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10.2k · Mar 2020

Fir aayi Holi ek baar, fir le gayi mere  dil ka karaar;

Puchhna chahti hu, kyu rulateho tum mujhe yuhi, baar baar.

Itne rango ke beech bhi hei tan man feeka; aankhoki pichkaarise behte hei aansu zaar zaar

Saalo beet chuke firbhi nazar dekhti hei teri raah, lagaataar.

Radha ka pyaar hi hei kuch aisa, maanta nahi yeh kabhi haar

Jaise kanha ke beena Radha adhuri aise hi, piya- milan beena, Holi hei  adhuri.

Kanha tere beena rang feeke, Chand feeka; soona lage mohe sansaar.

Aa bhi ja Mohan, itna ne tadpa, raah niharu tori; kab aayega tu jamuna paar.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
7.1k · Nov 2018
Happy Diwali

On a dark no-moon day, comes Diwali.
Sing children joyfully, "aali re aali, Diwali aali".
Tiny lamps, make this dark no-moon night bright.
Indeed this is a beautiful, eye-pleasing sight.

Children, I know, crackers you love to burst.
But kindly a minute spare, n listen to me first.
Minutes few of fun, cause problems very big n grave.
People many, suffocated feel; n pollution we pave.

Frighten we, little babies n of course, dogs too.
In future, about our actions insane, we will rue.

Celebrate let us Diwali, with beautiful, colourful Rangolis n lights.
Share sweets special;  homemade n healthy.
Helping moms to them make, even if you are wealthy.
Let's a portion small of these goodies, with the less fortunate share.
Prove let us to ourselves, that we really n truly care.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
6.0k · Dec 2018

This Diwali, if your spirit is damp,
Look out for a small clamp;
And light a tiny oil lamp.

The lamp of faith, please do light.
It will certainly turn things happy n bright.
And that, will definitely be a wonderful sight.

This Diwali, get rid off the darkness within.
Open your heart n light a lamp there-in ;
Spreading its glow to kith and kin.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
5.9k · Mar 2020

Soon will be coming Holi,
And  people will play it in a group toli.

Amidst all this fanfare, request you I, to consider this most sincerely ;

When painting each other,  in a frenzy do not get caught;

Harmful paints n colours use do not; n precious water waste not.

Summer soon will follow n water indeed scarce will become .

We will it need; n request you I, to leave for plants, animals n birds some.

Wood comes from chopping off trees, which  are very precious;

An earnest request is, to play an ECOFRIENDLY HOLI;  let's be gracious.

Let's burn away all our vices and all our habits weird  and bad;

Let each of us with these,  bravely combat, without being sad.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
5.3k · Oct 2018
On a dark no-moon day, comes Diwali.
Sing children joyfully, "aali re aali, Diwali aali".
Tiny lamps, make this dark no-moon night bright.
Indeed this is a beautiful, eye-pleasing sight.

Children, I know, crackers you love to burst.
But kindly a minute spare, n listen to me first.
Minutes few of fun, cause problems very big n grave.
People many, suffocated feel; n pollution we pave.

Frighten we, little babies n of course, dogs too.
In future, about our actions insane, we will rue.

Celebrate let us Diwali, with beautiful, colourful Rangolis n lights.
Share sweets special;  homemade n healthy.
Helping moms to them make, even if you are wealthy.
Let's a portion small of these goodies, with the less fortunate share.
Prove let us to ourselves, that we really n truly care.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
5.0k · Mar 2020

On this day of Holi, today on  a full Moon night ;

Lost evil and celebrated victory truth and things right.

Hirankashyap and his proud sister were so confident about their might;

But lost the evil  Hirankashyap and  Holika to righteousness .

Won Prahlad's faith against his father's viciousness ;

As burnt Holika into flames, survived Prahlad because of God's graciousness.

Let us also, all our vices  burn, as burn will Holi, tonight

Along with  ire, jealousy,  suspicions,  ego and all that isn't  right

As arises morrow , spread may colurs of happiness, shining bright .

Armin Dutia Motashaw
4.8k · Sep 2019
Aali Diwali

Excitement already there is in the atmosphere, our very air!!!

Goodies, gifts, flowers, lights we wish to, with dear ones, now share.

As citizens good, let's also exhibit some environment friendly care.

Banish Chinese items, I will, because I care for my India n also dare !

Use let us earthen Diyas, decorated in hand; Beautiful ones, beyond compare !

Candles Beautiful can be made or bought n decorated in a bright way.

Colourful Rangoli let us make with organic compounds, indigenous n rare.

Designs, with colours innumerous, one can create if one has a flair.

Same way, why pay so much to buy  torn jeans, buy let's a decent traditional pair.

Traditional dresses so colourful are and look pretty n  (no wrong meaning) gay.

Pizza, pasta, pastries boycott; try laddu, chakri or Khaja jo mawa se hei bhare.

Instead of flowers, gift Bamboo or money plants or other saplings; what say ?

Gift let us, things made in India. From China, let's willingly sway away !

"Aali Diwali"  but create let us noise n smoke less. we must on this, an emphasis lay.

Innovative one can be, using imagination vivid to cute gifts make; n less amounts pay.

No WA, try and visit Grandparents, Mama, Kaka, Aatya, Maushi, is all I have to say !!!


Armin Dutia Motashaw
4.3k · Sep 2019

Excitement already there is in the atmosphere, our very air!!!

Goodies, gifts, flowers, lights we wish to, with dear ones, now share.

As citizens good, let's also exhibit some environment friendly care.

Banish Chinese items, I will, because I care for my India n also dare !

Use let us earthen Diyas, decorated in hand; Beautiful ones, beyond compare !

Candles Beautiful can be made or bought n decorated in a bright way.

Colourful Rangoli let us make with organic compounds, indigenous n rare.

Designs, with colours innumerous, one can create if one has a flair.

Same way, why pay so much to buy  torn jeans, buy let's a decent traditional pair.

Traditional dresses so colourful are and look pretty n  (no wrong meaning) gay.

Pizza, pasta, pastries boycott; try laddu, chakri or Khaja jo mawa se hei bhare.

Instead of flowers, gift Bamboo or money plants or other saplings; what say ?

Gift let us, things made in India. From China, let's willingly sway away !

"Aali Diwali"  but create let us noise n smoke less. we must on this, an emphasis lay.

Innovative one can be, using imagination vivid to cute gifts make; n less amounts pay.

No WA, try and visit Grandparents, Mama, Kaka, Aatya, Maushi, is all I have to say !!!


Armin Dutia Motashaw
4.1k · Jun 2019
Eid Mubarak
wishing all my friends and colleagues "Eid Mubarak."
Celebrate may you, with Biryani, kababs,sevaiya n food from the "sadak".
May there be happinezzz n peace, in your lives.
May there be good health n honey, from the best bee hives.

With best wishes,
Armin Dutia Motashaw
3.0k · Feb 2019

Poor Fin Fin, once was Fred's  favourite  toy dolphin;

But was now sadly rejected; and lying in a dustbin.

Thrown out it was because a drunk servant fed it a little gin.

A small rag-picker boy,  picked it up; from the dustbin.

washing it, wiping it;  now made it look new and clean.

As he was walking past a river, in it fell poor FinFin.

Sad was the lad, this was really bad; for now drowned FinFin.

A man, consoling him said, "grow n come up one day will, this dolphin".

Come Danny, would daily, our lil boy, to look for his FinFin.

To his astonishment great, one day he saw a big dolphin.

With glee he cried, as he saw it,  " look, here's my dear FinFin".

Days went by, with some food, he would daily feed FinFin;

Throw a ball at it, he would n return it back, would the dolphin.

Gathered people now to see this play; giving him money, in a bin.

Happily jump,  dance and spin around would,  FinFin .

During one such act, along with the ball, fell the lad as he did over-lean.

Promptly picked him up and brought him safely back, our cute FinFin.

Friends for ever they became; lil Danny and our cute FinFin, the dolphin.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
2.2k · Apr 2022

Millions of cups of TEA/CHAI each day, we Indians happily consume

It is almost a must every morning, evening and before we work resume

Lures us its aroma at home or when we pass by a tea-stall, tempting are its fumes

One of the most consumed drinks in India is definitely chai, anyone can this presume

Huge varieties there are, count  one cannot; but the most famous I guess is Masala chai

Most Indians, specially Gujjus, this thoroughly enjoy; even foreigners must definitely it try.

Every morning a fresh cup of boiling chai makes your day; ah! that cup of "garma-garam chai"

My  most favorites are the aadu-ilaichi (ginger cardamom) n Bawaji special, the fudhina-leeli-chai

Once you sip it, along with Bun-Muska, almost addicted you are, you get a "Chaska" true.

There is an art in concocting a good cup of chai; one must know  how to it properly brew

Sadly I wasn't allowed to taste coffee or tea/chai when young, I tasted it, only when I grew

Tea here, is a drink old, but the Brits loved it n made it famous; so, chai is old tea is new

Armin Dutia Motashaw
2.1k · Nov 2023

There is enthusiasm all around us; busy is everyone, cleaning their home;

Hey guys n gals, we can't forget, to clean our hearts n minds, for life is a bubble; merely foam

Light a lamp, a diya let us, within our hearts, ignite love; no need there is, to temples roam

"Happy Diwali";
as we wish our dear ones, let's wish our selves too; for within us lives that Diwali Diya, n that "OM".

Armin Dutia Motashaw
2.0k · Jan 2019
My Kite

A girl small, requests her uncle for some "manja" and a kite.
Then goes up to the terrace quietly, choosing a lonely site.
Writing something on the kite, when away from others sight.

She then tries to fly it high up to heaven, in a hurry;  with a push light.
The kite finally soars up, Heavenward; after some struggle n fight.
Suddenly her family, after a long time, see on her face a smile bright.

The kite now, far away is, and zooming to a height;
When suddenly it is cut off and is soon out of everyone's sight.
When her they approach to console, see they, a smile bright.

Surprised they are n dumb founded, to see her dancing with all her might.
Ask her they, why happy she is about this; on seeing this plight.
Replies the cute little girl, my kite has, my mother reached; n will soon be in her sight.

I have sent my love n asked her to return; with ink blue on this kite white.
Soon, o very soon, the kite will reach Heaven, n will be within my mum's sight.
With tears they hugged her; knew they, nothing could be done, about the orphan's plight.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
1.9k · Oct 2022

This Diwali, prepare n tell yourself, a big "No" to any Chinese stuff

Let's be firm; let China crib, play games *****, or huff and puff

Please be firm, do not buy their lights, lamps or items decorative

Few Fireworks, means less pollution; please take this important initiative

Know this, Fengshui items are absolutely their commercial creation

Let's follow our very own Vastu Shastra, during n always, right away from this celebration.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
1.6k · Mar 2022
Happy Holi
On Earth, when winter wears off, Nature, many a  colour brings

Every year, immense joy this brings; and this season we call spring

As colourful blossoms n grass green appear, our Earth looks like a queen

Many countries Navrooz celebrate; in India, it has Holi been

That melting snow changes white into green, pink,  orange, purple n red

Like an Indian bride looks the Earth, with many a colourful flower bed.

Also, Holi is symbolic of victory; that of good over evil, destroyed as Holika burnt.

Our Earth n earthlings, during this pandemic have taken a lot of brunt

Now Lord kind, please take away all our sorrows n happiness unto us grant

Happiness, prosperity, enthusiasm n peace on this Earth, please now grant.

Happy Holi, Happy Navroze, Happy Gudipadva, Happy Chetichand

Armin Dutia Motashaw
1.2k · Oct 2018
Har-e Krishna
HAPPY JANMASHTAMI to all my friends.

Born  was Krishna, specially to destroy evil
Killed and conquered He Kans; and many a devil.

Also born He was, to love and happiness spread.
That's why, Radha's name before Him, is always read.

An example fine, of Friendship with Gop, Gopis n Sudama, He set .
Draupadi saved He, when Pandavas, her wongly did bet.

An ideal to follow, for all these above things, He was.
Actions, our own Karma, of happiness or sadness is the cause.

If we humans, followed these examples of His;
Wouldn't wonderful be this world; simply filled with bliss ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
1.2k · Mar 2022
Happy Holi
On Earth, when winter wears off, Nature, many a  colour brings

Every year, immense joy this brings; and this season we call spring

As colourful blossoms n grass green appear, our Earth looks like a queen

Many countries Navrooz celebrate; in India, it has Holi been

That melting snow changes white into green, pink,  orange, purple n red

Like an Indian bride looks the Earth, with many a colourful flower bed.

Also, Holi is symbolic of victory; that of good over evil, destroyed as Holika burnt.

Our Earth n earthlings, during this pandemic have taken a lot of brunt

Now Lord kind, please take away all our sorrows n happiness unto us grant

Happiness, prosperity, enthusiasm n peace on this Earth, please now grant.

Happy Holi, Happy Navroze, Happy Gudipadva, Happy Chetichand

Armin Dutia Motashaw
1.1k · May 2022

Change colours people, even more often than a chameleon would ;

Thought the chameleon, many times I wonder, how easily a human, ever do that could

Infact the chameleon itself wondered, how come these guys are faster n better;

A passer-by somehow the chameleon's thoughts guessed; n told it, "a man is a go-getter"

"Aww.... may be, may be", said the chameleon, "but humans shouldn't so selfish be"

Said the man, "do this you, to yourself save, from your enemy; so that it cannot, you see;"

"But a man, knowingly immediately colour changes to suit his selfish motives n needs"

"Infact many times an innocent human he entangles, blames, or even outright, him weeds"

"Never must you mess with a human, because guess you cannot what goes on, in his head"

Most scheming he is; and can easily, an innocent one harm; if wishes he, in a moment, you will be dead".

With a sigh of relief, said the chameleon, "people sometimes, a blood-sucker call me;"

"But bro, as you truly say, now onwards, of a human, I too very careful will now have to be".

Armin Dutia Motashaw
882 · Oct 2018
HAPPY JANMASHTAMI to all my friends.

Born  was Krishna, specially to destroy evil
Killed and conquered He Kans; and many a devil.

Also born He was, to love and happiness spread.
That's why, Radha's name before Him, is always read.

An example fine, of Friendship with Gop, Gopis n Sudama, He set .
Draupadi saved He, when Pandavas, her wongly did bet.

An ideal to follow, for all these above things, He was.
Actions, our own Karma, of happiness or sadness is the cause.

If we humans, followed these examples of His;
Wouldn't wonderful be this world; simply filled with bliss ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
859 · Aug 2022
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

Here is wishing all of you, my dear friends....

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Armin Dutia Motashaw
850 · May 2021

เช…เชนเซ€เช‚, เชธเชฆเชพ เชถเชพเช‚เชคเชฟ, เช–เซเชถเชพเชฒเซ€, เชชเซเชฐเช—เชคเชฟ, เช†เชฌเชพเชฆเซ€ เชฌเชจเซ€ เชฐเชนเซ‡

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Armin Dutia Motashaw
829 · Jul 2022

My life entire I spent dreaming away, oh my God, what a waste !

As a kid thought I, absolutely fabulous n fantastic was my taste !

In a glance, just a glimpse; fell in love I did, in a moment of haste !

Love you I did immensely; but you were actually a mirage, not a reality

Perception faulty was mine; nowhere between us, there was any equality

You had nothing to do with this; you were a mirage, just living in the same city

Sad, out of proportion was growing, this one sided love of mine

Never did you invite me for a date, or with you to even dine,

Crazy was my love; patiently thought I, one day things will definitely be fine

But shadows cannot an actual shape take; a mirage always will so remain

Life yours, had no place for me; in it, an entry I would never be able to gain.

Alas! on a mirage, my life entire I spent; frustrated, in excruciating pain.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
799 · Dec 2020

Rotting is the system entire, shouldn't it be set on fire ?

Only wealthy crooks, win cases because lawyers powerful they can hire.

Hearing  n seeing what is going around, only increases my ire.

Judges n witnesses on sale!!! crooks rich are the buyers.

When will that blind folded symbol, open her eyes; the need is dire.

Cases of dragging justice lingering on for years, is rising higher

Shouldn't we burn this rotting judiciary with fire or an electric wire?

What is your reaction?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
766 · Oct 2018
Aakhir kyu?
Aakhir kyu

Beti puchhe babulse , " mei kyu parayi?"
Uski ye haalat dekh ke kayanath bhi sharmayi.
Na mei  pihar ki, na sasural ki.
Babul bata mohe, mei aakhir kahaki?

Vidai ke waqt; tune  kar di mohe parayi;
Kisine ne jaani mere dukh ki gehrayi.
Aaj tere jaane ke baad to, ne ghar ki , ne ghat ki.
Bas khed hei mujhe is baat ki .

Sasuralwale kahe," tera pihar;"
Yeh soonte hi  jau mei sihar.
Sochu manhi man mei; kaunsa pihar !
Jaha aaj apna koi nahi  hei; woh pihar  !

Niyati ka khel hei yah kaisa?
Pihar **, ya sasural; dekhe harkoi paisa.

Kis se kahu mei dil ki peed ?
Akeli hu; bhale ** chahu aur  bheed.
Paav mere tune baandh di janjeer.
Aakhir kyu, aisi meri  taqdeer ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
745 · Oct 2018
A Hero

Today extremely, extremely sad I feel,
That's why,  make I, a sincere appeal.
To every human, request I; to Kerala's pain heal.

To help the other, is our divine duty, not a deal.
Now under great pain n suffering, they reel.
Wipe their tears n eliminate their fears; their pain please do feel.

Yesterday it was Gujarat, today it is Kerala; our future isn't yet reveal(ed).
Let's ourselves, in their position put; n their pain feel.
If we all give our bit, at least, a little pain, may perhaps heal.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
735 · Sep 2023
Welcome here, to this Earth, O Ganeshji, son of Shiv-parvati, O Vighnaharta ...

Umpteen problems this world is in, grant us peace and prosperity, O Vighnaharta

Your blessings, require we all, weak or strong, big or small; so please come, O Vighnaharta


Armin Dutia Motashaw
691 · Oct 2019
Original Calcutta

Called Calcutta or Kolkata they, the city of joy

But sadly there is poverty immense; sad, you oh boy!

Poverty that brings tears of sadness not joy;

People here are treated not like humans; mere toys

Very few lucky are to be, properly employed;

Many miscreants there are who just plot n ploy.

I hope people find their right n honest envoy.

So that gets Calcutta its original tittle, "the City of Joy".

Armin Dutia Motashaw

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Armin Dutia Motashaw
560 · Aug 2023

F... Fun, frolic and an open heart, we have

R... Radiating love and good vibes, always

I... Independent individuals, yet rock-solid

E... Endless, just like our breathing; upto the end

N... No formalities what so ever, frank n informal

D... Dear and Precious like diamonds n Pearls


Armin Dutia Motashaw
539 · Nov 2018
Aakhir kyu
Aakhir kyu

Beti puchhe babulse , " mei kyu parayi?"
Uski ye haalat dekh ke kayanath bhi sharmayi.
Na mei  pihar ki, na sasural ki.
Babul bata mohe, mei aakhir kahaki?

Vidai ke waqt; tune  kar di mohe parayi;
Kisine ne jaani mere dukh ki gehrayi.
Aaj tere jaane ke baad to, ne ghar ki , ne ghat ki.
Bas khed hei mujhe is baat ki .

Sasuralwale kahe," tera pihar;"
Yeh soonte hi  jau mei sihar.
Sochu manhi man mei; kaunsa pihar !
Jaha aaj apna koi nahi  hei; woh pihar  !

Niyati ka khel hei yah kaisa?
Pihar **, ya sasural; dekhe harkoi paisa.

Kis se kahu mei dil ki peed ?
Akeli hu; bhale ** chahu aur  bheed.
Paav mere tune baandh di janjeer.
Aakhir kyu, aisi meri  taqdeer ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
532 · Feb 2020
A Burnt Toast

This morning  spoilt seemed, as started it with a burnt toast ;

Asked I,  " Mom, about your culinary skills I always boast;

Then tell me dear Mom, why today, this burnt toast" ???

Anyway I picked it up and most unwillingly took it along.

As I  threw it out of my car, came a lady poor and looked at it long;

Cleaned it , brushed the dirt ; and lovingly fed a child small.

She was in clothes tattered n *****,  playing with a ragdoll.

"Actually ashamed of myself I was then," said the rich lad;

He was  ashamed simultaneously about his behaviour bad.

Parked the car he did at the side; bought some  milk, toast n bread ;

Gave it lovingly to the child small n decided to this awareness spread.

Hurt never your loving Mom; n grateful be for the food.

Waste food never; even if rich you are, this is not a habit good.

Hence forth waste food, I definitely won't, and my Mom I will always respect.

I will remember and teach everyone this important aspect.

Forget never I will  that little child, so happily eating a burnt toast;

Water,  food , air,  clothes to  the poor are important n valuable most.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
483 · Oct 2021

Dead is our conscience and almost blind too; as the emblem of Justice is

Justice true there is hardly; it has pathetically, sadly,  almost ceased

Now three "M"s rule it; muscle power, ministers n money to palms grease

An honest man, a poor victim, from our jails, or judiciary claws hardly gets released.

What expect can one from people with a conscience dead, crumpled n creased?

Lawyers, false witnesses create and train, then their fees ten folds increase

An honest victim wrongly caught , with frustration n fight can to death freeze.

Ahura, Your justice so impeccable is, than why do innocent humans suffer like this?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
475 · Jan 2019

Learn to relax we must all, including me.
In things little, try to, happiness seek n see.
Relax for a moment, before accepting the strife;
Know we must, tensions are very much a part of life.
Relax, breathe deeply each time, before you worry;
Don't always be anxious or always in a hurry.
Money important is, but not more than your health.
Health and peace of mind are one's real wealth.
Need we to relax deeply; learn how to do so, we must all.
An overworked mind n body will be responsible for our fall.
So care not about things that trouble you.
Relax; give your mind n body, the respect deserved n due.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
471 · Nov 2019

Misery, humiliation, insults, torture n inhuman behavior, they had to bear.

When they could no longer protect the holy fire; and for it no longer care;

thought they, leave they must, their dearest Motherland, wealth n cattle there.

For living there, undergoing torture was beyond tolerance; poisonous was the air.

Weary, miserable and dead-tired; on the shores of Gujarat, they finally did land.

From Diu-Saurashtra sailed they to Sanjan Bunder, requesting for a helping hand.

To persuade the ruler for shelter; stood they under the scorching hot Sun on sand.

Finally asylum granted was, after many conditions, their weapons they had to disband.

Accepted they were by Bharat (India); and finally settled down at Sanjan

Starting anew, our ancestors rebuilt Iran-shah, away from the Arab โ€œhevaan(s)โ€

with honesty, integrity, hard-work, reestablished they, their โ€œaan-baan-shaanโ€

now our pious duty it is, to continue their work with dedication and โ€œimaanโ€.

Armin Dutia Motashaw.
470 · Jan 2019
On Army Day
เค†เคชเค•เคพ เคนเคฎ เคชเคฐ เคนเฅˆ เคฌเคนเฅเคค เคฌเคกเคผเคพ เคเคนเคธเคพเคจ เฅค
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Armin Dutia Motashaw
449 · Oct 2020

Request You I, to kindly tell me, or explain the real or hidden reason;

Reason why every few months,  changes a  season.

Reason why time continuously ticks; n a day,  night's fusion;

Complicated it is all, perplexed I am, there is a lot of confusion.

There's happiness less, n sadness more; what  is the reason?

We commonly see wicked n evil winning over truth, leaving a painful lesion.

People few understand the REASON for one's birth, one's mission;

If granted us you have power to reason, then why this utter confusion?

If endeavour we need to,  why surrender we must to fate, why this submission?

Laws of  Karma, sadly, show do not; thugs, scoundrels, rapists, there is treason!

O  Ahura kind,  O the wisest one, please clear my confusion;

Explain please, why do we have to surrender our will; why this submission?


Armin Dutia Motashaw

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From: Armin Motashaw <>
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2020, 02:19
Subject: REASON
To: kersi sethna <>


Request You I, to kindly tell me, or explain the real or hidden reason;

Reason why every few months,  changes a  season.

Reason why time continuously ticks; n a day,  night's fusion;

Complicated it is all, perplexed I am, there is a lot of confusion.

There's happiness less, n sadness more; what  is the reason?

We commonly see wicked n evil winning over truth, leaving a painful lesion.

People few understand the REASON for one's birth, one's mission;

If granted us you have power to reason, then why this utter confusion?

If endeavour we need to,  why surrender we must to fate, why this submission?

Laws of  Karma, sadly, show do not; thugs, scoundrels, rapists, there is treason!

O  Ahura kind,  O the wisest one, please clear my confusion;

Explain please, why do we have to surrender our will; why this submission?


Armin Dutia Motashaw
430 · Oct 2018

Today extremely, extremely sad I feel,
That's why,  make I, a sincere appeal.
To every human, request I; to Kerala's pain heal.

To help the other, is our divine duty, not a deal.
Now under great pain n suffering, they reel.
Wipe their tears n eliminate their fears; their pain please do feel.

Yesterday it was Gujarat, today it is Kerala; our future isn't yet reveal(ed).
Let's ourselves, in their position put; n their pain feel.
If we all give our bit, at least, a little pain, may perhaps heal.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
429 · Mar 2023

As they are colourful n of varied qualities; so is a human towel

In the lighter vein, my lil granddaughter loves to use me as a towel;

Coming out after a bath, she clings to me, using me as her towel.

Our mind, specially when young n tender, is a very good sponge, a towel

But the biggest n the best is our subconscious, it absorbs more than a towel

Parents, grands, teachers have to careful be, to feed water clean to every little towel

Our subconscious constantly absorbing keeps, so, my Ahura, make it a positive towel

This world a much better place will be, if good thoughts are printed on every towel

Everytime we have a fresh one, it is duty ours, to keep clean this towel

Armin Dutia Motashaw
425 · Dec 2019

Anxious and worried I today feel;

A little depressed too, as if slumping down-hill.

To do my daily writing just now, a little reluctant I feel;

Destiny sometimes, us does severely grill;

Specially when a dear one is suddenly ill;

Behaving sometimes like a shark about to ****.

When our own, besides us are not ; sad we feel.

Help me O Ahura, to recuperate; grant me a strong will.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
420 · Oct 2019
Bhai Beej

Precious and beautiful is this loving relationship

Together we did play, sing, dance, run and  leap;

Fought hoarse; then made up, with a cuddle and hug.

Again snatched each others slippers, clothes, pillow or rug.

When grew up we, these beautiful memories I always do treasure.

The depth of our love n closeness on these memories, I measure.

Wish I my brothers, loads of love and all wishes good.

Turn back I would those beautiful pages, those memories if I only could.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
418 · Oct 2019

After their bath, their towel they make me,

Some kind of mischief, in this they see.

My Freyanush n  Zoi's towel, I love to be.

Such a wonderful time of the day this is; filled with glee.

As hug me they;  with their lil bodies, wet I love to get.

To stay dry I dare not with them ever bet.

To run n  jump in my lap, a time they plan n set.

They somehow succeed in getting me wet.

To be their towel, is absolute fun, a sheer joy.

Love I, to be their towel; their live- fun- toy.

Willingly I become a part of their prank n ploy.

For these cute loving pranks, I am their envoy

Armin Dutia Motashaw
415 · Jul 2021

F.. fun with fairness,             trust is a must
R.. rowdiness n a wee          bit of madness
I.. informal , Bindaas           behaviour
E.. excitement n joy on        meeting each other
N.. naughtiness plays a         vital part
D.. distance should              never ever matter
S.. sweet memories              carried life long.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
406 · Sep 2019

Here comes the divine VIGHN HARTA

Son of Maa Parvati n the mighty Shiva

This Country n its people desperately need You.

Ganeshji, welcome You with open arms, we do.

Bring in joy, bring in prosperity n peace

May this Nation's difficulties n problems cease.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
391 · Mar 2019

Why have you made relationships so strange ?

Why is it that parents, their children love unconditionally, with all their heart.

These children are of their parents lives, the most important part.

Then these children, in response, return do not this love, unconditionally.

Many a times, we see these relationships are onesided with an angle of involvement commercially.

Parents practical  are not, say these children, these silly inherents.

Strangely, the cycle repeats, where love they, their children more than their parents.

Of course, as usual, exceptions to the rule, there are always.

There are children, who upon their parents dote; and for them do a lot.

Lord, whatever, You do always has a reason valid; but understand it, we cannot.

Your ways complicated and strange are, out of our comprehensive range.

Can You in some way, explain this phenomenon strange ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
386 · Mar 2019

Done they have a lot for us, let's them, now pamper.

Oft and on let's hug them n present them a gift hamper.

And when dealing with these elders, let's not lose our temper.

Giving them space; with their privacy, we must never ever tamper.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
386 · Apr 2022

Whether you believe it or not, or think It's a legend, reality or just another story of strife;

Ramayana is worth following at each and every stage in one's personal life.

Today, this if we had followed well; n blindly not the western world;

Things different would be in our modern India; if His principles, we didn't hurl

May we follow Ram's footsteps, irrespective of our religion or religious beliefs

May Ram's ancient Bharat again lead the world; let's please turn on a new leaf.

May once again Bharat Mata shine and lead other nations towards prosperity n peace

This beautiful country is not just mere land; it is our rich heritage, don't slice it into many a piece.

Best Wishes to enliven the Ram, that lives within each of us.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
358 · Jul 2019
Every parent Grandparent every one who is tending to a child is a Gardener and the child a precious sapling


I am your loving guardian, your Gardener;

Who awaits to see a sapling bloom, as if a baby it were.

And you of course , my most precious sapling are.

See you I wish to, blossom, bloom n spread your branches far.

Tender, loving you are, sweet as sugar or honey.

Sometimes giggling, crying, angry or even funny.

Everything is a game, be it sleep, studies or time for feed.

I your gardener painstakingly will tend to all your needs.

May you blossom to be a great Parsi, n an Indian great too.

May Ahura always shower His choicest blessings upon you.

Your Gardener, your Ma

Armin Dutia Motashaw
358 · Jun 2021

Indeed easy it is, for us, to take the easy way out;

Right it is not, to take this easy route; don't you ever this doubt.

Easy it is to slip down in these times bad, specially during a crisis

Even more so, in today's world, filled with so many ugly vices.

Where many flourish, even when they evil & the devil follow

When justice doesn't prevail; & injustice with salt we have to swallow;

Slip then people down; because easy it is, to that easy way take.

O Ahura, hellp us to the correct path take & our way to Heaven make.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
356 · Dec 2024
TUBES    . .. Here a tube , there a  tube,  everywhere  a tube, tube  ;

Locked up in a tiny room I am, as if in a cube

One  for intake  of oxygen, one for output of peritoneal drainage

Both in and out  of my Parsi nose; what an outrage !

Yet another from the bladder, n intravenous on my hands both

Two at the feet, to  circulation  help; only these 2, I do not loathe.

Lord, You  made  our body so perfect,  oozing with health ;

When ill, we humans try to it repair,  spending enormous wealth.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
355 · Jun 2023

Our life is like a rivulet; going through a constant change; dashing alone, through paths difficult n rough

Picking up many relationships on the way, some good, some bad, some mild, some angry n gruff

Needs a rivulet to turn into a  river; n then to reach her destination final, to the Sea  so mighty, really huge !

Rest she just cannot, it's a winding journey, meandering, but there is no going back, no refuge !

A bumpy jumpy childhood, followed by a carefree or stressful youth; then perhaps it flows smoothly for a while;

She sometimes gets a chance to happy be; to gracefully flow; and at life, satisfactorily smile

Then again as youth recedes,  relatives also part, into many factions at the delta, she is now broken !

These parts big and small, all into the mighty ocean submerge; it is now that a rivulet, that has turned into a river is, finally unified, in Heaven awoken.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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