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Riley Aug 2018
How can I ask for it
Pain is all I know
I can never get help

I needed help
I had my virginity stolen from me
I was eight

Why did you take that from me?
You live with me
You never said sorry

I needed help
You never helped me
Riley Jul 2018
They fly high
Birds sing for love
They sing for hope
they sing for you and me

They fly for freedom
They fly for hope
They fly for you and me

Beautiful poets
Beautiful colors
Beautiful birds for beautiful people
Beautiful birds that fly high
Riley Jul 2018
Memories from a Broken Soul

She wept when he left
Pieces of her died every night
She disappeared within the evening
She was gone

She was forgotten but not lost
Her soul was trying to mend
Unanswered questions
Soul is fading away

Broken things
Brokens things can’t be fixed
Or can they?
Where is she now?

She disappeared within the night
She is gone but not forgotten
Her soul is left broken
The cuts on her wrist tells her story

— The End —