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 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
Just some moments of meditation,
will trigger our imaginations
and will give rise to an inspiration
that will give birth to an innovation
and will ultimately transform generations.

We can't have a revolution
Because we don't have strong resolutions.
We can't have a solution
Until we change our disposition
and we can only do that in the place of meditation.

We are faced with multiple instructions,
Challenged by absence of leaders with vision.
We are at the edge of fission.
The youths have to start offering contributions so our nation can reach it destination.

If when overwhelmed by confusion.
we eventually take the wrong decisions,
our children unborn will have to face derision
Because we surrendered to our Emotions
At every Junction where our discretion was supposed to function.
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
Am lost in the cosmos,
Surrounded by darkness in a terrain I can't explain.
'lead me through the night' I could only yell.
The more i yelled the fainter my reverberations struck my ear.

Should i turn to the left or to the right?
My weary heart spoke in protest.
The thought of my predicament made me feel dizzy.
Twas a long night filled with despair.
I could only feel the stings of some silly insects and hear the sounds of some happy crickets.
All around me I could Perceive uncertainty.

I waited for hundreds of hours for day to come,
But time proved to me that I was in a zone of perpetual darkness.
I looked to the skies all my eyes could find was a thick dark cloud.

Days rolled into weeks.
Though i lost track of time,each second seemed like a million years.
At this point i had lost strength to speak and my vigour was at its brink.
Turning to my left i could see a shadow of a stone.

I gazed at the atmosphere in admiration,
As i saw darkness being overtaken by light.
In a matter of some microseconds a star appeared and dominated the galaxy.
Hurray! It was a northern star.
Its brightness was unique in that its radiance produced a fragrance of calmness and serenity.

As soon as i could find my pouch,I began to move in the direction of the Star.
It led me through the grass lands and savannah there I settled and ate some cashews
Gradually we entered into a rain forest.I stopped by a river flowing eastward from the savannah to drink some water.
Step by step I kept trailing the star till I got to my abode.
The northern star stood at my roof and shone forever.
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
If I could live forever,
I would still strive for more medals.
If I could write in time,
I would love to engrave my writings in the hearts of men.

The mountains stand forever,
Don't tell me they don't quaver.
My feelings stay eternal cause am in love with historic medals.

Together is not forever.
Leaves will always wither,
Ice melts even in winter.
Stem and branches will not always be together,
Those who doubt can ask Mr timber.

If we think we can be mighty,
Let us fight but don't get *****.
Those who read will become legends.
Inspiring lines live forever.

He who speaks lives for a while,
he who writes lives in time.

After time has past
and a thousand years has come and gone,
Someone somewhere will pick up your work like a scribe from the sky and blend to the rhythm of your pen like young men from the west to the tune of Kayne west.
Then you will realize  your effort wasn't in vain and that the joke of fate didn't tamper with your taste.
You will then begin to live again.
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
The mountain is just a hill,
the oceans are like the streams.
Its just the depth and height,
That set the paces right.

Learn to work till it hurts,
Strive to reason even when you are weary.
Though some problems may look witty,
There is no obstacle that can limit the willing.

Hard work *****,laziness spoils.
Choose your lot and set your worth.
Don't be scared as you mix with people.
Swallow your pride but don't be feeble.

The truth be said we will love some people,
And their smiles will make our hearts fickle.
Don't loose them in a moment of weakness,
Cause you never can tell who will be your fortress.

Let us strive to do our hearts bidding.
Just like the stone that falls in water makes some ripples,
Those who strive to please people end in disputes.
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
Perturbed by heights of ambiguity,
Engulfed in the snare of my desires.
If you must smile like the Nile,

I am hurt and broken by my expectations,
Abandoned and frustrated by those I've shown affection.
Then I overhead the sages say that If you must glow like gold in the cold,

Tired and exhausted my weary heart is beating,
Defeated and discouraged I could only resort to thinking.
How on earth could I erase this feeling?
The wind calmly whispers in my ears,
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
The tree dance to the rhythm of the wind,
The gentle breeze from the east caress me.
Fascinated by the ambidexterity of nature,
I began to venerate my best friend.

Bleeding and bereaved I was the first day we met,
Trapped in the net of frustration I could only lament.
You came to my house as a lamp curing my darkness
And penetrated my heart with volatile sweetness.

As i watched you smile with the precision of divinity,
You built in me memories as tall as infinity.
I learnt to escape realities grip,
As you taught me how to dream.

You walked in the shadow of my mind
And put a sunshine in my smile.
You dived into the river of my tears,
And whispered comforting words in my ear.
Dedicated to my best friend.
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
Beneath the faces of Jasper
lies some rough clay.
Inside the darkest coal
we find gold refined.

Within each stormy phase,
lies a sleeping node.
Around every peaceful road,
We hear chants of warfare.

In every broken villa,
stands a fence too high to scale.
In every fortified garrison
Lies too many vaults that can be penetrated.

The mightiest pens,
use the smallest hands.
The smaller heads,
wear the biggest crowns.
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
Run to the Garden,
there lies some harps With melodies so cool
that makes nature's hand's ignite our thoughts.

Run to the stream,
there we search for sweet waters
to retire our feelings
and refire our thinkings.

Run to the desserts,
there we find rough stones and big rocks.
Beneath the hardest rock
Shines the greatest luck.

Run to your mind
Embedded there are treasures untapped.
Run to your heart
For it overflows with stories untold.
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
The rain drizzles,
Some birds whistle.
Gently and gradually warm sensations fizzle.
Wow!! The accuracy of the universe is beyond mechanical precision.

In a scuffle for recognition,
Each animal developed a distinct sound that will stand as a mark of identification for millenniums until evolution takes pre-eminence in all ramifications.

Smarter than all animals,cunning in skills and crafty in dealings came the sapiens.
He processed things mentally with the speed of light not minding its limited size.
It could tame all other animals which where a hundred times its size because its brain was a well developed device.

Amidst men,some men stood out for their skills in Academics,science,humanities,medicine and engineering.
Beyond their natural eye focal length they extended their vision to a radius far above the limitations of mediocre imaginations and consolidated thier works for future generations in writting.

Give me a pen and I will conquer the universe.
Teach me to use the pen and I will reshape the earth.
Give me an audience and I will reform your minds.
Watch me write and I will show you the meaning of might.
By Israel Sajini(SAJO)
 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
Strolling in the woodlands,
I see ahead of me a large stretch of ****** timber where blackberry thickets foam white in spring time.

In the valley littered with gold,
winter reaches for me.
It cuddles me with frost and restrains me with cold.

Words from inking pen strikes me,
Its stinging sentences reviles me.
Rising from deep waters I learn to be bold.
I face my predators unlike days of old.

Wondering in dream's land,
my eyes quake at mountains taller than everest.
Lost in dream's arms,
I rise above the tempestuous plunge of sea tides.
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