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After the Sun sets,  it is a little lamp, a diya  that spreads light in the darkness;

Be that lamp, there is no need to  become the Sun,  it is burning hot



O Moon, if I were a man, an enchantress call you,  I would

For very easily lure me  in just a seconds few,  you could

Ah! I do not know why n what lures me to you; my eyes get glued

Bright n silvery you look on a full-Moon day, enchanting is the sight

As peep out of the clouds you do, playing hide n seek, at that height

O Moon, await I eagerly to see you; n your beauty admire every night

Romance fills the atmosphere as you beautifully rise in all your glory full

Smiling sweetly at me, peeping from silvery white clouds, look which, like wool

From a hammock, amidst trees admire you, as you lull me to sleep with breeze cool

Wish mankind wouldn't dispose your truth n the enigma that you hold

Though, to land on you, to conquer you, was a step scientific, very bold;

I still want you to be the enchantress that you are, luring me, not just material cold

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Oh just eighteen she was, when her heart had, on seeing him for the first time, a beat skipped !

Right from that moment, away from her physical self, it had for ever slipped

This Valentine's she was sure glad she would meet her childhood sweetheart;

After years so many; of their college reunion they would both once again be a part

Would he recognise her, when their eyes would meet; for his world must have drastically changed

Half a century had passed ! He must have been busy with his own family, she thought; have I deranged!

Because after they parted, her world to a standstill had come; she still dwelled in the past

That past which had closed all the gates forever, after met they had n kissed goodbye last

Her heart behaved rather erratically now; she was wondering when exactly did it return, when did it come back?

Peeping into the mirror, shocked she was to see herself! This couldn't be her ! She quickly realised, time does not freeze

She wanted to look good, not just good but her best; or he would once again, get a chance to her tease

At last came Valentine's day, her eyes constantly for him searched; then, once again, her heart skipped a beat!

That twinkle in his eyes, that same smile; she immediately knew, it was down right her defeat !

He held out a beautiful half opened rose n asked, "will you please be my Valentine, not just for today, always n forever"

Graciously she accepted n both of them simultaneously said, "it's been fifty years; but true relationships don't sever"

They soon married were; a radiant glow on her face revealed their love n happiness. Everyone said, it was the best reunion

He added, " it's not just a reunion ! after fifty long years, isn't this an ecstatic lovely fusion? "

Armin Dutia Motashaw

On a royal cruise, upon the Royal seas was crossing an entourage;

The Prince, his friends n cousins were going across the dark rough seas, with great courage,

A task force was on an important royal mission, to deliver a cargo sent by Her royal highness.

The Prince, a little shy, was preparing a speech to be delivered; trying to overcome his shyness.

He tried to memorize, looking at the blue waters, from the deck, as if seeking from them, their energy

The waters as if, were speaking to him, whispering in his ears, "Let's work together in synergy"

To hear this, the Prince suddenly overjoyed was; words began to pour forth spontaneously, like a song

What a pleasant experience this was, as if dolphins n mermaids were were singing along

Out peeped a pretty mermaid,  holding a ring for him; "marry me will you, my charming Prince please"

Watching her pure innocent beauty, her enchanting smile, the precious pearls she wore, he could just freeze !

His friend, his shoulder lightly touched; only to be gently awakened from his sweet reverie,

Oh boy! this is just what I needed most, now absolutely ready I am, for duty; it's gonna be a brilliant delivery!

The lecture, a success great was; there were multiple rounds of applause

A smile small,  fleeted across his face; knew he,  dolphins n mermaid, of his success were the cause.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Hold not grudges too long, torment yourself do not, after all life is short

Any kind of lie, fabricate do not, try to keep things simple; truth please don't distort

The more complex we try to make issues, it crushes n destroys us

Let go off, ego, ange, pride, jealousy; over them do not fuss

Wealth n power corrupt relationships beautiful; don't let them come in your way

Breeding misunderstandings should be corrected every day, in every way

Life end may abruptly, then there's only regret, so, let's a dear one visit or call

Let's not keep things pending too  long; it's not good to things stall

Death comes uninvited, without a knock, when we are least prepared

It stops n at us stares with a fixed icy stare; its claws, teeth n eyes at us glare

Without further warning, lets ready be, to it surprise, whenever it arrives

When it does, let death also happy feel, to take away a hero like you, in his arms,  

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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