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Rae Aug 2018
I believe you to be something beautiful,
A pretty pink flower I suppose
Maybe as pretty as a beautiful rose,
A rose withheld from blooming,
no water or sunlight to help you grow.
I will steal that chance, your chance,
Forbid myself of ever seeing something so beautiful.

I will pluck you before you've bloomed,

Rae Aug 2018
I often wonder

Do I haunt your thoughts as much as you do mine's?
Does the thought of me keep you up at night?
Do you ever desire my heart as I do yours?
Am I completely irrelevant to you as you are happy with another woman by your side?
How did she ever become more than me? And why is it I can't escape you

5 am and I can't sleep
I lay in bed missing your arms around me..

Your in the arms of someone else...

— The End —