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David R Apr 2021
the well is dry
hard-baked mud
o'er buried sky
once-sacred bud

thunder rolls
bereft of rain
sighing souls
in abject pain

groaning anguish
night-time languish
panting's ceased
from bird 'n beast

senses dulled
spirit culled
save one tear
on deaf ear

the wise, clueless,
have lost their sight,
the elders viewless,
lost their bite

humanity dies
waiting for resurrection
decapitated eyes
blink dejection
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Apr 2021
more darkness
before the light
deepest night
before the day

deepest black
'fore life returns
before the dawn
as new-roused fawn

shines through crack
of broken sherd
as silence attack'd
with spoken word

hope in spirit
loving kindness
infuses merit
cures the blindness
David R Jun 2021
we teach a child abc
as toddler on mother's knee
learns for life (for life learns he),
the person and being he'll grow to be

so it's vital to know which abc
you teach your child, adult to be,

is it a for apathy, in face of suffering,
b for brusque at child's snuffling,
c for coldness at beggar's uncovering,
the abc of demonic discovering?

or a for assistance to those in suffering
b for benevolence to child snuffling
c for concern at beggar's uncovering
the abc of devout discovering

the abc your child learns
will steer him in his life's sojourn,
when you're no longer by his side,
that abc will be his guide

so make sure those first small steps
set him right on life's project
so when he's faced with life's neglects
his instinct knows what to do next

for beneath an urbane veneer
can lie a devilish sneer
but mother's early applaud 'n cheer
sets an unshakeable frontier
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge:
David R Mar 2022
there's a valley being filled
with pain and tears
its colour scarlet grill'd
by scare and fears

spilt by tool infernal
all the years
every drop eternal
wails in ears

the cries of babes and wives
rent asunder
the innocence of lives
laid to plunder

let me wade in the blood
be part 'n under
let me sink into the mud
o' eternal blunder

or may i choose life
for every drop spilt
for every cut of the knife
for untimely wilt

for the sake of the slain
stand up straight
for the sake of the pain
give up hate

increase acts of love
soar toward
on wings of white dove
the Elusive Lord

take His Hand in mine
salve His Sorrow
for together we can twine
a better morrow
David R Jun 2021
i know the time i've left on earth
is getting less and less
i feel i've done nought of worth
and from your light digress

like the sea, where land greets firth,
disappears 'neath watercress,
i feel i'm edging into berth
sinking slow to recess

achieved so little since my birth
lost the urge to progress,
my goodness suffers from the dearth
of self-belief and aggress

so much good have you bequeathed me
and scarce have i done justice,
so father, i beseech thee,
afore my soul to you entrusted

open my eyes that i may see
the truth of my position
as Na'amon in Galilee
assist me in my ablution
David R Aug 2021
dissect the flower, analyse its beauty
listen for heartbeat of soul,
they quash the essence through academic duty
and say they've reached their goal

spirit's illusion, it cannot be,
it shows not up on graph or tree
beauty, a fantasy, ape-evolution,
guilt and merit, states of confusion

and so they educate their world-leaders
their politicians and news-readers
their children and their teachers
church-goers and their preachers

the world's an accident, matter of opinion,
as is the lollygagging of cryptic religion,
then they're surprised, feign outrage
as world fills with killing, **** 'n rampage
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#cryptic, #lollygag
David R Mar 2021
Am I dead yet?
Killed complete?
Without knife or bayonet,
Life taken, discreet?

Is what was, no longer?
Did she the fire extinguish?
Have I lost to the warmonger?
Soul perished in anguish?

Yes, the drummer still beats
With rhythm sweet,
But it's faint and retreats,
As a distant bleat.

I'm not gone yet,
There is a flame,
E'en extinguished cigarette
Can still inflame.

I believe still,
A fire can ignite,
As spring daffodil
On a building-site.

Don't give up hope,
Don't slide the *****,
If she still hurts,
There's sweet deserts.

Keep on fighting,
Try your best,
Know her biting
Is the acid-test.
David R Feb 2022
he had the wherewithal and the madness
held West to the wall
exploded ultimate bomb of sadness
laughed at country's fall
there was cough, there was splutter
in the corridors of democracy
there was slight embarrassed stutter
as they crumbled 'fore monocracy
as they waved white flag in flutter
wrung their hands before the violence
as they washed the ash down gutter.
as they kept their pledge of silence
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#wherewithal, embarrass
David R May 2021
Would that my eyes were a fountain of tears
to mourn those cut off in the prime of their years
the children, young boys, teenagers and men
that will never see the earth or the sky again
crushed underfoot in dearth unrelenting
in crowd unawares, in world unrepenting,
mothers are wailing and fathers are rending,
unable to fathom their child's early ending,
infants are crying and siblings lamenting,
'father', 'brother', their cries tormenting,
who can give voice to the emotions venting,
o'er jewels and gems, sweet men of learning,
the innocent souls never returning,
to parents, to spouses, to houses of learning,
world, take heed, abjure your errors,
say enough to the pain, the fright 'n the terrors,
let the cries go out to heal humanity,
from its stupidity, its ridiculous insanity,
my mind is weary from thinking on this,
thus pen i lay down, from writing desist.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Jun 2021
unploughed soil, with pebbles 'n stone,
none witness to its prowess,
it lies there empty, all alone,
but of potential boundless

nothing ventured, nothing gained,
sleep will not build Rome,
only through action summit's attained,
and then you may dine at home

We owe fealty to ourselves,
fealty to our soul,
for therein the divinity dwells,
till death doth take its toll
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Jul 2022
slowly, darkly,
creeps the creeper upward,
gently, softly,
seeking subject subvert,

squeezing, choking,
round and round it winds so,
clutching, grasping,
as in Hitchcock slide-show,

chloroplast it seeks,
in the silence it you speaks,
in dreaded game o' hide-and-seek,
deadly snare that slides and sneaks
binds together wild and weak
tames them unto mild and meek

deftly, smoothly,
pulls you up on seaboard,
unawares he smiles at you,
plants his tentacle deep in you,
plays on you as keyboard,
poisons inner mind-ward,
extradites your innocence,
chaste and untouched inner sense,
skillfully and neatly you are his.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge

Written with *The Music of the Night* [from "Phantom of the Opera"] in mind.
David R Jan 5
Saw a vase on the table
sweet williams and chyrsanths,
perfect, like from a fable,
ready for French romance.

the greens and reds contrasted
in lively voice of colour
as if they knew their planting
was theirs to scream and holla

Now they're tired and wither,
their heads droop down in pain,
they know not whither nor whether
their strength they will regain
David R Jun 2021
no longer does my mind rush on,
harried by incessant chatter,
no longer does my pen bear fruit
with workings of grey-cell matter

the highs, the lows, have softened 'n mellowed,
as fields of grain, of browns and yellows,
time goes faster and weeks race by
as two days between two Saturdays lie

the wine, maturing, regrets lost time,
the lost opportunities of me in my prime,
i long for those days when i sailed the skies,
when the sun and moon shone in my eyes

finally, finally, i'm coming to terms,
with my mortality, the diet of worms,
a finality that priceless make
the minutes 'n seconds i'm still awake
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Aug 2021
a s sweet innocence stares
g host of blackened sin
h aunts the universe
a ttacks the soul within
s oft, gentle tiptoe
t urns to shout and blow

a nd no-one bats an eyelid
g oes to save the kid
h elps the untouched soul
a gainst the gaping hole
s ucking in the piety
t o satiate society

a ghast divinity shivers
g asps for inner light
h ungers for Caregiver
a midst the ghouls of night
s inking in black river
t he tears of human blight
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Mar 2021
Air, transparent nothingness,
Sustaining life with lovingness,
Shining fairie confronting us,
Embracing us, loving us.

Sweet oxygen and nitrogen,
Carbon dioxide 'n hydrogen,
Awe-inspiring leviathan,
Vitalising Heineken.
David R Dec 2024
he sat by himself
the man by the fire
sipping his wine
nursing his ire
thinking of those times, of the years gone by,
the children laughing, the jostle, the cry,
watching them grow, each in their fashion,
this one was gentle, this one with passion,
now they're gone as moonlight that flitters,
he's left with those thoughts, a memory that glitters,
the wars of love, of hurt and despair,
as he sips his red wine, alone in his chair.
David R Jul 2021
i go outside, it's sunny,
but half a mo, that's funny,
Microsoft PC says 'rain'!
i must be dreaming again

else i'm living in alternate reality
of imagination or sweet fantasy
for the computer never lies
so who am i to say otherwise?

our lives ruled by externalism,
idle chatter and palaver,
egotism, journalism,
pave the way to world disaster.

let's tune in to inner world
morality and true goodness
let us stop being swirled 'n twirled
ruled by puffed up lewdness

give me a leader of themselves a master
before he drives world to disaster
because if himself he cannot rule
we might as well be led by mule.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Feb 2022
i met him once
so long ago
seems like centuries
covered by snow

and beneath
the miles of ice
he's still there
from paradise

a place where rivers
and lakes join hands
and sing in joy
with trees on land

a place where music
and light combine
where multi-colours
radiate shine

a place where water
is made of wisdom
revealing order
unending kingdom

a place where waterfalls
gush forth bliss
speaking the secrets
of eternal kiss

a place where angels
sing like stars
where thoughts are sharp
like scimitars

where sun 'n venus
mars and moon
collaborate in one
infinite tune

aye, he's still there
i feel him still
but up above
on lonely hill

i live as madman
in drunken stupor
oblivious, blind,
to past or future

subsist without aim
a non sequitur
actions as child
with no genitor

one day, i'll wake,
i'll find him afresh,
let's hope, for my sake,
i'm still in this flesh

or else, i know,
it'll be too late
for there's no going back
once you've passed the gate.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#non sequitur, collaborate
David R Apr 2021
'Aye-aye', 'hear-hear', sang tired chorus,
hearing debate, debate, debate,
then, on cue, with tumult raucous,
starts another to pontificate

their voices rose unto the galleries
where painted ladies gave their view
as if the exercise helped lose 'em calories
in nod of applause or heckle of boo

'He's good', 'He is', 'He must be so',
'I heard it from his very own lips',
'Don't tell me that he's got ego,
He needs it in case he slips'.

"he's like a bull in china shop,
he lacks finesse and savoir-faire,
besides, his head looks like a mop,
his pate asprout with unkempt hair!"

the ministers shuffled on their seats
bade Prime Minister rise and speak,
the angels yawned and looked away,
a waste of yet another day

the lions roared
the angels laughed
and when bear clawed
G-d looked past

the rigmarole itself played out,
in deference to ritual
laborious talk, laborious shout,
convention as habitual,

in dark corner came a cry
'twas barely heard by passer-by
the house is small, one bedroom,
latrine outside with no headroom

in celestial court there's outcry
as tears of anguish reach the sky
G-d roars in pain, seraphim quake,
And claws the heavens for His namesake
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Dec 2024
until when the falling petals
until when the drops of blood
until when the wasted essence
until uncurls new flowerbud
David R Apr 2021
animal writhes on stomach
whispers in your heart
entices you to plummet
from your soul to part

it won't be terrible
you'll get over it
the sin'll be bearable
in a minute you'll quit

the more you think, the more you're caught
in net of sticky strand
don't get caught up in his thoughts
enticement like quick-sand

dart swift across, don't hark back,
engage in some other good deed,
before you know it, he'll stop attack
when he sees he can't succeed
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
##hark back
David R Apr 2021
sacred oak, strength in your veins,
aged grandeur of royal girth
moonlight flitting over your plains
through gnarled roots claiming the earth

many lives your eyes have seen
darkened circles proclaim you've been
spying secrets of youth on green
luscious vernality 'neath sylvan sheen
David R Jun 2021
horn-rimmed spectacles would fit her well,
a wide-eyed owl surveying tree dell,
scanning everything from her perch,
watching the battle-field, ready to lurch

with still glance, as priest with bell,
all and sundry, she seeks to quell,
with tongue as whip to flail and scourge,
all else besmear, purge and smirch

if she berates, she'll make it clear,
her will is paramount, just quake in fear
from the rooftop she seeks applause
and will rejoice in finding flaws

bumptious 'n pushy, she rules her cell,
hers is paradise, all others, hell,
if you're lucky, you may carry her verge,
and at her bequest, sing her dirge
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Aug 2021
i rattle the bars of my cage
prowl back 'n forth with inner rage

but the metal is mirage
mind construct, subconscious montage

imprisoned by my vision
hear echoes of derision

a ****** of indecision
failing in life's mission
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R May 2021
i open my mouth but cannot speak,
my soul is weary, the outlook bleak,
i bend my knees in supplication,
weep and cry in desperation,
search for answers, for salvation,
fight 'gainst sighs, 'gainst resignation
my eyes lift upwards, risking damnation,
show me a sign in Your creation,
Your children long for Your liberation,
'stead the deaths and devastation,
L-rd, for Your sake, for Your exultation,
Don't pluck the young 'uns from Your plantation,
Grant us Your favour, show us Your Face,
Show us Your kindness, Your love and Your Grace,
Grant us respite from this madness,
the waves of darkness, the surge of sadness,
kindle a light of joy and of gladness,
somehow transform this world of badness,
if i feel the pain, Your pain must be greater,
as You feel the pain of father and mother,
the cry of the infant, the sister and brother,
resonate in You, unfathomable Creator,
thus I'll be silent, from words desist,
I'll lift up my hand towards the mist,
I'll mouth those words of world acclaim,
Magnified and sanctified be Thy holy Name.
David R Feb 2022
so starts sorrow, so starts pain,
wounded victims, despot's gain,
as world stands with hand on hip,
vainly mouthes with tongue and lip,
shakes its head in mock horror
while the MILLIONs flee in terror
while the bombs shake the ground
pulverise all life around
slaughter, slay, pointless carnage,
innocent people thrown as garbage
sacrificed because the world
did nothing as evil unfurl'd

as the evil with smile as slit
threw on fire the holy writ
rubbed his hands with glee 'n spit
pushed the Earth closer to pit

nobody believed what he said
nobody envisioned the world as dead
for the world has not yet learnt
history's lessons though thrice been burnt

for the avarice cries give, give, give,
does not suffer for others to live
only when all reigns silent
in self-destruction of all things violent
when a handful's left to grieve
the smouldering remains of man's bereave
when the final bomb's exploded
all false riches 'n drive for power,
when all dignity's been eroded
in humanity's final hour,
will they finally join hands in mirth
will there finally be peace on earth[?]
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Mar 2022
subtle as an amber sunset
midst blushing orange clouds
as the flames that play duet
with pyre of corpse in shrouds

subtle as the rush of water
cascading in mock wrath
daring to the death 'n slaughter
the rocks that lie in path

subtle as beguiling magic
wrapping mind 'n heart in veil
blurring sadness, memories tragic,
in golden misty dale

What am I?
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge

Clue: ystekch ns hoo iewkr
David R Jun 2021
"it's the swolgamouth", he said,
"and i thought he was dead!
he's clearly gone ahead
and on my swoth he's fed".

"a swolgamouth?", i challenged,
"are you quite unbalanced?"
"You mean a sort of moth
is feeding on your swoth?"

"a moth?", he cried, "why, no!",
giving his nose a blow,
"It's a type of bendigo!
I'm surprised you didn't know."

"A bendigo?", I quoth,
"you mean a type of sloth?
but, I say, in troth,
sloth don't feed on swoth!"

"the bendigo", he said,
with exaggerated composure,
but he seemed to lower his head
as he made the grave disclosure

and his eyes darted left 'n right
that he wasn't overheard
and shrank back in affright
at cry of flying bird

"Why it's", but then was silence,
as he vanished from my view,
it seems the bendigo tyrants
had him taken as their due.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Oct 2021
Up to Mighty One he came
Inspired man one day
Laid his supplications fore
The One Who holds all sway

Singing songs o' Divine Lily
Stranded in love-affair
'til he got excited and
he shouted into the air:

It's a long way to G-d's Prairie
It's a long long way to go.
It's a long way to G-d's Prairie
To the Sweetest One I know!

Ascend Divine Lily,
Express your love so fair!
It's a long long way to G-d's Prairie
But my heart's right there.

It's a long way to G-d's Prairie
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to G-d's Prairie
To the sweetest One I know!

Ascend Divine Lily,
Express your love so fair!
It's a long long way to G-d's Prairie
But my heart's right there.
based on the British Army Song, "It's a long way to Tipperary".
David R Aug 2021
-                               your goal                 your hereafter                       
                depends on intent                    'neath heaven's rafter
        of your soul                                           is made by your actions
    the ascent                                                         and sweet reactions
                                      your love and smiles     
                                    to life's kisses and trials
David R May 2021
a crack of sunshine
the human smile,
as matured wine
poured down the aisle
of suffering humanity
creating sanity
in world inanity
illusion and vanity
like the split of reed-sea
like biscuits and tea
it saves man 'n country
it'll save you and me
David R May 2021
when you step on me
i go crunch
not even fit
for a thrush's lunch

i may be a pest
eat all your seedlings
but give it a rest
have some feelings

i'm here for a reason
though you can't figure
so whatever the season
don't commit treason

i know you're bigger
than me by far
i'm easy to disfigure
and i look bizarre

but have a ❤
spare me a day
don't tear me apart
as a child's play

don't think 'let's **** her'
'clean the area'
'there's a flotilla
of 'em on fritillaria!'

on a gentle buttercup
allow me to stay
or you might lift me up
and throw me away

over neighbour's fence
i don't much mind
the world's immense
i'm sure we can find

some space for us both
to live in harmony
me on new growth
and you with your tea
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Apr 2021
broke into a million cries
David R May 2021
i climb the scaffolding
look down below
spirit faltering
will i die in the blow?

caffeine swirling,
dizziness whirling,
truth obscured

dry darkness,
unfeeling eyes,
dropping, heartless
out of the skies

failing, falling,
faster than water,
missed my calling,
embracing slaughter

but i'm still here,
didn't dare,
risk the fear
of devil's snare
This was a memory. At the moment I do not have suicidal wishes.
David R Nov 2022
ribbons 'n posies, royal salute,
guns and canons in chorus shoot

poppies to adorn the sleeping dead
o'er rocks 'n pebbles and bullets of lead

blood that splashes on chalk-white stones
on dusty granite and weary bones

death and silence drown the cries
as no-one hears as soldier dies

plastic posies, nugatory salute,
together, forever, canons shoot
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Nov 2021
lemon and lime fill the air
bedeck the boughs with sunshine glare
deck the earth with golden stair
before Lord Winter lays all bare
David R Jan 2022
"hi there, folks!
that's you at home!
i'm up on the oaks,
my place to roam.

to remember my stores
my memory matches yours
to hide all my nuts
best food for my guts

while you're lazing the autumn
i'm burying amounts awesome
though i forget where i put half
i find the rest, so don't laugh

i'm a squirrel, 'case you hadn't noticed,
though i always look so focused,
upbeat, sanguine, that's me all over,
love to frolic through grass 'n clover

so next time you spy an intelligent lookin' male
with winsome grin and bushy tail
hoppin' around or walkin' a strut
it's likely me, so throw me a nut!"
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#sanguine, #winsome
David R Jun 2021
perched on fir-tree, towering o'er fences,
its gold and scarlet delighting my senses,
his song piercing miasma o' reverie,
awakening the past, the shadow of memory

of years gone by, of years gone past,
of time that has run, away so fast,
a time when sadness had not yet intruded,
a time i lived, myself secluded

a time i passed through wild fields,
in morn of golden sunshine,
when rays of happiness pierced the shields
o' corporeal, to reveal the divine,

there in thickets, oblivious to man,
sings the goldfinch as only he can,
with black and red and beige of royalty,
as corporal general dressed flamboyantly

unaware of its own grandeur
twittering as skilled raconteur,
he ruled the air of my school days
and to this day sends forth his rays
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Dec 2021
i looked to the heavens
all was dark
as i shouted Your Name
heart all aflame
in the twilight of soul
when the mists hid my goal
when the snake had bitten
arisen from hidden
soft dropped my tears
and salvaged my soul
swept away years
as i found again goal
as i grabbed that snake
by its tail as bidden
to become staff in my hand
to walk in Your Land
with You
before me
David R Aug 2021
the concerto of the lake
that the falls and rapids make
the music of the sky
as the swifts and swallows fly
the melody of the fish
as their rainbow tails swish

are heard by pure of heart,
before it's torn apart
the callow, guileless, young,
they hear the rainbow sung
they hear the ballad o' sweet love
before the eagle eats the dove
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Aug 2022
if you can try
to cast your mind
to times gone by
left far behind

those days of yore,
aeons ago,
long before
men kneaded dough

before time begins,
before internet,
when man wore skins,
and a woman, corset,

those days when Luddites
meant English weavers,
'n churches were tight
with avid believers

when a Yankee still dreamt
his country was golden,
a queen, monarch meant,
if quaint and olden,

when people still dialled
to each other on phones,
implied lazybones [that idled]
when they carped on about drones,

when block was an obstacle
placed in a road,
canoe, pointed vehicle
by one paddler rowed

when catfish a marine creature
dwelling in sea
and cloud a sky-vapour
that veiled clarity

when tweet was sound chirped
oft by a bird
and old text was a script
inscribed on a sherd,

when RED was a colour,
as indeed was blue,
e'en then, my dear fella,
we still knew a thing or two.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#Luddite Yankee carp
David R Apr 2021
softer than the ocean sand
caressed by moonlight tender
the skin of my beloved
radiant with cherub's splendor

deeper than woodland pools
bluer than the skies
the wellsprings of my jewel's
cerulean, emerald eyes.

untouched as yon ****** soil
innocent as newborn calf
Like buttered cream, wine and oil,
His comments and epitaphs

As a thousand rainbows bright
'Midst gloom cloud 'n dark 'n sorrow
Like electric flash of whiter light
that heralds the new morrow

Is the laughter of my boy
that washes away my tears
the fountain of my love and joy
my son of nine years.
David R Feb 9
bite ye humans, gnash your teeth
feed on blood ye hypocrites
but there in corner, 'neath the ash,
there's a nobody worth all your stash

he doesn't speak or power seek
he won't tread upon your toes,
he's still as water, in thought as deep,
that he exists no-one knows.

but around him the universe goes
in that silence that no-one knows,
and he'll be here when you're gone,
Western culture like Babylon.
David R Aug 2021
Light, unending beauty,
soundless music shattering ears,
your chords, soul of rainbow strings,
play golden melody of moving spheres,

in beatitude, let me bow
pronounce in happiest tears
a benediction, blest art Thou
O Creator of Light and Years
David R Oct 2021
brown crackled underfoot
crinkly, dead matter
buried with the sod and soot
buried 'neath the constant patter

gone the joy of boyhood
crystal before its shatter
sits beneath the tree of wood
silent among the chatter

piled in a corner
left in no-man's land
bereft of friend or mourner
bereft of comfort's hand
David R May 2022
if i saw myself through 'nother's eyes
what would i see?
a bumbling mess behind the lies
or some other entity?

some of us are so concerned
with how the other views us
but the reality of their impression
would utterly confuse us

my advice, at the end of the day,
forget the other person
be yourself as best you may
just be your own best version
David R Aug 2021
i heard it whispered by the wind
weeping o'er seas and land
i heard it sighed by the child
building castles in the sand

i heard it spluttered as he killed
as they fell as one unmanned
amongst the corpses as they piled
death at home in devil's land

i heard it muttered midst the trees
shivering naked in the breeze
i heard it buzzed between the bees
among the blackbirds from overseas

they'd seen him with his scythe in hand
they'd seen him threshing to and fro
they'd seen him travelling 'cross the land
with swing and strike and swipe and blow

how the mighty fell before him
weak and meek 'uns too
how their life was torn from limb
as they struggled to pull through

as they struggled 'gainst the *******
jaws of gaping hell
as they wrestled 'gainst his plucking
cord of bell and knell

as they fell into the clutches
of the scion of diablo
defenceless they 'gainst his touches
'gainst his charge on Death Row

they whispered secrets in my ear
chilling message ringing clear
better the rampage of G-d's courier
than predator of war-nuclear

better to fall into the hand of the L-rd
then the hand of man*
who kills 'n plunders with raving sword
without G-d's merciful plan

but my blindness saw as futile
the death of those five million
their suffering meaningless 'n brutal,
the adults, babes and children

but who am i to stand and judge
from my vantage here on earth
mine is but to drudge 'n trudge
till I'm too pulled to berth

there, beyond the death corporeal,
there beyond the silent sleep
beyond the clutch of snake primordial
the swing of soundless reap

i'll join the wisdom, joy supernal
beyond all peeve and pique
within the light of One Eternal,
Whose Name I dare not speak
*II Samuel 24.14
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Jan 2
"Where does He dwell?", sing the angels
"Where's His abode?", their refrain,
between the lips of heart's beseech
Beatific's Light's contain'd.
BLT Word of the Day Challenge #Beatific
David R Jan 2022
though saints there are and holy men too
beware of the priest that bows too low
for his overt servility makes fool of you
as he treads upon unwary foe

for in his eyes, the layman and laic
are way beneath his dignity
just placed there to create mosaic
'gainst which to display his divinity
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
David R Jan 5
there is a language above the letters
composed of more than words
it knows not grammar or similar fetters
and flies on wings of birds
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