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Rae Aug 2018
You ever cried yaself stupid?
After so many tears, after so many years?
You finally have that one last tear,
that tear that taste different from the rest.
A little more salty with a little more sting....
Wake up foolish girl!!
Wake up!!!
Your to good for them tears.
Taste this last tear and let it sicken you so, you never shed another.
Not for this reason.
Not for this man.
Not for anything...
Go ahead and cry,
cry enough, let it all out,
cry just until you've cried yaself stupid...
Rae Aug 2018
The worst part of loving a man you can't have,
Is loving a man you can't have...
Rae Aug 2018
I wish to be something more than this,
Why I cant move on?
I need to be something more than this
& as i hold on, the world seems to be moving slow.
I pray to God for something more than this
My life has been so burdened,
The things I've created myself this time
Are beyond some things unheard of.
Will I ever be something more than this,
There's so much more I want,
With everyday day that passes, and every tear I cry,
I'm fighting through this storm!

Rae Aug 2018
How i pray so much for our family to be restored.
And yes that means with you in it.

How long id have to wait...
if I decided to wait...
I'd wait forever...

Maybe never....
Rae Aug 2018
We move on,
We learn, we grow.
With every tear comes a smile,
With every mistake comes a lesson.
Rae Aug 2018
I find myself to be something beautiful,

Flawed beyond all measures,
But a heart in the purest form.
Only to change,
Things I hate, things I love,
Healing some bruises,
I'm never enough.

Embracing myself,
And these flaws beyond all measures,
I'm learning to be something beautiful...
Rae Aug 2018
You are the existence of my poetry,
The meaning behind the words,
God gave me to you and you to me.
So young and foolish
stuck in our ways,
we rid our own lives of a love so beautiful,
passion so deep
emotions so intense,
but a timing so wrong, that we know nothing.
for years we stuck by, and my love for you never fading, no matter the pain I've felt.
And when I look at you today,
I desire you still.
You are the fire that burns inside of me,
I am yours forever
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