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 May 2018 Emerald
Sajini Israel
Boiling or freezing
I really can't tell
I just feel uneasy
Is it external or within?

I listen to blues
But it's still no substitute for you.
Admitting it is as difficult as wood,
But deep down you know
I miss you

I don't need you
for pleasure
Cos i know it'll torture.
Just walk by me,
Laugh at me and with me.

When holding on gives you more cuts than hugs
and you dim it feet to run for cure
Always do what's best for you
Though I might bleed
Joy stills flows from my bleeding septum
With the assurance of you being fine.

I ain't the best
am just a little different from the rest.
Choices better exist
for sure
I know your taste
I just talked with fate and He said:
'If you can wait
We'll be great'

We don't need to date
to feel loved
True love
grows from the seed of friendship.
I don't need to posses you to appreciate you.

In all I owe you all,
I wish you the best
Who'll give you rest.
If fate entwines our path
I would love you till forever comes
I would still love you if forever never comes.
Dedicated to the northern star.

— The End —