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A man tall, black n handsome, fell in love with a girl white

He followed her all around and wouldn't let her out of his sight

The girl too attracted was towards him, specially his eyes bright

Soon in passionate love they were; n love culminated at its height

A beautiful baby born was, but like the father black with eyes bright

Her mother love her could not; she couldn't even stand her sight

Though her dad loved her, he couldn't stand those daily fights

Soon he left home; a thread separated was from a flying kite

She lay hungry, *****, wailing, crying for milk; pitiable was her plight

Lorn n neglected she grew up, all alone in an orphanage, under supervision tight

Working n studying hard shone out she; powerful like the Sun, a shining, shimmering star bright

Built a home beautiful for herself she did, besides a lake, on a hillock; grand was that site

Name n fame she had now; hence to inaugurate a home for the aged, came an invite

When with applause greeted she was, a frail old figure came to sight

Her heart went out to the elderly lady; so she gave her a hug tight

Spontaneously she knew this was someone her own; n she was right

For the elderly lady was her mother own, who had left her to her plight

Recognised her she through feelings, as if through an insight

The kind girl, in her arms held the figure frail, taking her home that night

"Love me you didn't Mom, but all my life I yearned for my parents, praying with all my might"

Tears streamed down from her mother's pale cheeks, as she held her tight

Relieved they both felt; love is truly beautiful, love is a shining bright light.

Armin Dutia Motashaw

India, Her Independence n Republic status achieved, after years of slavery

Even today, our Armed forces protect our borders courageously n bravely

But sadly we citizens treat them shabbily, not taking their sacrifices n dedication gravely

God, awaken our sleepy souls soon; so that we appreciate the great work of our Armed forces

Mandatory should be a training in the army; ministers n beurocrates their children send must for defence academy-courses

Let us look up to them; and respect every soldier, who dedicatedly serves our Nation; his life risking

Salute I, every Jawan, every officer, who this protection unto us gives, his family's happiness risking.


Armin Dutia Motashaw
Chopping trees instead of growing more and more

Diminishing greenery instead of constantly increasing the score

Wasting sweet waters and creating other types of pollution,

Instead of avoiding/reusing water and plastics as a solution

બધાને "Happy Uttarayan", કેહતા આવી એ બાળપણની, સુરતની ઉત્તરાયણ મને યાદ

ભાઇ-બહેનો સાથે, કઝીનો સાથે, પતંગ, માજા-ફીરકી, કિનના માટેનો કિધેલો વાદવિવાદ

અને પછી બધું ભૂલીને, હસી-બોલીને કબુલ કરવી, સ્વીકારવી એકબીજાની ભૂલ

પછી ઊંધિયું, જલેબી, પોંક, અને એના વડાં, મરીલીંબુની સેવ,  ખાણીપીણી માં થઈ જવું મશગુલ

માના તલના લડવા સાથે, આવે છે એ રંગ બે રંગી પતંગો સાથેનો તહેવાર, એ ઉજવણી યાદ

ભૂલી રહ્યા છીએ આપણે એ બૂમાબૂમ, શોરગુલ, એ "કાયપો કાયપો" નો સાદ

આજકાલ હવે એ નિર્દોષ મસ્તી તોફાને સાધ્યું છે મૌન; મોબાઇલે એ મૌજ છીનવી લીધી છે

સાનિધ્ય માં રહીએ કુટુંબ સાથે, ઈચ્છું છું એ દિવસો આવે પાછા, સુરતી ખમણ અને લોચો લાવવા કીધું છે કે ???

Armin Dutia Motashaw

To Belur-Muth  we must on every 12Jan all go, to homage unto you pay;

Homage pay to a great thinker, Yogi n teacher, whilst we there, for a while stay.

Achieved Narendranath enormous knowledge; gold he spun for us, from hay

Swamiji I pray, like JAmshedji, our youth also follow your precious advise may

Thank I your Guruji n God, for granting you unto us, is all I have to say.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ( I am lucky to share mine with you)

Armin Dutia Motashaw

Lord to You I fervently pray for everyone;  "may living here, never be a curse"

Please hold our hand Lord, always be our guide, our doctor, our nurse

Be it for big, small, influential, rich, or even for people, who have an empty purse.

Man often loses his self-control, misbehaves, even goes out of his mind;

In spite of man's behaviour, please Lord, be kind to the entire mankind

Karma leaves no one; but please guide us how to with good Karma bind


Armin Dutia  Motashaw

A puny weak man they thought he was; a leader ordinary n weak

But our Shastriji, though thin and wiry was fit n fiery; not at all meek

He practised what he preached; n bravely, determinedly, faced every cause

One of the best leaders we Indians had; to lose him, very sad it was

Bringing the Nation together, encouraging our jawans n kisans he did.

It is said that at the earliest, his enemies together; of him got rid

India(we Indians), lost a real-life hero; an intense man of integrity great

With your blessings, soon for the better, may change India's fate.

We pray "Om Shanti" for your peace, n from heavens your blessings seek;

Guide us O true son of the Indian soil; from ply-wood make us strong as teak.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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