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Feb 2019 · 111
fast forward
unitless Feb 2019
my love doesn’t love me anymore
he hasn’t for a while
I’m lost
now what
you started over so do I
how to feel
it’s numb every day
I’m lost
Feb 2019 · 103
hours after valentine
unitless Feb 2019
too bad I don’t know how we got this way
the pain the hate it’s been too late

for this to work I don’t know how I’ll funciton without you

I’ll be better off the next life will show it
Feb 2019 · 633
unitless Feb 2019
it’s okay , I’ll always see you in the next loop
Jan 2019 · 114
unitless Jan 2019
everything you say ends up being the opposite
I’m getting away , it’s hard I’m still trying
Nov 2018 · 523
a cheater
unitless Nov 2018
I am worth a million
I don’t deserve to be wailing
I now understand, I can’t keep this broken heart from breathing
I am capable of recovery
Thank you for the tears, they taught me all i need to know about your kind.
Sep 2018 · 116
unitless Sep 2018
I’m sober yet I want to die
I am numb depression hurts internally
I miss you but I hate you but I love you more than the lungs I need to breath but I know you can’t just love me yet I know I could still spend eternity loving you
I’m gaining in friends but I’m losing myself it was you but 2 of us and it was all I ever needed
I hate my mind and my heart they fight a lot
Sep 2018 · 121
unitless Sep 2018
enlighten me
lie to me
just leave
Sep 2018 · 118
unitless Sep 2018
I’m screaming into my pillowcase
tears rushing
mascara rubbing imitating eyes onto the wet pillowcase
I can only think of what was
How to continue
With a heart so broken
Sep 2018 · 103
new me
unitless Sep 2018
I hope you know how much you’ve broken me
A piece of my soul where feeling is , is no longer there
Thank you I am dull
Sep 2018 · 84
otherwise known as
Sep 2018 · 114
the only difference is
unitless Sep 2018
I know you don’t miss me much
But I’m missing you like crazy
I’m trying to not feel numb
But that’s the only way I feel
I can’t sleep at night , my thoughts
My heart hurts it misses you at night
And in the mornings
And all of the times in between that makes you my day
Aug 2018 · 121
late nights
unitless Aug 2018
I can’t fall asleep at night tossing and turning until ..
4:18 I read the clock
you really corrupt my mind
Aug 2018 · 105
no good goodbye
unitless Aug 2018
I’m gonna miss our endless laughter the most
my heart aches for answers upon why
Is this permanent or just temporary
Maybe in the future we will meet again

What am I saying this is it.
Aug 2018 · 109
before I sleep
unitless Aug 2018
I want to know
what it is
that occupies your mind when the light of day has faded and you are left alone
with your thoughts
Aug 2018 · 97
unitless Aug 2018
how do you fall out of love is the big question.
do you ever fall out of love or do you just forget.
do you know what real love is ?
do you know what true love is ?
do you know what fake love is ?
do you know what hate love is ?
someone help me
Aug 2018 · 114
unitless Aug 2018
I love the way you make me feel

— The End —