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Sep 2018 · 502
Thank you .. I will be leaving the site as it seems
I've upset one .. Sharron .. ( Her notes to me sounded more like a nun dealing with menopause ....) If any wish to drop in n say hello welcome ..One on here cannot copy and paste ..s on .. Many here I adore but too old to be be questioned by a soul most born after I was 50 ..At anytime aussie­ If thats not allowed they can deal with it .. Much love U & Yours x

Terrence Michael Sutton
Sep 2018 · 463
Endless  blind mice endless blind mice
How they believe if its smells like cheese
So mant throw them crumbs to please
Endless blind mice so much to squeeze

Been around for all time in many places
Endless telling them may unknow things
Like human behaviour they all believe
What a whack of cheeze it all brings

All will die but never them man wrote
In his oldest thinking long long ago
A little cheeze here a little there as well
So much endless cheeze man can throw

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 312
Have faith they say believe but never ask
Don't ever question just follow blindfolds on
I'm a soul beyond reproach re values true
You know what they say just sing the song

Bibles written in the yeat 03 just 100 years
After the one they call Jesus died theres proof
The closed minded followed still do today
Three hundred easy religions but one truth

No matter to me after all we all die a fact
And theres grave yards of babies that exist
In Ireland alone all babies of nuns seen them
Angels that never to date ever been kissed

But thats ok turn the other cheek they say
Closed minds closed hearts and eyes too
The holier than thou have endless excuses
There goes a massive amount more than few

Its always been taught plus no abortions
Yet acreas of little graves but religions rave
Hypocrites endless you know what they say
After all said and done we all go to the grave

terrence michael sutton    
copyright 2018
Sep 2018 · 312
Always a comlusive romantic but values rule
Never committed adultery cheated to date
If one is honesly open with those one loves
It's no sin to for making love to open the gate

We all know the words both being yes and no
One day we all are going to stop breathing true
And most of us  do things being work exersize
Making love great for the heart soul and mind

Keeping lives to ones self good for one and both
But doing so take time and slowly give your all
There are no takers of love only two giving fine

Low lights soft music open fire and good wine
Phones off hooks doors locked comfort as well
Body heat oil fragrantly cented ample of same
I love natural music on a tin roof sound of rain

Always loved making love to one loving it too
The night still young just begun till the sun
Finding the feelings precious to feel slowly
Twp making love a beautuful gift time begun

( Making Love is not being INLOVE )

terrence michael sutton  
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 333

Long long ago A brilliant Doctor once existed
Growing old as we all do his soul it had blisted
Before they buried him  without any suspection
Nurses injected him testing his bodies *******

It was getting bigger all the time beyond belief
Nurses told not a single soul Placing in a bottle
During the night a young cleaner dropped it
They found in the  morning screaming full throttle

When staff arrived they found it had survived
Inspection of this laboretry the bottle on the floor
And nurses screaming madly don't stop don't stop
Smiles on faces litterally the same size as the door

All nurses sent to a mental institution and drugged
In order to hopefully have them quieten down
Filled with a very strong ****** to help them some
Orgasmicology for all of them only wore a frown

Nobody knew at all what they'd injected him with
But a miricle had taken place it all was to seem
Bigger stronger thicker glass bottles were used
Scientists worked harder could be mans dream

Even weeny scientists took home samples in hope
That they might just as well suffer some as well
Trying to wake awahile these nurse to question
But all just kept screaming not to stop  do tell

In the end it drove them around the very bend
They were all sold to Go Go places in cages
But to this very day there is no way to say
But  still adds telling secrets to all mans very rages

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 316
The body is only a tool the soul uses on earth
Or like a car the soul drives to get around here
And when it gets too old its of to the wreckers
As theres no need for it after this life so dear

Around our bodies we have amagnetic aura
I knew a guy that once lost his left side leg
He got then a wooden one as a replacement
And at times he'd scratch it being itchy instead

Ghosts are spirits not wanting to leaf for reasons
Being all aura can be seen during usually at night
Someone or something just keeps them here
It's the living here and now more reason for fright

All of us are as if a souls spirit tool to use on earth
The better we take care of them longer they last
Their mechanics are from doctors to heralists
Not taking care of them shortens future diluting past

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 406
When theres's somebofy that really matters
And a gap of silence does in reality really exist
One wonders as he did what could be the reason
Not knowing as conversations not been kissed

There is a young girl from next door
And he idolized her for friendship true
She is made so welcome in the home
But conversation from her he never knew

He was told oh she is just shy that is why
And she always talked to all others around
He'd gone out of his way to help her out often
But try as he may no conversation to be found

Just twenty three years old a collage student
He'd spoke to her so many a time gone by
Beautiful in so very a way but night or day
Talk to any but he and they said she was shy

He'd never ever done said anything wrong
But conversation it with he never was at all
He felt that when she was there he'd leave
Go to his office staying until someone to call

He felt that maybe she didn't like him but
She'd smile say hello then that ended there
Rather than have her feel awkward he'd go
As he was a good and kind soul to be fair

Always happy was she laughing talking too
But never after hello no conversation was to be
This worried him as he liked her calling in
But that was it and it worried him so sincerely

He came to the conclusion not to talk to her
Thinking that would have her feel at home
She was a happy soul he with values of old
However not able at all to find a reason alone

It was not a matter of life nor death but sad
Oh she's just shy thats why it was often  said
So when she came he'd leave the room again
Go up to his computer or if not up to his bed

He was an inteligent person of knowledge
He'd traveled often the entire world in time
Met so many people of greatest knowledge
But with this girl never any conversation fine

I guess there was no reason she had to like him
Or talk to him at all in any way on any day
He liked her he guessed she just never liked him
So he gave her space and accepted it as is anyway

But there was never any explanation or any reaso
That he himself could think of in all honesty
And sometimes wonder if he'd said something
That was wrong or missunderstood it could be

She'd lay back on the lounge watch T V laughing
But he often simply put the entire thing from mind
However there was no explanation for this to be
At least none that he of this situationcould find

Oh she's just shy thats the reason why often said
But it was to him a situation in life rather grim
Feeling out of place within his own home the case
So much he'd with consideration gave this up to win

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
They ask why do you love the Philippines
Well theres palm trees and coconuts too
Lovely beaches everywhere good fishing
Just to name I guess out of all just a few

Great shopping and sunshine lots of rain
The rivers are wide and never ever dry
Love the people all of them I do so much
Tropical fruits are plenty and you ask why

Its a heaven all upon its own without a lie
Oh yes and the food is ever so very great
So much peace of mind to here find
Lovely mountains and good swimming mate

I could go on all day in all honesty about it
Don't think theres much that I've missed
Simply beauty sublime around all of the time
Just waiting to be seen enjoyed thats unkissed­&psig=AOvVaw0gbbQ5FvQLTNdWdRJ0asZU&ust=1536577855626603

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Sep 2018 · 187
We the victims of Pied Pipers ..  

Theres only one thing genarally speaking
Upon our earth that more dangerous true
Than anything on our earth that breathes
Being Humans and mostly politicians through

If theres anything at all thats worse by far
Those that vote these talk and say nothing in
I have no regard for man created religions
But all of above should be in the manopoly bin

I've listened to them every day ona nedia as well
Of who can do what and why they should be
While the entire earth does as it wants to usually
The pied pipers leading planet earth to the sea

I see yet another civilization becoming history
In millions of years they'll ask what'd they do
The earth don't care without this entire race
Life upon earth might just start anew

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 300
Chitter Chatter blame accusing too
For the better part of this entire year
Politicians all claiming to be the best
From news and media thats all I hear

Blaming climate change to who knows
One country like another wanting more
What is needed is Human change instead
Make live let live common sense for sure

Back to basics oldest ways worked better
If cold light an open fire from dead wood
If its hot grow more trees for their shade
Boil water in big pots wood stoves'd be good

Gardening to grow your own to eat each day
Large water tanks filtered rain  water roof
Better to drink wash washing bathing too
Saving money oldest ways gave such proof

Large covered areas honesuckle and wisteria
Allow nature to give one its natural breeze
From growing ever green trees tall and wide
Back to oldest basics all always were to please

I have decided oldest ways ever better still
Worked for centuries could well still today
Time the world lived and let live way more
And still could in every single possible way

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Thats what Your Love Is worth

One day I was feeling broken and lonely
The next I owned the earth~
Thats what your love has done for me
Thats what your love is worth~
One day I had no real direction
The next , my way was clear~
My very being now perfection
All because of your love so dear~
One day my life seemed like living hell
The next I felt I was at heavens door~
And that is where my heart is right now
My love is yours for evermore~
One day I felt so empty
The next day I was so full of you~
Topped right up with all your love
Darlen .. Im so inlove with you ~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
Sep 2018 · 228
Alone at last to create a past
Tallest pines our own canopy
On softest bed of needles red
Alone we two as one to be

Time how belongs to us alone
All we need we have for pleasure
Silence sings as nature it rings
Just alone we two for pleasure

Moments sublime  yours and mine
A dream has come true within reality
Alone we two weve dreamed of true
Has become a dream come true to be

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 230
More often than enough in life
A baby born remembering so
Without realizing the last life
For reasons refused to let go

Away back in another time
A different life ever so true
A soul born again this time
Returns to pass lessons through

Often excuses made hereditation
It does belong to both of them
But different in attitudes that be
To finish the last life once ag'en

Debates re babies difference true
It has it's own ideas of rules to be
Not always a baby born does fall
Right under it's very parents tree

Might be for better or even worse
But so different just the very same
A mind of it's very own so often
Might bring happiness or pain

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Sep 2018 · 195
It Twas Thus That Thine
I was in a place in UK where they actually
spoke this way .. A long time ago ..And I
wrote this ..

Twas to be that thine alone twood stand
Twile moon and star and wind twood be~
Twen shiver twood endure thus so
Failing the likes of time and thee~
Shawled in stance beyond the brush
Two shadows the night produced~
And thy meeting became a meeting thus so
As oneness from twosome reduced~
Walketh thine twards yonder hut
Twere fire burnt there brightly~
Twas there alone twithin this home
Twood love exist so tightly~
Twen moon it slept and clouds they wept
Twith water from heaven it fell~
Holdest thine in arms entwined
And dwell in the home of hunters dell~
From a being of wealth ye came from thus
To a being of both fur and gun~
Twere true love could be forever free
Thus no more eyes of jest in fun~
Twas there that thine chose to be mine
Twen moon and star it shone on high~
Love twas then born as night owl yawned
To vow love till time to die ~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
Sep 2018 · 374
To Thine Own Self Be True
When you think you've reached a dead end
In life .. simply choose a new direction~
There's a million doors yet to open
That need no effort for detection~
To quit is not the answer
Choose another way to go~
There's a new life waiting for you
People who will love you so~
It's all a question of truth and destiny
To find the reasons you were born~
What you've to do within your lifetime
Every day from dawn till dawn~
Don't ever be discouraged by the quitters
Know in your heart you deserve the best~
Search for it honestly and deliberately
Know you've got what it takes to pass the test~
If you need to calm the restlessness
Take a long look at your needs~
Walk out from the swamp onto life's highway
And never return again to the reeds~
Once you lose sight of your dreams in life
And your deepest emotional needs and feelings within~
You know then that its time , yours and mine
To think of yourself and that's not a sin~
If you've no tears left to cry then who are you
When you no longer care your as good as dead~
Then a whole life of love and destiny
Wasted ...ended ...put to bed~
All the answers to life's questions are waiting
For you to press on , seek and find~
And if you lose interest in searching
your chances of happiness then are left behind~
Creation and creating never ceases
As we all create every single day~
And know you do too , Your needed its so true
So go get it , do it in your own way~
But one things for sure , you do matter
And your loved by more than just a few~
So keep it in mind , never leave this behind
To thine own self be true-

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1993
Sep 2018 · 173
The man who knows not
But knows not that he knows not
Is a fool ....Shun him~
The man who knows not
And knows he knows not
Is a student ...... teach him~
The man who knows
But knows not that he knows
Is asleep ..... awaken him~
But the man who knows
And knows that he knows
Is a teacher.......Learn from him~

I came across this as a young man
and have kept it since ..
Sep 2018 · 177
We Do Not Lose Them
We do not lose our loved ones
Not at all when they die~
They only shed their earthly bodies
So to greater heights now they can fly~
They .. Just as we one day
Have way further yet to go~
And after all is said and done
Upon this earth this time as we know~
We will never forget them
And they will never forget us it's true~
We love them and they love us
As we all do as we must do~
They for time are watching us
And beside us in ever so many a way-
They know of the love within our hearts
And their love for us will always stay-
We do miss them but of cause
And yes they miss us as well~
But they are doing as we will one day
So closer to God .. we can as well dwell~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2003 .
How long has the world known war
In some place or another over time~
It seems that there's always been one
Right down the history's longest vine~
One could not count the lives lost
Or the damage that wars alone have done~
Upon this beautiful planet
All those wars in time lost and won~
Some say war does employ lots of people
Gives everyone a job to do~
That newspapers make a fortune
Helps some politicians make it through~
It would be just so easy
For all to simply get along~
To work a little harder with each other
And all sing an earthly united song~
To lend a hand to poorer nations
And invite others to visit our shore~
For all countries to put their best foot forward
And yet still remain who they are for ever more~
If they could only not make God on earth
Money as it is now almost in every way~
People could still get rich don't panic
But life could be so loving and caring to this day~
Those in government could play more golf
And maybe even do more to help the poor~
So many tablets the sick and dying could afford
Without all the money spent alone on war~
Hospitals would be as they do their best to be
Travel would be affordable by all~
People would be helping each other all the time
And the number in prisons it would fall~
Doctors once more calling into homes
As they did when I was a lad~
Just to see how things were going along
Before this earth become somewhat more than sad~
Souls from different countries getting married
The racial thing would simply not exist~
More was ever done in life with love
Than ever accomplished with the fist~
It would be so very easy but of course
We have those on earth that would never agree~
As they don't care about love and friendship and happiness
It's whats yours is mine and mine belongs to me~
We come into this life with nothing
And when we go we take the same~
Our earth , our only home could be heaven on earth
But not as long as we've got war and hate and blame~

I often wonder why behind ever war
is religion .. How many know that
UNIQUE WEAPONS ( is it ) is owned by and one of
the Catholics largest investments

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2002
Sep 2018 · 180
The end is not upon us yet
There is still endless time~
To resurrect the wrongs on earth
To sing and drink life's wine~
On a planet such as we live upon
With it's many squabbles and all~
I still believe there is a way
To have lady luck pay earth a call~
With all the things here offered
And I'm not talking of gain or greed~
But of happiness and love and wellness
We all still as one could obtain indeed~
It could happen if all became united
And as a race all stood as one~
For all who dream this dream supreme
It well could be and done~
A planetary family
Regardless of the diversities~
Equality and togetherness
Could be for all the you's and me's~
We all would have to make a few changes
For the good of earth and mankind~
But it's just so very possible
Don't leave this truth behind~
It's not just wishful thinking
And it's not a fantasy~
It would only take one united decision
And all above could just well be~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 1988
Sep 2018 · 194
This is a poem that I have had for as long
as I can remember given to myself from my
very own grandmother as a cut out from a
newspaper when I was a child .
It is Author Unknown ..
Not one I wrote myself .
I would love to know who had
indeed written it .
But it was dated 1912 and I
thought of the Titanic ..


It takes a lot of courage
It calls for strngth to mind~
To make a new beginning
And leave the past behind~
To build upon the ruins
And dream another dream~
To set forth in the dakness
Towards a distant gleam~
To suffer many losses
Yet faithful to remain~
To rise above disaster
And then begin again~
Life's ending today but there
can be a new tomorrow with
faith and trust in your heart .

Author Unknown
Sep 2018 · 171
Natural Tranquility
Far away out along a beautiful river
In a tent under one big old tree~
Moon on high up in the sky
Just I myself and me~
Listening to the songs of nature
Everything out there gets along so fine~
Makes me wonder whats wrong with the world
On this planet of theirs and mine~
A few days fishing to meditate my way
As I at times remember,look back and forth~
Into the past and to the future to come
In my mind east west south and north~
Not the planet I was born on anymore
But about that not a lot I or anyone can do~
Victims of progress and modern times
Over time some common sense will make it through~
But way out here peace and natures music to hear
Natural tranquility of simply to no end~
In a place like this one can find natural bliss
Away out along a river around it's many a bend~
One can hear the silence softly singing
Ones mind feels that it could almost stay-
Sleeping by an open fire under the stars
Up along a lazy river simply far away-
Natural tranquility far out along a river
Peaceful therapy for any soul and it's mind-
Total natural therapeutic tranquility
The most wonderful break any soul could find-

Terrence Michael Sutton
Sep 2018 · 153
One More Reason To Believe

( If only we KNEW instead of just
  believed .. And never just had
  MANS word and HIS book ..Life
  would be by far less stressfulfor all )

One more reason to believe
In the one we trust~
One more reason to believe
Now ..For their sakes and ours we must~
Many reasons now we have
To thank him for being there~
He helps us all in every way
His love beyond compare~
Now he has one more of us
And one day it will be me~
I will have learned all I needed to learn
And then from this classroom I ll be free~
I then will see the very sight
Of those I love so but have died~
And then I ll know all is calm
And that needless tears Ive cried~
He loves me and I love him
And there's not a doubt that , that's true~
For we all know deep inside that he s there
He s there for me .. He s there for you ~
so rest assure that they are now fine
And if they could tell you they would say~
Never been so whole and so loved
And I ll be waiting for you on the day~
One more reason to believe
In the one we trust~
One more reason to believe
For all our sakes we must~.

Terrence Michael Sutton  
copyright 1980
Its a fact of life ..Mand greed and need for more
Will one day be his failing himself ever so
His religions almot equal pigeons closed minds
But the many outcomes are out og his hands to know

Its true its been said put to bed in the back of his head
Plus comes a day everyone ages and dies moves on
Man wating his time with his games ever so fine
After whach another civilization neve to hear his song

As its said ... So far the Earth has had four aeons and we are now living in an epoch ... “wise life”) in which the thoughts, deeds and creations of human beings will ... even smaller asteroid could have disastrous consequences for humanity.

Well over time to show love for one another

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Sep 2018 · 236
Today ever so a beautiful day
Nature has blessed us once again
At times it gives us its sunshine
Other times it gives us needed rain

It expects us to prepare its changes
Thinking we've got the know how true
To live in safety for its times to come
Us to work with it not it for us through

Man and his attitudes of ego often feel
Its nature who needs more consideration
Even it can please some some of the time
But not all all of the time needs examination

Yet today come what may with its blessings
Another gift nature has given as nature can
Human the lesser life on earth that here be
Not just alone for the species of earths man

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 159
Long ago the earth a burning ball
Cooled as nature works with time
Slowly nature forming changes here
Endless unknown changes ever fine

Over such a time nature had its way
Man the lesser life form thus to be
Slowly man imagined he was more
Developing his inbuilt within ordacity

All else enjoyed all of natures gifts
Exepting all that nature it had done
Man began thinking he knew better
Making his own changes since he begun

The more he grew the more changes too
Not aware of damages he was doing so
Having endless natures gifts lessened
Feeling better than nature he'd know

All this time later he now blames nature
For so much more with vivid imagination
Now as well dare I tell his own karma
Has arrived as man has failed examination

terrence michael sutton    
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 219
To Far To The Ground ( part1& I Am Now Still ( part 2 )

A write about f a friend I helped once
in a time of dire strates .. TRUE ..

To Far To The ground .. Poem 1

As I watch the leaves falling.....
Falling....sofly ... gently
Dying ... Landing down upon the ground
I feel a breeze upon my rough face
And as I look back upon my life
I think .... Yes thats my trouble ..
Always thinking~
And as I walk along a country track
I see two birds flying Together
Side by side ..Slowly
And I wonder
Do they appreciate being together
Yes ... Thats my trouble
Always wondering.....
Then .. I reach for a smoke
A drink
And I recall an old dream
Oh God ... I silently cry
Whats this life all about for me
As I then feel at the end of my teather....
Life... This life of mine
Have I like an apple remained upon the tree
Way too long...
Is .... It .... time .... I fell
But ..... I have not at this point in time the courage
It's way too far to the ground~


When I thought all was indeed lost
When all my very dreams seemed as if
They all had died and faded away
When i could no longer find the answers
To problems I thought  had no way
To get my mind around
And no way they could be solved
And there seemed no way out.......
When i was about to throw in the towel
Give it all up as a bad joke
For thats what it all then seemed
Then ........Only then .......
Did I find
An outstretched hand....
A friend ...
A true friend ....
One who offered me a way out..
And as if shelter from my storm...
And .... All because ..
A true friend .. Right then existed ...
I .... Am .... Now .... Still ....

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1991
A true story .. And he;s even today doing fine ..
Just glad to have been there ` ..
Walking in a corn field the other day
I came across a scare Crow standing there
His shirt was stuffed full of oldesy maze
A big smile of I'm so beautiful to wear

He had a look of  I'm the only one in life
That knows anything that's worth knowing
Perfectly at home was he with a big stick
Placed well up where the wind is often blowing

Looked as wonderful as he alone believed
Had no time for others that had traveled so
A proud look upon his painted face to wear
Ask him anything and I'm sure that he'd know

Not ever realizing he never knew that grammer
Was a piece of fruit that made the perfect pie
And yes the crows simply adored him endlessly
He was covered in crow calling cards from the sky

But thats his little world and being nice I guess
That's where he'll always be so easy thus to find
All dressed up in his best stuffed shirt of blue
The academic scare crow with little else on his mind

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 267
( Superfluousness and regardless of mans religious views
      these are the cold hard facts think as you may and will )

I've Never Forgotten

I was in hospital because of an accident
A minor one I thought~
But I needed an operation
To fix a few things of a sort~
When I woke up after it
I lay thinking all the time
Could not believe the kind of things
That were still within my mind~
I asked the doctor when he came
Did all go alright while I was under~
Nothing happened did it doctor
His answer was no was not a single blunder~
Still I worried about what I thought
About the things I seem then to recall~
So early in the morning a sister came around
And gave her a call~
What happened during my operation
I asked her sincerelly~
She sat down and turned off her torch
And she began then to tell me~
This is just between us
She said softly but for sure~
We lost you in there for awhile
You died and stopped breathing don't know what for~
We tried and tried to get you back
But you had gone away~
It was a good six minutes and all over
But then you started breathing better than before-
And much to our surprise you rolled your eyes
No way you were gone then anymore
We thought for reasons unknown
We'd lost another on the day~
Well I told her while I was out
I stood in a room of mist~
It echoed and though I felt at ease
It was a place my soul had never kissed~
A person came towards me
And soon a surprise I had~
He looked at me in both joy and sadness
It was the face of my own dad~
In his own way of speaking
He said what in the blazes are you doing here~
It's not your time my son at all
And he held me oh so dear~
No way I wanted to return
I have never felt so grand~
I felt him brush my hair as he used to do
And then he took me by the hand~
You'v got to go back my son
You have so much more to do~
It's not your time to be here yet
you must go back it's true~
And then a voice that came from everywhere
Echoed in this place of misty cloud~
He has to go back right away, right now
It was compassionate but deep and loud~
I saw my dear Dad fading away
And as he did he replied~
I'll be here when you do come for good
Son take all you come across with love and pride~
I woke up in the recovery room
They said I would be fine~
I had all of this within my memory
And it was so clear within my mind~
The nursing sister told me I had been gone
Longer than any she had known in the past~
That they had done all they could for me
Then you started breathing fine and so fast~
Gasping for breath like you were under water
And just came to the top~
The doctor almost she said had a fit
And could not believe his lot~
Nobody can hold their breath that long
Your heart had stopped and simply died~
For reasons unknown to all that day
She said I myself almost cried~
We checked you over and over again
You were can fine as fine could be~
No way any would have said a thing
But now that you asked me~
I held her hand and she held mine
And said if you had not of asked my man~
Nobody would have told you at all
What happened in that longest it seems time span~
She sat and asked so many questions
And I needed to talk it's true~
As the place I went for awhile
Ive never ever remember of being to~
But I do know my very own dad
My best mate ever in my time~
And he told me so lovingly
To go back for awhile and Id be fine~
That I had so much more to do
And now I know the reasons why~
After all this time he is still with me
And still it's not my time to die~
But at least I've seen that other side
And I fear death not at all~
For I know what it feels like after
I receive my final call~
( May I be struck dead if theres an
   ounce of an untruth in this )

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2007
Sep 2018 · 243


SHE WAS MY MOTHER ( and yes I loved her dearly )
She Was ... MY MOTHER
A woman I once Knew ..
A woman of multiple personalities ..

She was the best of the best
And the worst of the worst~
She traveled all over
And quenched every thirst~
When somethen was over
She d move on agen~
And only return
When and if she got the yen~
She d say what she thought
And nomatter to whom~
One could never miss her
Even in a crowded room~
She d do as she pleased
And no matter what~
She was always herself
If they liked it or not~
Full of surprises
And one could never guess~
What wonderful things
She d make out of a mess~
When one thought they had her
They never had her at all~
Come rain or come shine
She always had a ball~
She lived her life to the limit
Come day or come night~
And when she made a statement
She was usually right~
She could dance she could love
She could see in the dark~
One vibrant woman
Who was always a spark~
She left no stone unturned
Missed nothen at all~
Nomatter who ever downed her
She always stood tall~
Everyone loved her so
And they hated her too~
That was everyone she met
And that was more than a few~
She spread so much laughter
And thrived on pure hell~
Nobody ever forgot her
They all knew her too well~
She could take anything on
And just as easy throw it away~
And go on regardless and
Live well another day~
She was all that she said she was
So she d say with pride~
She could welcome you home
And just as easy cast you aside~
There was more to this woman
Than anyone ever knew~
She could tell you a lie
And prove it was true~
She d play out a fantassy
And make it become real~
She had her own charisma
Never ever hid how she d feel~
She could sing like an angel
And then steal your heart~
and once she had gotten it
She d rip it apart~
Nobody ever owned her
She was her own soul~
She could act like a child
Or a woman so very old~
In her life she lived several lifetimes
And lived them all well~
She had her own brand of religion
And rang her own bell~
Everyone that knew her
They never ever knew why~
She could make so very happy
And then give you reason to cry~


Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988.
Sep 2018 · 218
Believe It Or not ,, This happened ,,
     In all honesty ..And in Gods name .

When you have experienced something
That was for you alone to learn that time~
And the lessons that you then received
Would make others feel less stressful and so fine~
Then you get the feeling that you should tell
But you know they'd not believe~
What it was you saw in all reality
And they think a story you now weave~
But so help me not all that long ago
Nine years after she was in fact dead~
My mother decided to just turn up one night
Right at the very foot of my bed~
She appeared in full size its true
And simply spoke my name~
As if to hear the sound of it
And to move at all I wasn't game~
She was there for a good thirty seconds
And just as I saw her last~
She always told she'd be back
And of course then I too laughed~
I rang my sister right away that early morn
And she replied happy birthday to me~
Then it all became a reality
Knowing what I really then did see~
It was my birthday this was true
And mum turned up right then and there~
On the same day Tuesday that I was born
And the same date and birth time I swear~
As I was born at two thirty in the dawn
And on a Tuesday too~
Upon the date the second of June
In all honesty I'm now telling you~
The reason I am writing this
Is so I can say that I have told~
Everyone who has lost someone they love
The body dies but never does the soul~
I'm no fanatic in these kind of things
But seeing is all the proof I need to know~
That there is way more to this life my friends
Long after we die and seem to go~
So just know within as I do too
This is just one very small class in time~
In the biggest school of learning ever
And believe me .. They all are doing fine ~..

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2004
Sep 2018 · 219
The human race  always searching space
Wasting endless money with their game
Yet deepest ever oceans things never seen
By the human race unknown still remain

Crearures largest than imaginations are
Of entities so massive live still far below
The very oceans they play in just for fun
Without a doubt they live and yet to grow

Man and his foolish ideas of all down there
With twenty five if that percentage of brain
If he had any idea of what exists miles below
He would be rewriting his as if books of same

So far below where man cannot go or know
That would make the Titanics position a puddle
Yet he tells of  of all he knows of what dwells
Beyond his thinking and the as if shallows puzzle

Earth has endless answers to unasked questions
Mans minute amount of  what he thinks does exist
Just little boys with his endlessly ever expensive toys
Down where daylights never seen the likes never kissed

Upon earth man has not scratched the surface yet
Far from as brilliant as he feels he is for sure
Give ot take another million years he might be close
Beyond his imagination below miles below the shore

terrence michael sutton
Copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 265
What so many fail to see is the alility
To look within and see whats there
The outer shell can be ever beautiful
But the soul within matters to be fare

How often I hear of hes so handsom true
But deep within could be an inherited blue
Even your worst nightmare waiting for you
Not doing your homework a bad choice through

Learn to look within for signs of pure happiness
And ask of inner feelings if they care to confess
Follow your vibes voices of your very inner soul
Real love might be but even disiples wear a dress

Its your life but choices don't come forever free
Snap decisions often the wrong path that be
Making love ever beautuful and evil does it best
It never hurt a soul enjoy but remain your destiny

If two are really sure than the blessings are many
But you belong to you never sell yourself to anyone
Your heart has so much further yet to go in life
From birth until your whole life is thus over and done

Your ability to look within is born deeply within you
Your vibes are of advice from souls that sincerely care
Listen to them you won't go wrong for most of life to be
And loving yourself is no sin it allows a good life to bare

Equals preach but they are humans also wealth in mind
No better than yourself and only one of you to find
Be proud of whom you are and be that ever so well
Be yourself and to yourself always be ever so kind

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Sep 2018 · 290
Away out in the middle of no where at all
Horseback looking for strays cloudy day
Nothing that fantastic to see as one rides
Simply miles from anywhere far away

Suddenly a most beautiful flowering bloom
Growing away out there all upon its own
Fragrant superbly healthy and there it was
Looked so very beautiful but miles from home

One wonders how in all goodness it got here
Thinking of a seed upon natures winds blow
Yet defiantly it so far away from eye sight
Such brilliance away out there it did grow

Getting down from horseback a little water
Dug around it placed a few rocks protection
In a land of absolute droubt ever so very dry
It grew it smiled it stood without detection

Nature a way and far better gardener its so
Does things most of us would never guess
Never asking for thanks but how it performs
Does more than us to to tidy up earths mess

I gave it a little shade the smallest garden made
And hoped next time I ever came this way
It had decided to drop yet more of its seeds
Of its own to add to yet more a beautiful display

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Sep 2018 · 240
We were not placed upon earth to follow equals
We have a deep thinking mind of our own
Our vibes are messages to us from our soul
All answers to lifes problems we have at home

Take more time to think consider listen to them
Follow others and much strife thus to know
If anywhere have faith within your ver self
And within lifes garden you are sure to grow­mKBSVw

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Sep 2018 · 211
Where ever one goes in the Philippines
Theres always something one gets for free
The biggest Filipino smiles one could find
They are endless to be seen and to see

Their entire faces how they simply glow
With eyes that resembles the stars above
Where ever you go theres endless on show
As if being Filipino it comes hand in glove

Such charisma like ones never seen before
Just like beautiful butterflies everywhere
In a garden of life they come so naturally
One'sgot to be blind not to see them there

Everywhere one goes its true there they are
Upon faces of joy glowing with charisma too
And from those that don't have much at all
So many filipino smiles for free sincerity true***.JPG

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Aug 2018 · 297
So many are just unlucky often said
So many more right place right time
Endless as knowing beautiful miss out
Their life stories far from being divine

Money plays its part to the very hilt
Others as worthy never see much at all
To often the winds blowing elsewhere  
Not there when luck may make its call

Dreams don't always come true in life
For endless that dream one day they will
Life for ever so many dreams not any
Just being able to breath often pays a bill

I've stopped and looked at sheer pefection
That not a soul willever get to gaze upon
And walked away feeling useless that day
Like trying to sing a wordless song

Empties my heart often tares it so apart
Something as beautul may never be seen
But like the most beautiful sight day or night
Something as purely sublime in life has been

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Aug 2018 · 188
All  of my life I did whats right always
Never faulted myself those loved family
And here I am looking at the sun up there
How it reminds me so very much of me

The things its seen come on earth and go
My admiration as well for the moon on high
Reliable depended upon always on the job
I worked cared for took after as it on high

Even at school oh worry her not a good girl
While they loved laughed enjoyed ever day
And while I'd been there for every single one
The fun games of life how they'd all play  

So many gods they all worshiped long ago
Took up too much of their precious time
So eventually they cut it down to just one
Man wrote his several books in one all fine

They look back on fullest ever lives gone by
I sit here alone thinking after all said and done
Who's right who's wrong many a poen a song
Who after all said and done who really won

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Aug 2018 · 193
Vanities gone crazy humans of the rails
So many thinking they steer their fate
Endless living according to mans book
Closed minds with locked doors too late

Saving themselves because of holy lies
The reality of  any perfection  not known
To one day be bitter blame all for same
Deaf to all even every wind re love blown

So many forms of foolishness and living dead
They cannot except stupidity must be fed
Only to look back on life with regret and dred
Knowing soon they'll lay in a headstoned bed

So many different forms of foolishness live
We only ever get back what in life we do
Like buying a new car locking it in a shed
It very soon ages not worth one rusty *****

So many out there would die to be them
While so many forms of foolishness dream
To eventually realize their closed minds
Have missed all running water in lifes stream

terrence michael sutton  
copyright  2018
Aug 2018 · 203
If only I was all things not yet known
I'd take you in dreams to a place
Where you have never been to in life
Where you'd never tell or replace

Where total abandon becomes reality
Love as well as being loves does dwell
Throwing away known stresses that be
Us only to know of thus no reason to tell

To a place that no other ever dreamed of
Where being as never before giving all
Reaching emotions never inlife imagined
Two souls only as one every fantasy to call

If only I was able to be ever so gifted true
I'd make this our reality within our dreams
Alone in our own chosen place our own space
Where  mighty trees grew beside of streams

If only I was then you'd be there as well
In our wildest of dreams I imagine to be
Where only us both could go there as one
To love to make love to know feelings free

terrence michael sutton    
copyright  2018
Boys here where I live are a protected species
Even long after they are supposed to be men
Generally this is how it is so much of the time
Six foot tall new cars gym loving until when

A lot still acting like teenagers though grown
Not generally changing much at all it seems
A lot have wives and families but game loving
Still chasing  as it is many teenage as if dreams

A lot from getting a girl pregnant at school
The reason so many ***** mothers all over
And even if ever married with children a few
They still love that world of as if teenage clover

Wives work run homes raise children accountants
Having given often up their girlish life long ago
Learning when a woman marries a man so often
She adopts another son as ever so many know

Shes still got housework child care you name it
He's the as if man that stuff he feels unbecoming
Ever so many girls now wives and as well mothers
She marches to his rule  he does the drumming

Boys will always as it is gennerally be boys often
While still catering to this extra as if husdand son
Women still today in many a way come what may
Are still second place forget the vows over and done

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Aug 2018 · 208
Normal lad such energy he had
The girl next door was the same
Not much to do weekends true
And gone had not long the rain

Twenty five fruit trees we had
Up back all full and nice and ripe
It was right up that tree filling up
On the best fruit after a rub wipe

Looking down the girl next door
Laying on the ground on her back
Throw me down a few if you'd do
I can take a few home in my sack

From up there he saw a lot more
Under that dress nothing at all
He for the first time lost appertite
And shook the tree as fruit to fall

I guess for the first time she thought
It must have been time to thus explore
As she stretched the fruit she fetched
He could see something he did adore

The grass below was long you know
As she lay there as if in a little nest
So he climbed down to the ground
Thus to investigate more so at best

Twas then he first found on the ground
A fruit he's never in his life yet tasted
Ever soft deep and round on the ground
And enjoying it not a minute wasted

He felt that she had thought about this
And that she had long decide to act
And from that day come was may
He found better fruit on ground a fact

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Aug 2018 · 234
Born as such inbuilt romance so much
In a world of many ******* closed mind
Seldom are there any this day and age
Ever few knowing  of such to find

Not allowing themselves the ability
Feeling its only within movies to be
Never having ever been there at all
Petrified virgins mature  as didability

Gone romancing unknowing seductivity
Religion to blame bibles under pillow
Never have so many made love at night
As full moon shone through the willow

Boldness now replaced with coldness
Hearts minds souls ******* with a vow
Living the words of mans written book
Scared to think outside of same somehow

Blaming world for soul depth frustration
Within knowing has to be more than this
Never missing such as this in all existance
Never known of this the andon of this kiss

Slaves to the word of man who abuses child
The as if holy than thou dictating instruction
Locked up many a beautiful soul doing as told
Saving themselves for none existing construction

Like dipping the toe in water not diving to know
Unexplainable feelings they'll die not knowing
Like robots programmed to follow faulse rule
While young enough to appreciate water flowing

Wasted lives age and all from lust to romacing
All gifts thus for learning as within souls cry
After all said and done feelings never to be won
Waiting for the inevertable one day we all die

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Aug 2018 · 238
Oh speak to me with words of song
As moon shines bright full and strong
To have my heart thus miss a beat
And gives thus lightest dancing feet

Seductive within their gentle sound
Feelings of romance thus to be found
Stealing within my entire beating heart
To have them from my mind never part

Giving thee no wish in life to go away
From within your arms to forever stay
Filling thus my mind heart and soul
With thy words of song as in days of old

Oh speak to me with their singing sound
With love in heart golden moon so bright
Feelings romance peace of mind to be found
Within my soul thy singing words this night

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Aug 2018 · 234
I was in a shop buying not a lot
When came the time to depart
I took her hand as a gesture and
I felt an electric impulse a spark

It ran through me almost blew me
So warm the vibration was to be
More so than anything I'd known
Filling my heart with unknown glee

Her eye pupils became larger ever so
A knowing smile it lit her very face
A romantic feeling ground to ceiling
As if a seductive blessing of grace

It took awhile half a smile like a coffee
She answered yes as if she so well knew
What I was to say coffee oh I'd love to
As if she read my mind my thoughts few

Coffee we had and we talked awhile
Seemed everything I was to say before
I'd even said she'd answered me there
As if my mind was as if an open door

She knew my every thought as if she was I
Her very hand it was so warm to even hold
A meeting I couldn't ever forget in my life
Such a magnetic soul and slightly a little bold

Coffee end up at my place and soon it began
Two beings just lost it as soon as door closed
Spontanious reactions as two souls let loose
From then not our doing as two souls supposed

Clothes going all over half crawling to stairs
Working our way to goodness knows where
Slowly almost bundled to my room as one
Still was not our doing clinging as a pare

Too far to the bed the rug it seemed fine
Tossing and turning feelings almost divine
Clutching grabbing holding on all the time
This feeling unknown better than best wine

No idea what came next one move then next
Strength arriving from somewhere no idea
Not aware of anything but warmth so new
Knocking phone into flight a vase was near

The dawn peeping at us through curtains
Totally unable to as much move a limb at all
Opening one eye smiling some what was that
Spontaniously driven I guess had made a call

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Aug 2018 · 239
Birds they fly as one in the sky
Bees they all work so hard as one
Nature has such respect for all
And look back what have we done

Ants are 75% of all living things
They move higher if rains on the way
We are so insignificant among all
Yet we remain so above ourselves to say

Turning our backs on all positives that be
All things beautiful we should be thankful so
And here we are earths most disructive force
Upon earth above all thats there to know

Earth our only home to at all call our own
Life being the only teacher to learn at all
With closed minds humans how we insist
We are all knowing natures every call

We should be able to see how wrong we are
Nature is not all that impressed getting worse
Our future is up a dry creek in a broken boat
Without a coin left in our as if human purse

We blame climate change and it goes on
Is the human race that very blind
Compred to all other living things on earth
We have placed ourselves so very far behind

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Away long before man ever existed this time
Earth was created for us to live upon
More beautiful then we can ever comprehend
Then man turned up and like the first ever song

He decided he knew better than any such god
And soon with his attitudes still alive today
He disrespected earth the one sent to love him
And he blamed her for all that stood in his way

He still blames her as always for lifes all wrongs
He wrote of it sung of it in every almost male form
And to this very day giving her such ridicule
Forgetting without her he'd not ever have been born

In over three hundred religions bibles by the score
She today has to fight for any respect from man
When all the while he should be aware of this
But still his ignorance matches his greedy demand

Right now today in mans own way his game to play
And the very reason he's alive at all he abuses so
I could not count the ways he's put her down
Since time began so very very long  ago

I repeat if you wanted to explain life in one word
There could never in time be another
Who on earth of any living worth girth to girth
Argue wit me when I whisper MOTHER ..

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

And they are all the reasons the planet
Is knowing so much woe
No concideration for others
As through life they go ..

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Aug 2018 · 203
Weve all met our share of them
They stand out just like a tower
And when they do as they do so well
Has me feel I need a good long shower

I am one born anable to lie
At times I wished I could
I can be your best ever friend
Insist I'm solid as hard wood

Guess I've got no tollerance
For those that lie so ver easy
Its in their eyes truth or lies
Not clean but rather greasy

Believing I'll believe them so
Believe I have the ability to know
Women more honest at any time
They follow their vibes its so

Around a lier I feel so insulted
That they know me so little true
They'd not waste their time on me
If only this they ever really knew

But they aren't telling me a lie
Its them that lie to ones self  it so
Thinking nobodies able to tell
When they lie so easy it'll show

When they lie so easy automaticly
Thinking every ones a living fool
I feel sorry for them not knowing
Humans that'd make a better mule

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
Aug 2018 · 190
True we are here to learn but as well
Here for a good time not a time long
Life slips away every day in every way
Of this must be some where a song

At times one thinks this is no good
Same thing every single day it seems
Reality getting harder to handle of late
No time to even think of ones dreams

They say lifes made of choices I say
Some's choices are just too much true
How can any live a decent life when
Others choices often .. I'm fine F..You

Then pressures rise and it hits the fan
Not in any nicest way at times its so
When others ignorance all that matters
Some souls lose it and simply lets it show

Those of little consideration for others
We find the apple falls close to the tree
And this adds to already stresses and strife
When pressures rise the victims set all free

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Aug 2018 · 216
They often ask whats your language
English mate then comes ones the reply
Which one they say comes the question
Is it USA .. U K .. Australian then I sigh

Go to court hand on book do you swear
Would you clarify that question mate
The book written almost a life time ago
Your answer this part of it all how I hate

Australian mate you then say frowning
You might be one of 300 religions true
And next what Country from orignally
Academic out back or Aussie Slang too

Then in Australia you have different ways
Of telling it all in order to explain as well
Could be what you really think feel a yarn
Seriously or joking that bit really rings a bell

Aussies at times not lying can be fair dinkum
Honest as or just telling as they say a yarn
Depending on the conversation thats at hand
How can I put this truth from church or barn

One can't go on the printed word on computers
Need to be looking at the explaing ones face
Then comes the question how far up the road
Might be a few miles might be 500 to that place

I had real long hair and on computere one day
They were asking just how long is your hair
I said ***** Nelson said I had longer than he
To answer the question that was for me there

Someone wrote Dad and I are laughing madly
Might have been ***** I have'nt got a clue
Of course he never said that to me at all mate
They were laughing at me and me at them too

In Australia conversatons at times can be truth
Or just how can I put this or a yarn it might be
Expessions not a part of computer conversations
Or Australian form of how can I put this poetry

I often wonder how a Muslim feels in a court
Hand on book do you swear to tell the truth
Sitting up the back of the court I smile some
What a stupid question as I whisper .. Struth

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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