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I tell her she’s beautiful but she insist she’s not
Faced with demons she runs from
Erased like the lies she feeds herself
She hides behind a mask hoping her parallel aligns
Described like the sun she compares the moon
Casting a blurred vision she can’t see the road ahead of her.
Guided with one hand held she’s led to see the picture of herself
As she grows shadowed by the thought of failure.
He will always be there every step of the way
She walks through a unwinding path  
Through mountain tops And under bottomless pits
I hope your looking down on her
I wish I could of asked your permission
She's been doing okay lately
She makes me happy
She's the one I want to wake up to
The reason I get up
The reason I know what love is
I love you more than you know.
Act 1

Shattered hearts... and blinding roads is all I see
White Lies, petty mind it's all this world could be.
1 by 1 the domino's fall
1 by 1 all will soar
I'm Deaf but I can hear  
Blind but can see
Doubt and misfortune clouds our head
guiding a tangled streams of roads.
With one finger on the trigger we pace through a never ending path of pain and Sorrow..
Mental mindset
Why try to fathom what we still have left
Why are we blinded by what we regret
Why do we burden ourselves with more grief
Why do we say we're okay but we're really not
Why hide under a mask when its eating us inside
Why even ask these questions
I was the boy talking to the moon. Trying to find my way to you. Hoping I could reach you on the other side. But now I know I wasn’t a fool to wait this long

— The End —