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65 · Nov 2019


In my heart you have a permanent seat.

Dwell you, in my every heart beat.

Measure my love no one can, in meters or feet.

Dwell you for ever, within me, in every heart beat.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
इस दिल में

सजा के रखी थी, बहुत सारी तम्मनाए इस दिल में ।
सालों से संजो के रखी थी इन्हें, संभाल के, इस दिल में।

यकीं भी बहुत था, फुलेंगी, फलेंगी, लहराएंगी यह, इस दिल में;
पर सच्चाई तो यह है, न वह फली फुली; अब मुर्झा रही है यह, इस दिल में।

मंज़िल मिली न मेरी तम्मनाओं को; बस बलखाके रह गई है यह, इस दिल में ।
क्या करू मैं, समझ न आए; कहां तक रहेगी मचलती यह, टूटे हुए इस  दिल में ???

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Oct 2020

A common man is mostly interested in living a happy peaceful life.

Fed up he is with this, never  ending,  continuous day to day strife

Over worked he is and drained off, by the taxes he has to pay.

But the poor man,  in any such matter, sadly doesn't have a say.

Taxed heavily,  directly and indirectly by these taxes, crushed he is.

The helpless elders, after slogging all life long,  cannot live in peace.

Unfortunately the government or  religious heads bothered aren't about his life or him.

Scope of his happiness has  diminished; it's rather dying ! almost dim.

Request I these politicians, so called religious leaders to look within ;

Karma,  does not leave anyone, we all pay back have to,  for every sin.

Therefore peep within,  awaken your almost  comatosed conscience.

Stir up, fight the devil,  let us people; the  common man live in peace with confidence.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Oct 2020

Sell your soul,  do not to the wicked satan please.

Be ware, dishonesty is actually a  dangerous disease

Remember, very painful and horrid are his payback fees

This money that you now usurp, tomorrow he will,  from you, cease.

You cannot with your dishonest money,  his palms grease;

With fright, with the seething pain, each day,  your agony will increase;

And your short lived so called joy will soon drastically decrease.

May awaken your temptation filled souls, that are given to him, on lease.

Even now, before it is too late, come out of this ***** muck please.

Dear ancestors,  Zarathushtra, Ahura n Yazads, help them to rise, please .

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Dec 2020

O Ahura kind, I know it's rather late,  but change You can our fate.

Kindly dear Lord, increase our Parsi  birth (growth) rate.

Also request You I,  to grant us fingers, fertile n green

Grow into  lush green trees would, twigs, every little seed, every bean.

Help me please plant trees;  like John the Apple seed; bless Anar's deed

Scatter I would,  every  Chikoo, Mango, Lime, Orange,  melon seed.

Every road of  Mother India, loaded would be, with lush green fruit trees.

This would nourish millions, also give shade n cool breeze.

A dreamer may be I am; not ready to accept reality harsh;

But if You bless us,  we well know, change can, deserts n marsh.

Bless us, O my kind Mazda, with fingers very  very green;

So that grow luxurious trees can, with every scattered seed n bean.

Armin Dutia Motashaw.
64 · Jun 2020

Satisfaction is that one thing what we all need to learn;

For there are many,  who crores and millions earn ;

Yet unsatisfied are, and their hearts, with jealousy burn.

Grant me  satisfaction n gratitude; at every stage n turn.

Only then , peace n tranquillity follow will, in return .

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · May 2020

Oh how I miss those days, so beautiful,  so  memorable !

Everyone so  closely knit was,  loving,  caring,  adorable

Everything n everyone, all  relationships were so  informal.

Life now is so formal, almost painful, just about tolerable

People today are more independent,  monetarily stable.

To live in luxury and style, with facilities many, they are able.

Without their own dear ones they are actually more comfortable.

Sadly, these days, family values are fading off, almost saleable

Lord,  give us  back those wonderful days, so beautiful  and memorable.

Armin  Dutia Motashaw
64 · Dec 2019
My Corner Green

Treasure I very dearly , my little corner green

From pollution and dust, I try to keep it clean

It grants me peace; n feel here I calm n serene.

Love here I, to sit and relax on my quaint swing;

Listening to music; along with it, I often sing.

Definitely a huge beautiful  garden I would have, if I were a king !

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Sep 2021
For Armaity, this Earth, I sincerely wish to do plenty of deeds good

Achieve this easily, if bless me with success Ahura kindly would.

Achieve we can plenty, if many people cooperate in this mission would

Ahura, if Your light n guidance inspires them; then participate they would

By doing our little bit, a lot can be achieved; but everyone pitch in should.

Switching off all gadgets immediately after use, we very easily could

Using fuel wisely, planning trips well; save a lot of money, easily would.

Due to water scarcity, women go through trouble plenty; help them we could;

By planting trees, by rain harvest, achieve a lot we could

By canal n artificial lake constructions  possible become, this would.

In our own small way, switch off our gadgets,  lights immediately we should

Repair leaking taps n close all taps promptly after use, we should.

Reusing discarded water from ACs, ROs, washing machines save water could.

Seawater in coastal areas, for flushing toilets, be used easily could

If individual every, diligently does this, plenty of resources save we would.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Sep 2021
Go Green
Only if the rich would donate, every worker, every farmer would plant trees besides railway lines, on all roads, highways; and students would water them.... Wouldn't this world be a garden, a paradise with fruits, vegetables and flowers aplenty

Lets all do this.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Aug 2019

O all you Young ones dear,

Your lives carefully steer;

Try n great become, like our seers

Try to overcome your fears

Have a vision, crystal clear;

And quickly put into action your gear

Plunge forward, as did our seers

Work hard, with all your might, my dears.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Apr 2019
सुनिए तो
हे सूर्य देवता,

ऐ सूर्य, क्यों बरसाता है आकाश से, इतनी आग

कर रहम थोड़ा धरती पर भी, उजड़ रहे हैं यहां बाग

इतनेमे, " पेड़ क्यों काट रहे हो,"  बोला एक काग

"डाली बिना, मै बैठूं कहां; पूछे यह कोयल और काग

अब रोता है क्यों इतना; देख तेरे दामन के दाग;

बोला वो, ऐ मानव, अब यूह, गर्मी से डर के, तु न भाग

तुने ही फैलाई है यह गर्मी, यह तेरी ही लगाई हुई है आग

औरों को कष्ट दे कर, अब, यू न छाया मांग ।

अभी भी संभल जा, उठ,  तेरी नींद से जाग ;

पेड़ पौधे उगा, फिर देख, धरा खुद गाएंगी, वसंत राग

Armin Dutia Motashaw
प्रकृतिकी रीत

मौत धीरे धीरे पास आ रही थी, मानो जान हाथोंसे छूट रही थी

प्रकृति ने हस कर कहा, यही उसकी रीत, एकदम सही थी;

भला, नदी कब सगरसे निकालके  पहाड़ की तरफ बही थी !

प्रकृतिने कभी भी, युगोसे, ऐसी कहानी कही नहीं थी ;

बचपन गया, जवानी ढली, वृद्धावस्थामे जान हाथोंसे छूट रही थी;

मानो, बुढापा कह रहा हो, रेत हाथोंसे फिसलती नज़र आ रही थी ।

यही है प्रकृति का नियम, यही जीवनकी रीत, सही थी।

अब तो दिख रहा है, मौत पास आ रही थी, और जान दूर जा रही थी।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
मन मोरा बावरा

मन मोरा बावरा, बिना समझे, तोहसे नेहा लगाय

यह निर्मल प्रीत पिया, दुनिया समझ न पाय

बता जा इस कश्मकश में, हम जाए तो कहां जाए

कभी तो, कोई तो आ के, रास्ता हमें बता जाए ।

दुनियां की सोच के साथ, हम चल नहीं पाए ;

मन मोरा है बावरा, उसे लेकर हम जाए तो कहां जाए

प्रीतम, दिल दिमाग की कश्मकश में हम बावरे हो न जाए  

कभी तरस खाकर आजा सांवरे, हम यह बावरे मन को कैसे समझाए

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Jan 2021

Like a kite swooping far  away from us, you too, just  flew away ;

Loving, caring, ever helpful, hypersensitive; made you were, of a different clay.

Few lucky ones understood you; many who didn't, mocked or kept you at bay.

For the poor and needy, you were always for them; of hope, a bright ray.

With a child you became even a smaller child, and brightened their day

Mum's favourite student you were; who, for her had  love n respect deep, I must say.

In me, saw you a sister, whom you loved n adored,  until your dying day.

KEMSI, there are just a few noble souls on this Earth; the rest like you, with Ahura stay.

On Utarayan day, you left this world,  for your Heavenly abode; there, happy may  you stay.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Dec 2018
Happy Navy Day
ए खुदा,
देना हमें देश भक्ति
देना हमें लड़ने की शक्ति
बच्चा बच्चा हो देश भक्त
छीन न पाए कोई हमसे हमारा तख्त ।
चांद जाने कहां खो गया

जाग उठा आज फिर से एक बार , वो प्यार जो था सोया

आज  बादलों की ओट में, चांद, न जाने कहां जाके है खोया

बरसात बन के आंसु बह रहे हैं, कोई न जान पाया,  मै चांदनीमें चुपचाप रोया

दिलने पूछा, "क्या तू कभी उसे भुला था; कैसे कहता है तेरा प्यार है सोया?"

दिमाग ने कहा, "चांद मिलता नही सबको, चांद जाने कहां है खोया"

दिल ने ज़ूम के सुनाया, "चांद भले दूर हो, उसे मैंने सपनोमें है संजोया "

चांद की चांदनी ही काफी है, बस उसमे डूब कर मै हूं सोया ";

"अपने दिल का दर्द मैंने है छुपाया, अपने आंसुओ में ही उसे है डुबोया ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Jan 2019

उडू हवा में, बन के एक बादल
कहीं खुशी से हो जाऊ न मैं पागल ।

मुस्कुराऊं देख के दर्पण या झिल
मानो, मिल गई है आज मुझे अपनी मंज़िल।

खुला है आकाश, जागी है एक आश;
बनके पंछी, उड़नेकी जागी है आज प्यास ।

पिया का आया है आज पैग़ाम, एक खत;
लिखा है कया उसने, मुझे पूछना मत ।

इस खत में, एकसाथ मेरा है और उनका भी है नाम
और चाहूं मै क्या, मेरे लिए, अनमोल है इसका दाम ।

यह सब मै, अपने पिया को लिख न पाऊ;
इसी लिए, कोकिला बन के, सुरीला गीत गऊ ।

सुन लेना पिया मेरी आवाज़, मेरा मधुर यह गीत ।
बस इसी में है मेरे प्यार की, मेरी प्रीत की जीत ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · Oct 2018
Miss you'll I do

M om Dad miss you all very much, I do.
But there is very little I can do, except rue.
Life so cosy n comfortable was, with your arms around me.
Strong n safe roots I had n protection of a huge tree.
I miss you all tremendously.
All the children now without parents, will share my feelings unanimously.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Nothing in World is bigger than the Shelter of Parent's love...!!!
64 · Mar 2020

Suddenly stopped has the crazy rat race;

Slowed down tremendously has our pace

Our Earth is rejuvenating, its interior n surface.

Braked at last has that power-crazy creature,  in the race .

Considerably reduce must have in the air,  CO2's trace.

Nature is rejuvenating our worn out Earth's face.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
64 · May 2021
સાંભળી લે
સમજમાં નથી આવતી તારી આં અનોખી રીત,

એ પણ જાણું છું હું; સદા જોય છે તું અમારું હીત;

ભલે હોય તું તારી રાધાનો જ મન મીત

પણ છે તારી સાથે, અમારી બી જન્મો જન્મની પ્રીત.

તારી બનાવેલી સૃષ્ટિ, છે આજે ડામાડોળ, થોડા લોકોને લીધે છે કલંકિત

હવે હાથોમાં છે બધુંજ તારા; માનવનું સુખ દુઃખ, અને એની, હાર જીત.

સાંભળી લે.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Sep 2020

After a labour really prolonged;

Came the one,  for whom I longed.

Chubby, with  a dimpled chin,  you were so v. fair

Eyes most attractive n beautiful, with tiny golden hair.

At last,  after trials several, at 8.40pm you were born.

With  a silver bracelet n a silk dress,  you, they did adorn.

The first, you were, in the entire  Motashaw clan !

Nurgesh Aunty,  at her home a grand party did plan.

Remember I,  cuddling you n keeping you with me; in  the  nursery not.

Then with celebrations many,  home you were brought.


Bapi, Mom, Dad.
Phil, Freyu n Zoi
63 · May 2019
A shadow dark is; but fair you are.

Of my poor heart, the most painful scar.

Thought I, you were my superstar

But alas! sadly it was a falling star.

My Hero you were n always remain will;

But my love worthlessly on you, I did spill.

Your absence for me, is a bitter pill;

Which swallow I can't, nor spit it at will.

You are the shadow that even troubles me in dark.

There has never been a time, happy is the owl or lark.

Follows me your shadow wherever I go, office, home or park.

The more I try to break away, it follows like a shark.

Unfortunately live one cannot with a shadow.

One needs open  space, be it a park or meadow.

unfortunately, you are an inseparable shadow.

The one who refuses to go, always wants to, me follow.

🌈🌈🌈 आजा, होली आइ

भाए पिया मोहे बहुत सारे होली के रंग; इंद्रधनुष के, जैसे नीले, पीले, केसरी और लाल

पर भाए अधिक मोहे हरा और लाल, और उससे ज्यादा, सबसे प्यारा लगे मोहे गुलाल

चुनरिया अब मोरी कोरी है, तू रंगबे रंगी रंगो से भर दे उसे; रंग दे उसे लाल

कान्हा होली खेलने आ भी जा, इतना न तरसा मोहे; असवन से भर गए हैं मोरे गोरे गोरे गाल।

मीरा तरसे, राधिका तड़पे, गोपियों की अखियों से जल बरसे; मोहन, बुरा है हमरा हाल ।

तुझ बीन वृंदावन सूना, तेरे चरण  स्पर्श करने के लिए जमुना का नीर अधीर, बुला रही है तुझे अनार, और कदमकी की हर

जो इस साल भी आ सके न तू, तो किसिके हाथ चुटकी भर रंग भिजवाना, हे घनश्याम, हओ मेरे गोपाल।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Oct 2022

Ah! Wonder I; it sets me thinking, after all, why is Love such a complex feeling?

A seer once asked, "how many people fall in love with the disabled, the reeling?

Said he, "it is an attraction", some quality of the opposite person, sets in a warm feeling

May be, initially this does happen; it brings warmth, a glow, your resistance starts peeling

Then comes a feeling of bliss; you are in heaven; with its exuberance you climb up to the ceiling

In times of trouble, love is truly soothing, this LOVE has a fantastic capacity for healing

But a failure is heartbreaking, nerve wrecking, scaring n scarring; in fact it is almost killing

Can you readers, with a solution help me; what is really love, what n why experience we, this feeling?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Nov 2018
Pioneers in

Let us sweet water save
Tomorrow, everyone for it will crave.

Essential very is every single drop.
It will help us grow trees n crop.

In his own small way, save, every individual can.
Provided self realization comes  to every man.

With no leaking taps n reuse of water, let's start.
Water from purifying plants, from A.C. can be channelized in part.

From washing machines, use we can to flush.
Rain harvesting will save dampness n slush.

Share let us, if you have ways more.
Let us sweet water, for our gen next, store.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Dec 2019

Our precious time waste we in arguing over politics

These politicians are like  leeches, bugs  or  tics

Can we not do something better for kicks ???

Remember we can a bridge or a wall build, with the same bricks

Please don't fall a prey to their ***** tricks

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Jun 2022

Sadly money n influence have taken over the beauty of closeness in relationships.

Commerce today is important very, really proactive; not actual relationships

Modern youth/ children, money respect, more than their parents;

Siblings their spouses love more than their own blood; sad moments !

Daughters-in- law, even call elderly parents- in-law, dustbins;

Most pathetic to watch are such actual daily life scenes

Education should, our humility increase, instead fans it, our ego's fire

Watching all this decline in Your creation; Lord, doesn't it, You ire?

Commerce n science, instead of improving the situation, corrupts our mind

Religion today, commerce promotes n sadly divides mankind.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Jul 2021

In the beautiful blue skies I used to independently fly;

For me to travel all around; limitless was the sky.

Then suddenly, into a cage I was put in, by a wicked man.

You humans, this dastardly act, must immediately ban.

To make money quick, he clipped off my beautiful wings

Then proudly showed me around n says hear how she sings.

Oh man, I ask you, how would feel you, if put in a jail

I am sure you would put up a fight or painfully cry and wail.

Imprison us do not, just for a quick buck; instead us protect.

Trees are our homes, do not them chop; keep them intact.

Let us with joy soar in the open skies n on trees nest.

Our creator has made us for the skies, n He undoubtedly is the best.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Aug 2021
Navroz Mubarak

May this Navroz usher in all that is good, all good things that happen should

Determine to bring about a positive, electrifying change, we should.

Each and every one of us, for our Ahura, become a rathestar should.

Follow the tenets n rites wisely made by our ancestors, we should.

May Ahura n Yazads all, grant us the necessary will power, the verve to be good

May we all practise Parsipanu, which teaches us to do lots of good.

If we married a humdin early, n had children three, it would be **** good.

If the wealthy Zarthostis help out to this achieve, it would be very good.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Jul 2021

Decided I have, now onwards, at peace n to happy remain

Even at the cost of remaining ignorant and sometimes, a wee bit insane.

Politics n news dishearten one's heart n mind, away from these I will remain

Negativity, fights, ego clashes, jealousy, misunderstandings are causes main.

Everything disturbs me pollution, environment, draught or too much rain;

Rapes, injustice, chopping trees, accidents be they on  road, in air or train.

Leaking taps, wastage of water, withering plants get me down, it does pain;

Now I decided have to say, "Lord it is Your wish, I won't my happiness drain".

Thought I, my writings n  practices would things for the better change; but in wane

People do not wish to accept good; so now I won't hurt my heart n brain.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · May 2019

સર્વ નું થાય ભલું આં હાથે, એવા આશિષ આપજે તું.

નુકસાન કોઈનું થાય નહિ આં હાથે, એવા આશિષ આપજે તું.

કોઈ જરૂરતમંદ ને થોડી મદદ થાય આં હાથે, એવા આશિષ આપજે તું.

તારી બનાવેલી નૈસર્ગિક આં દુનિયાં ને સવારું, એવા આશિષ આપજે તું.

ફૂલ, ફળ, અનાજ ભરપુર ઊગે આં ધરા ઉપર, એવા આશિષ આપજે તું.

વન-વનરાઈ, નદી-નાળા સદા ખળ ખળ વહે, એવા આશિષ આપજે તું.

પ્રાણી, પંખેરું, માનવ બધાં છે તારે આધારે, એમને આશિષ આપજે તું.

હર એક નું, સર્વ નું સદા મંગળ થાય એવા આશિષ આપજે તું.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Feb 20
एक जौहरी, हीरे  मोती का मूल्य आंक सकता है;

लेकिन एक इंसान के मन को कोई पहचान नहीं सकता ।

" अनार ", तू नाचीज़, क्या पहचानेगी, कोइ संत शायद पहचान सकता है।

63 · Apr 2019

Earlier I had appealed to everyone, instead of giving flowers, give a flower *** with a sappling, a bamboo or money plant.

Teach school children to sow fenugreek methi or corriander dhanya, they will learn a lot from this.

Just imagine every city's road with five rows of trees.. one in the centre n two on both sides of the foot paths.
Politicians, industrialists, military big bosses should all take up this MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE.

School n college kids, scouts, girl guides, NCC students should all take up this mission on war footing

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Apr 2
In a desert, and in the desert of our mind, please plant a tree or a shrub; but never cacti.
63 · Dec 2020
Practise if we  something good consciously,  it will become a habit.  Habits then become our CHARACTER.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Feb 2022

Love and excitement there is in the air, romantic seem may the atmosphere;

Cupid may his arrows dart at many and at some, even a spear;

But, St Valentine is a symbol of love; not just for young couples; it's for everyone

Love for parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, for the poor, for just about anyone

So, show your parents you care for them; with them, for them, some time n money spend

Towards your siblings, spouse, friends please a step ahead take, or even slightly bend

This Valentine's, plants do gift, not flowers; needs the world  oxygen more, more green

From this Valentine's, plan to remain peaceful and create an atmosphere serene


Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Jan 2019
Happy Republic Day
Happy Republic Day

Our Mother India, all her children, cannot feed.

Because, huge are their demands and their need.

Also Her farmers have insufficient water n seed.

But if Israel, Her deserts can convert to orchards rich.

And Her soldiers brave, to the world, a lesson preach.

Why can't we, bring about this revolution green here?

Why can't self-sufficient we be? Why can't we change the gear ?

De-urbanisation take place can, villages thrive can; n things  better can become.

If hatred we put aside, n  our National interest see, progress there will be some.

If our Country we truly love, n like a mother, Her respect;

Even our enemies, scared will be of this progress, of this new aspect.

Let's all determine to work apolitically n bring about this change.

In years five, let our Mother India rise, like the peaks of Himalayan range.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Dec 2020
A candle  removes darkness
A  sweet smile reduces sadness
Things can further brighten with a tinge of madness.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Mar 2019

बहुत बहुत अभिनन्दन और बधाई आपको, ओ अभिनन्दन ।

आपको और आपकी वीरता को हमारे कोटी कोटी वंदन ।

भगवान का तहे दिल से धन्यवाद; प्रभु, स्वीकारिए हमारा आभार और वंदन

आपने पूरे भारत को एक डोर में बांध लिया; बड़ा ही अनोखा है यह बंधन ।

और आप ने आशीर्वाद रूप में, निल गगन से बरसाया बूंदों से बरखा-धन ।

भारत माता के वीर सपूत अभिनन्दन को हम देश वासियों का वंदन ।
जय हिन्द
जय हिन्द की सेना ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Nov 2018

Remember lovingly I, those years precious.
Your feeding us with food, truly delicious.

Your inculcating, values religious; help me,  so much today.
About the Shahnameh, n its heroes, all that you did narrate n say;

You, calling us by names of famous Persians ;
Building a sense of pride in us ; Cocassians.

Those stories wonderful, about our kings n pehlwans great ;
And the pathetic sad ones about our ancestors fate.

That picture, so well painted by you, in my memory still dwells.
Even today,  with their pain, often a tear in my eye swells.

Thank you dearest Dosu-pappa,  for this love, that you inculcated ;
Understand I the torture n pain, of our ancestors, that you stated.

Let me this important value instill, in our  children young.
To narrate, how our ancestors, to their religion diligently clung.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · May 2020

I  do not know if up there,  you will today get a chance;

If you do,  please celebrate it;  wine,  dine and dance.

Here's wishing both you love birds an anniversary splendid !!!

How lovingly you did everything together;  everything that you did !!!

What a pleasure it was to always see you both together ;

Trying your best to pass life's test, in fair or rough weather .

May you both very happy be,  and your blessings us give ;

I  most sincerely wish, our love n good wishes,  you both receive.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Feb 2020

Children cute little we are  today

But grownups we will be one day

We are at present like  soft molten clay

Innocent let us remain, keep politics at bay

Please let us our childhood enjoy today

Kindly keep  your adult stuff far away

Prepare us to good humans become, is all we say.

Learn we this from adults; so a fair game do play.

Teach us unity, patriotism n to pray.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Dec 2023

Oh , it seems just the other day, I was a gal young, just tweny;

Now, soon I turn ten, plus three times twenty

O my God, I will be a septuagenerian, actually seventy!!!

Weakness n creaky bones are a part of me; gone has the beauty

Anyway, I thank Ahura for letting me complete my task, my duty.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
જે થાય તે ખરું

એ સદા હસતી, ગાલોમાં એના પડતા મીઠા ખંજન.

મીઠા સ્વભાવથી કરતી એ બધાનું મનોરંજન.

લાડલી દિકરી હતી એ, માત પિતાની, એના ભાઈઓ ની.

પ્રિય સખી હતી એ, એની સખીઓની.

અરે સાસરિયાં પક્ષ માં બી હતી એ બધાની લાડકી.

હતી એ એના વડીલો ને માટે, એમની લાકડી.

નાની કળી માં થી, ખીલ્યું હતું આં ગુલાબ નું સુંદર ફૂલ.

પણ અચાનક હવે ચુભવા લાગ્યા એને કંટક અને શૂળ.

જિંદગીએ લીધો એક કફોડો મોડ; મુરઝાઇ ગયો ગુલાબ.

કરમાઈ ગઈ એ નાજુક કળી, ઘટી ગયો ચેહરા નો આભ.

દુનિયાએ એની માસૂમિયત નો લીધો હતો લાભ.

સાદી પ્રેમાળ જિંદગી પર, તૂટી પડ્યું અચાનક આભ.

એકલવાયું થઈ ગયું જીવન એનું; માત પિતા નો ઉથી ગયો સાયો.

હવે પત્ઝડ જેવું જીવન જીવવા નો સમય આયો.

પણ છોડી ન એને હિંમત; બની હવે એ પોતાની તાકત.

પોતાના અંતર આત્મા નો અવાજ સાંભળી, ફરી કર્યું જીવન શરૂ.

હવે પછી જીવનમાં જે થવાનું હોય તે થાય; જે થાય તે ખરું.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
63 · Nov 2020

(BAAJ on  Roj Ram, Mah Khordad)

Time helps us to cope up and move on; but my wounds haven't yet healed.

Twelve years is a fairly long time; that time was given, to me heal; but didn't yield.

Fail to understand His ways I have, under trauma immense, I reeled.

When Mom left us, you n Jer Mummy helped me,  with  the loss to cope.

But  alone n orphaned I felt, the day you left; for support, I did *****.

Drowned in sorrow,  helpless I felt; when for your survival there was no hope.

Put up a brave front we often do and to strong remain,  we  pretend;

But actually in reality need we our guardian, a gardener who to us  can  tend.

That loving hand I will always miss,  who  guided me at every difficult bend.

In  Heaven, happily with Mom  may you always spiritually progress.  

Guide us n help us siblings to here live with your principles high. We shouldn't digress.

These days, during these times trying,  everything just seems to be in a  mess.

Your Anar prays, Tamune Goarathman behest hojoji.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
मेरा कान्हा तु

तु तो है मेरा नन्हा मुन्ना कन्हैया,
मै तेरी मा, तेरी यशोमती मैया ।
पा के तुझे, किनारे आयि, मेरी नैया ।

चलना सिखाया तुझे, पकड़कर तेरी बैया;
जब लड़खड़ाते थे तेरे नन्हे नन्हे पैया,
ओ मोरे प्यारे, नन्हे नटखट कन्हैया ।

मां का दुलारा तु, मा का प्यारा तु;
इस दुनियां में, सबसे न्यारा भी तु ।
मेरी बूढ़ी आंखो का, चमकता तारा तु ।

छोटा सा है अब, फिर भी एक सितारा है तु ।
और कुछ न जानू, बस बहुत प्यारा है तु ।
बड़ा हो ने पे, बन जाना मेरा सहारा तु ।

तेरी यशोमती मैया, लेती है तेरी बलैया

Armin Dutia Motashaw
झुका हुआ है शर्म से, आज हर शीश

आज दुख और शर्म से झुक गया है, हर भारतीय का शीश ।

पाकिस्तान क्यों पैदा किया गया, इस बात की है रंजिश ।

कब तक रहेंगे चुप; कब तक करेंगे शांति रखने की कोशिश ।

ऐसे तो मै हूं शांतिप्रिय; पर अब मा को चढ़ाने पड़ेंगे शीश ।

दुश्मन हमें कमज़ोर  समझता है, इस बात की है रंजिश ।

याद रहे, यहां प्रताप, शिवाजी बस्ते थे, कभी झुके न जीनके शीश

रानी लक्ष्मीबाई  थी बहादुरी की मिसाल, न्योछावर किए थे प्राण ।

वीर भगत सिंह ने भी हस्ते हुए त्यागे थे अपने प्राण ।

आज साम मानेकशॉ कि लगती हैं कमी, झुक ने न देते भारत माता का शीश

हमने अब तक क्यों चूड़ियां  पेहन रखी है, इस बात की है रंजिश ।

हर आत्मा है जख्मी, आत्मसम्मान है खंडित; उठाओ अपना शीश

चलो मिल कर करें, मुंहतोड़ जवाब देने की कोशिश ।

आत्मा पर न रहे बोज, दिल में भर दो जोश, उठाओ अपना शीश ।

आज छेड़ दी है मैंने, आत्मसम्मान में यह, बिना राग कि, बंदिश ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw
62 · Sep 2021
સંપૂર્ણ શરણાગતિ

યા ખુદા, માંગુ છું, તારી પાસે, સંપૂર્ણ શરણાગતિ ની દુઆ, જોડી મારા હાથ

કરતો નહીં મને નિરાશ; ડગમગે નહીં મારી આસ્થા, ધરજે હમેશા મારો હાથ

કાંઈબી થઈ જાય, આવે આંધી તોફાન, બસ તું છોડતો નહીં આ સંગાથ

મન છે ચંચળ, બેચેન થાય, પળભરમાં ડગમગી જાય, સમજાવજે એને ઓ નાથ

શરણાગતિ સ્વીકારજો મારી, ઓ દયાળુ પરવરદેગાર, ઓ દીનાનાથ

તારી મેહેર હશે તો, મારી શરણાગતિ માં પડી જાઉં ન હું પછાત.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
62 · Sep 2021

Each time, traveled we on return tickets, this time decided you, to travel alone, one way;

To some destination unknown, you wanted to travel alone and there stay.

I had been to Air India, where I had to submit your certificate; it was a painful day

Every one remembered and missed you; n I couldn't keep my tears at bay

Know we all, life temporary is n destroyed is this body of clay;

Why then is it so very difficult to accept this fact that someday, to rest we all lay.

Your journey on your one-way ticket complete is, whilst I, my turn await, waiting for that day.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
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