He was so boldly delicious
So extraordinarily appealing
So magically refreshing
His eyes were like a glorious forest
Of unprecedented scenery
His lips so sweet and tasty
His beard so iconic, majestic, and flamboyant
He was a seductive sight to savor
A visually stunning ocean
Of irresistible love to embrace
A vessel of incredible love
My ****, well-muscled stud
My handsomely striking knight
He shined like the sunny skies
Like prized, mesmerizing flowers
He devoured my mind for hours on end
Every moment with him
Was a seamless, tender adventure
That had me walking on air
Feeling his pecs, licking his armpits
Basking in his juicy sexiness
His machoness melted my heart
I couldn’t resist being
In his incomparable presence
Wrapping my arms around him
Surrendering to him
Feeling his sensual storm