે, મારા વરંડામાં બેસી, ગાયાં મેં, હઝારો સુરીલા ગીત;

વિસરી શકું કેમ એ સોહામણો સમય, તારું અને ઘરનું સ્મરણ વસે છે જીગરમાં મારા હરદમ.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Aug 2021
Emotional scars don't easily heal; speak sweetly n softly please

आओ चलो , हम कुछ कर दिखाए,

भारत को एक बड़ा चमन, एक गुलिस्तां बनाए ।

पेड़ों की शाखें फूलों, फलों और सब्जियों से लचे ।

हर टेहनी , हर डाल पे असंख्य फूल फल सजे ।

गुलिस्तां में आए हर फल, फूल, सब्जियोंसे हर पौधा लचे ।

कोई मानव, जानवर या पक्षी भूखा न रहे;

और न कोई इंसान या जानवर, कातिल गरमी सहे ।

पेड़ों की छाव से मिलेगी ठंडक और मस्त हवा के झोंके ।

गर इंसान एक बार निर्णय ले ले, तो कोई ताकत उसे न रोके ।

चलो, बारिश का पानी बचाएं और वृक्ष उगाए ।

चलो अपनी इस धरा को,  भारत माता को एक गुलिस्तां बनाए ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Mar 2020

Thaaaank  You ever so much, O Lord, for this new assignment I now take

All efforts to be loyal to this endeavor,  most earnestly I will make.

Come Navroz, and a new beginning,  with my new column I now undertake.

Bless me O Ahura,  to fulfill my responsibilities given by You, which I today undertake.

Bless every thought, every  word n every deed; this world,  a better place pl. make.

May we all change to better human beings become; this world is at stake.

Guide me, direct me, hold my hand as an attempt to write Your  messages, I make.

O Lord of wisdom, whatever I write,  may it be in Ahura's name;  for  Your

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Sep 2021

To all my teachers; please accept my respect n "pranaam"

May the world with great respect, take evey teacher's " shubh naam"

I am what I am because of you respected ones; your sincere guidance n training's "anjaam"

Nurgesh Aunty, If it were not for you n your colleagues, I would've been an ordinary "naam"

My parents, my Aunt's n Uncles, all my teachers, please accept my gratitude

I thank my friend, philosopher n guide Ramiyar, n Rhoda Aunty for increasing my fortitude

I earnestly thank Bhupendra Sir, for fulfilling in music, my craving n aptitude

You seers are the ones who helped me gain a good, positive attitude.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
प्यासी धरती करे पुकार

धूपमें तप के हो गई हूं मैं, जलता हुआ अंगार; कहे बिचारि यह धरा

चाहिए अब मुझे ठंडी ठंडी बौछार, और श्रृंगार सुंदर और हरा

नदियाँ हो रही है मेरी खाली, और सागर  पानी से खूब है उभरा

सालभरकी प्यास बुझाने मेघराजको मैंने है, किया पुकार

आकाशको की है मिन्नतें हज़ार, जी भरके खोल दे आज तेरे द्वार

जी भर के मुझपे बरसना आज, सुन ले, इस धरतिने है तुझे पुकारा

ऐ हवा, लाना तू  बदरीयां काली, ओ बदरी बरसा जा जल की धारा

आत्मा है मेरी प्यासी, तृप्त कर दे तू मुझे आज, कर दे मुझे हरा, ओ मेरे यारा

झूम झूमके बरस, प्यासी धरती आज करती है तुझे अंतरमनसे पुकार

बरसना होगा अब तुझे, तन मन है मेरा प्यासा, निभाना होगा तुझे वादा-ए- प्यार

मेरा अंतर है प्यासा, तुझे बरसना होगा यहाँ, निभाना चाहती हूं मैं यह व्यवहार

याद रखना सदा यह बात, प्यार तो आखीर प्यार है, नही कोई व्यापार ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Sep 2019

ખુરસી અને દૌલત માટે માનવ થઈ ગયો છે પાગલ

વણવિચરીએ, ખોટે રસ્તે વધી રહ્યો છે આંધળો થઈ ને આગળ.

ખોટા કર્મ કર્યે જાય છે; પંપાળે છે પોતાનો અહંકાર;

આં બધું કરવામાં, ખોઈ દે છે એ સ્વ નો સંતોષ અને મન નો કરાર.

તો પણ વધારીએ જાય છે એ એના પોતાનાં પાપ ના પોટલાં.

તબીયત એની લથડી જાય છે; રહી જાય છે, જેવાં ઇંડા વિનાના કોટલાં.

માયાજાળ માં લપેટાયેલા માનવી ને દલદલમાં ડૂબતાં લાગતી નથી વાર

દાનવનો જોરદાર અને કઠોર હોય છે આં માનવઓ પર પ્રહાર.

દાતા, સદા બચાવજે અમને આં દાનવના પ્રહારથી, થાય ન અમારું પતન.

માંગુ એટલું, બસ કરી લે અમારી સાથે, એક અતૂટ ગઠબંધન.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Mar 2022

May slumber sweet and deep, come to me, every night

A sound sleep help me would, to feel much better and light

Enable me it will to carry on with my duties, if I get up bright

Lord, in years I haven't soundly slept; awake I am every night

So many words around me play, get up I have to, to them write

This is one of the reasons, why sleep my body has to fight

My thoughts varied n multiple are like many a colourful kite

Wish I, these ideas bright would come to me in daylight

Sleepless nights, even for a purpose good, make poor my plight

Help me O Ahura, to get slumber sweet, every single night.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Oct 2019

This world seems, almost like what about it, you feel.

If you feel warmth, closeness and love; you will easily heal.

If distant you want to remain from others; friends you will have nil.

If sick of others you are; soon take you will have to many a pill.

If agitated, tense n irritated you are, you may someone almost ****.

Some adore their parents and family, to reach out, try they will;

Yet some others, at the thought of helping, actually reel !!!

Terrorists mislead ,  by some poisonous ones for no reason, ****.

And people like Mother Teresa, go out of their way, to others heal.

Therefore I think, life is almost like what you think about it or feel.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Feb 2019
O beings divine, please save this dying race

A very severe crisis, today we face.

In our yearning to prosper, for kids we have no space.

We are really going through a bad phase.

Yet cool as cucumber, seems to be the case;

Where as,  people actually should be in a daze.

Shower upon us your blessings n focus your gaze

As in front of our eyes there is a haze.

Life difficult is, n complex like a maze

In bearing kids, poor, rather  very low is our pace.

But help us You beings divine, to increase our race.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
66 · Oct 2018
प्रीत मेरी पावन, जैसे गंगा जल।
अति कोमल और अत्यंत निर्मल ।
प्रीत में, कहा आता है कभी बल;
वोह तो है समर्पण, सालो का, न के एक पल।

प्यार हो जाता है तो बस एक पल में।
औेर बस जाता है, तन, मन,  हृदय में।
जनमो का यह नाता, जोड़ता है क्यू विधाता ?
और सोचती हूं मैं, क्यों फिर जुदाई देता है दाता ?

प्रीत की रीत है अनोखी, जलता है खुशी से परवाना
और दुख में डूब कर, गाता है कोई हृदय स्पर्श गाना।
शायर, नशेमे शूमके, लिख देता है नमूनेदार शायरी
और कोई लिखता है खुद की डायरी।

"प्रीत किए दुख होए", कहता है प्रेमी, हरएक ।
फिर भी जलने के लिए तैयार है प्रेमी हरएक ।
बस देता है हरएक प्रेमी, दुआए प्रीतम को
झंखता है वोह अपने प्रीतम के संग, साथ को ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
બિચારો ગરીબ

કડવી છે આં હકિકત, સાચેજ આં દુનિયા માં, કોઇ નથી બિચારા ગરીબનું

ખુરસી, સત્તાના મોહમાં, પૈસાની હોડ માં, કોણ જુવે છે ભલુ, બિચારા  એક ગરીબનું

નથી પ્રધાનોને પડી, ન ટ્રસ્ટીઓને, ન અધિકારીઓને છે , એની કદર  સાચી

એમને લીધે તો ગરીબ પ્રજા છે વોટ બેંક માટે સર્જાઇ, આં છે હકિકત સાચી

બિચારી એ પ્રજા કચડાઇ, છુંદાઇ અને વોટો માંગવા માટે હમેશાં છે ચર્ચાઇ;

એને અભણ રાખી, ગરીબ રાખી, એની ગરીબી વોટ માટે હમેશાં છે  વપરાઇ

થોડા પૈસા ફેંકવા ને  બદલે, જો શિખવિયો હતે એમને, કોઇ વ્યવસાય;

વ્યાજબી શિક્ષણ આપતે એમને , તો જ  થતે એમને, એક સાચી  સહાય.

વર્ણ કે ભાગલા પાડવાથી નથી થયું, ન થશે કોઈનું બી ભલું, એ જાણીયે છીએ બધા

આમ બી, આજે  પારસીઓ તો થઈ ગયા છે અર્ધા; તો બી લડ ઝગડ કરે છે બધા.

જો એક્તા રાખી કરીયે ગરીબનું,  કોમનું, સમાજનું, દેશનું ભલું, તો રાજી થશે ભગવાન

અને ઓ નેતાઓ, ઉધિયોગપતિઓ, સેથીયાઓ, તમારુ જ વધશે  માન સનમાન.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Mar 2019

વાચકો છે હર કવિ ના પ્રેરણા સ્તોત્ર, આપે જે કવિ ને પ્રોત્સાહન.

એમની પ્રશંસા વાંચી, લખવાનો આવે ઉમંગ;  પ્રફુલ્લિત થાય મારું મન.

તો વાંચક મિત્રો, સદા બની રેહજો મારી પ્રેરણા;  લખવાનો આવશે આનંદ.

વિચારો નવા આવશે તમારી પ્રેરણાથી, કરીશ જેવી હું કોશિષ, કરીને આંખો બંધ.

મન માં હોય સદા દીન
ય ઝ દ / માં સરસ્વતી નો  વાસ, જ્યારે લખવાનો કરું હું પ્રયાસ.

હાથો પકડી લખાવે એ, મારી પાસે, એવી છે મને ઊંડી આશ, અને વિશ્વાસ.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Jan 14

જેમ પતંગ સાથે, હંમેશા ડોર તો જોઈયે જ,

તેમ માનવ ને બિ સારો સંગાથ જોઈયે જ.

પતંગ ને ઊંચાઈ પર પહોચવા, સરખો પવન જોઇયે;

તેમ માનવને પણપવા, ફુલવા, એક સાચા ગુરુ જોઇયે.

65 · May 2019

Taken aback I was, looking at the ugly old person in front of me.

An ugly wrinkled face, fluffy eyes, a fat human, I could see.

Gone where was that pretty, attractive face, ever smiling ?

Lines of pain I saw, in there, along with the creases; she wasn't smiling.

Clothing to wear was now a task;
For little things, she had to ask.

Forget running, now difficult it was to walk; it seemed a Herculean task.

Worried about the future, elders are; because difficult become, easy deeds.

Rely they on others for almost everything; even awaiting their feeds.

Lord Kind Help the elderly.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Nov 2019


In my heart you have a permanent seat.

Dwell you, in my every heart beat.

Measure my love no one can, in meters or feet.

Dwell you for ever, within me, in every heart beat.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Jul 2019

A kind act each day, will really take us a long way.

Just go ahead and do it; you don't have to think or say.

Help someone at home, with a face smiling, make their day.

At school, college, work support someone; make their day.

Lend a helping hand please; offer a seat to someone on the way.

Help a poor man with a vocation, it will make their life, not just a day.

Buy a balloon from the pavement n gift it to a child; make their day.

Life has many odds, many difficulties, a helping hand will make someone's day.

In turn, your Karma n the kind Lord Ahura Mazda will make your day.

Aedoon baad

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Feb 2019

દીપક થઈ જળજે તું, સૂરજ ભલે ના તું થાય.
જ્યોત તારી સદા જળે, અજવાળું છલકાય.

એક નાનો દીપક, કરે આજુબાજુ નું અંધારું દૂર.
બધા તો થઈ શકે નહિ, સૂર્ય જેટલા મશહૂર.

રોશની નું એક કિરણ બની, કરજે કોમ નું અંધારું દૂર.
અહુરા તને આપશે પ્રેમ અને આશિષ ભરપૂર.

ડરતો નહિ તું , સૂરજ સામે દીપક ભલે હોય બહુ  ઝાંખો,
પણ અંધારી રાતે, પ્રકાશ ફેલાવી, કરજે રોશન બધાંની આંખો.

સૂરજ નું તેજ અને ગરમાવો, હોય પ્રચંડ ભલે
પણ અંધારામાં દીપક નો પ્રકાશ ના હોય તો ખલે.

તો દીપક બની કરજે જગ માં થી, બની શકે એટલું અંધારું દૂર.
જ્ઞાન દીપક બની, ફેલાવજે તારો પ્રકાશ, જાળવી તારું ગરુર.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Nov 2020

O Teshter Tir Yazad, pl help this drying Earth

With your rain, please bring in  waters of mirth.

Sweet water vanishing is slowly from here

Vegetables,  pulses  n grains have become dear

May our Earth bountiful n rich become again

May man,  with your blessings,  wisdom gain.

May  She turn fertile  and emerald green,

May we humans keep Her  clean and serene.

Aedoon Baad

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Nov 2020

Every editor,  news reporter,  author has a duty  sacred to perform.

Leaving aside their personal views, adhere they must to  norms.

With ego, selfishness,  greed, one cannot a  publication form.

If we write n publish what for the community or environment is good;

The end result will automatically be positive n good

If avoid clashes we n inculcate unity, results will be **** good.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · May 2021
When did I last laugh heartily ?

I don't really remember, he thought to himself.

It's been a while, "I must make an attempt to do so".

So out he went, to find a reason to laugh at.

Searched he ardently, but he felt sad n  like crying;

Saw he trouble, poverty, helplessness, all around.

Came back he, thinking, what is the purpose of life ?

But even after contemplation, found he, no answer.

Now bothered he wasn't to laugh; he wanted to, this reason seek.

So again he went; saw he pain n suffering again .

Said he, "God, I know you won't share Your secrets;  but please keep me sane".

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Apr 2019
I sympathize
I sympathize

Hearing all this, I really pity you, sweet little girl;

It is indeed sad to see you alone in a corner, curled.

So many mishaps taken place have, in your small world.

Remember you, I do as a happy go lucky, chirpy young girl;

But unfortunately witness I,  circumstances sad  have unfurled.

Your one sided love, left you emotionally battered.

Then family matters for you, your life tattered n battered.

Faced all this you did bravely, but saw your eyes I, sad, which mattered.

Saw I everyone, to use your goodness; they cunningly catered.

Though yours;  your suffering to them hardly mattered.

Indifferent n callous towards your pain they were, all along.

Bother they did not, and things worsened; kept going wrong.

But stood you alone, firm, like a rock, hard and strong.

Glad I am, a brave heart you are, courageous n strong.

In spite of your difficulties many, you bravely fight along.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
यह ख्वाहिशें

एक बिरहन पुकारे......

क्या करू, जाती नहीं दिल से, यह ख्वाहिशें मेरी;

कुछ भी करू, जाती नहीं दूर दिल से, यह यादे तेरी

दिमाग कहता है, हटा दें इन्हे तु, दिल से कर दे दूर;

दिल कहता है, संजो के रख तु इन्हे; कर रहा है मुझे मजबूर

क्या करू, इस कश्मकश में उलझा है दिल, जले मोरा जिया ।

क्या करू समझ न आए, मुझसे रूठ गए हैं मेरे पीया ।

काश मिले उनकी एक झलक, यह ख्वाइश लिए बैठे हैं

आे बिछड़े प्रीतम, तोरी आश लगाए कबसे बैठे हैं

बारिश तन भिजाए; पर दिल में आग लगाए ख्वाइश सजन की

कोयलिया की मीठी कुक भी,  ख्वाइश जगाए मधुर मिलन की।

सावन आया तुम न आए, पिया, कब तक राह निहरू तोरी ।

क्या पूरी होगी कभी, यह दिलो जान की ख्वाइश मोरी ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Apr 2019

Misunderstandings n anger, a great saint killed.

With accusations useless, people Him, ruthlessly grilled

Into his soft flesh, big iron nails they drilled.

But His spirit strong to such attrocities did not yield.

Miscreants happy were that Him they gruesomely killed

Seeing  this, with sorrow n remorse, many hearts were filled.

Died He who taught love n Peace; but fate wasn't sealed.

Seeing Him rise on Easter, his followers were thrilled.

Live they who live for others in our heart; they can never be killed.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Sep 2021
This torturing nightmare seems to last a bit too long;

In my dream, I yearn to sing once again, yet haven't sung a song

Wake up I wish to afresh, like before, when goes the morning gong.

I ask myself, is this stark reality or is this a horrid dream?

In a state of denial am
I; or is it a situation grim?

All I can say is, my eyes n heart are still searching him

A secret longing there is, to him n Mom again see

To accept a departure permanent, easy isn't; knew this even he.

So many dear ones, to help, many different opinions give me;

But absolutely confused are, my heart n so is my blurry mind;

a constant conflict goes on; I really need to accept n unwind

Help I need, help I seek, can you, a helpful person please find.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Apr 2021

Oh my heart,

Take me very easily n often, you do into the past

Slide there easily I do, and many times, pretty fast

For, to re-live those golden days wonderful, is a blast !

Wish often I do, to them into fine toys or idols cast

And hope I do, these days, for ever would last.

Oh that closeness with friends, in this world so vast

Those innocent chats, peals of laughter should long last.

Most of us enjoy, love, n wish to live in our golden past.

That loving, caring, filled with memories, past.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Sep 2020

Everyone in some way, is a teacher and also a  student.

To learn things good we should be students eager  n ardent.

Teachers, lots of knowledge, in subjects varied, to us impart.

Our  Mom is our first teacher; from here,  education starts.

Learning is continuous; knowledge an ocean is; not a tank.

Today, this opportunity I take, to sincerely all my teachers thank.

A  very big thank you to everyone who taught me something.

It's from  you  TEACHERS,  that this fledgling has got beautiful wings.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · May 2021
ઓ ખુદા પ્યારા,

તારું નામ સદા હોઠો પર રહે મારા, પણ આવી રીતે કેટલા અશેમ યથા ભણાવશે તું ?

માંદગી અને મોત થી ત્રાહસી ગયો છે જીવ, હજી કેટલા અશેમ યથા ભણાવીશ ?

પીડા લોકોની જોઈ, દિલ દ્રવી ઉઠે છે, બસ કર મારા બાપ, હજી કેટલા અશેમ યથા ભણાવીશ ?

માંગુ સૌની તંદુરસ્તી, સૌનું સુખ શાંતિ; એ મળે ત્યારે ભનીશ હું, અસંખ્ય અશેમ યથા.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
65 · Jun 19
Reading a book, relaxing lazily I was on my hammock

A sqeal I heard; on peeping out, I got a real shock

Standing a little away, was an Elly small n a giraffe tall

Luckily they were both outside the compound wall

They looked cute, this Elly plump n Twigaa, majestic n tall

Frehan, who was in the resort, at Twigaa threw a ball;

This, for our four legged cutie pies, was a game; a play-call

The Elly caught it in his trunk, because it was about to fall

Now I kept my book aside, enjoying all this I was, from my hammock

When came the ball straight on to me, which Elly from his trunk, did unlock

Caught it I, n threw it back to Twigaa, who returned the ball;

Between the Twigaa and Elly, they didn't allow the ball to fall

Watching this all, was Zoish the animal lover, our cute little doll;

Besides her was standing Frehan handsome n tall, who wouldn't let the ball fall.

A video if made, would be a life time memory to this episode recall.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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