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Sep 2018 · 340
Onits Zuku Sep 2018
Sunlight warmed my face,
Wind gently brushed the leaves of the wattle that sat in my garden,
The light danced on the smoky black coffee,
A light that glinted and stung my eyes so,
I went back inside.
Sep 2018 · 336
Onits Zuku Sep 2018
"Look man"
I began to explain
"You cant just ask her if she likes you,
You gotta develop a kinda connection, y'know?'
He looked blankly at me
Turned around
And strutted towards her.
The blow didn't come easy
He thought he had it in the bag
He was very much not in the bag
"What'd i say man?"
I tapped at my forehead
"Its all about the connection."
Jul 2018 · 255
Onits Zuku Jul 2018
Is a regret a lesson?
If so I learnt how to ruin a love,
If not,
I guess I’m just sad.
When your lips touched,
And my friends looked at me with confused laughter,
I knew i had done wrong,
And yet I continue,
Perhaps there is no chest at the end of the rainbow,
But i still walked on the colours of the universe.
Jun 2018 · 257
For Them
Onits Zuku Jun 2018
I hate when some love,
For the thought of happiness,
The smile in their eyes,
Joy in their heart,
Brings a lump in my throat,
Love is no felony!
I scream at myself,
I look into the mirror,
And looking back at me,
Is the green eyes of jealousy.
Self realization
May 2018 · 286
Not accordingly.
Onits Zuku May 2018
Welcome to life,
I invite you to stay,
Please before you accept,
Read the fine print.

It seems you are doing well,
You have made name for your self,
And some friends on the side,
Prepare for the best for the best will surely come.

I like what you have done with your hair,
I see love has made a mark,
Whats this on your wrists?
There must have been something you missed!

Living alone I see,
Where are the friends you are supposed to have?
Rope in you hand,
In your pocket only lint,

You my friend must not have read the fine print.
A bit clunky the rythms wierd. Doesn’t rhyme!
Apr 2018 · 445
Onits Zuku Apr 2018
Sitting on the grass,
In the local park,
Watching a bird,
As it glided to land onto the water,
The water caught the bird with love,
And it went along,
Watching a couple argue about a text he sent to a girl a week ago and how it disrupted her thoughts on him as a respected member of society,
Only wishing they had seen the bird too.
Mar 2018 · 821
Onits Zuku Mar 2018
Mixed spice,
Flour floats in the air,
Warmth and warm smiles,
Music dances through the room,
Light shines gold,
The shuffling of feet and bursts of broad laughter,

Black and white,
Grandpa wipes a tear off his face,
A woman wails at the back,
A solemn man mumbles at the front,
White light shades the room,
Nana is dead.
#death #sad #remeber
Mar 2018 · 237
Onits Zuku Mar 2018
You could not see it but knew it was there,
Sweat gluing you to the sheets,
Your body stiff,
Lips cracked and throat dry,
There it is again,
The floor boards creak
pearcing your ears,
Your imagination leaks into reality,
You feel a claw tap your shoulder,
Your eyes open
And there it is lying in front of you,
Screaming in silence.

You tried to stop it once,
Close the curtains,
Turn the lights on,
But it was there,
Waiting for you.
Wrote this to late at night
Mar 2018 · 206
The Thief
Onits Zuku Mar 2018
Cry, be sad
Who cares,
It seems as though thats all your good for,
Being a good friend?
Loving,caring, friendly are the words that should come to mind,
But no.
You dump your problems,
Like trash,
On to others,
“Im just letting go”
But really your attaching yourself,
Like a parasite,
Injecting your melancholy into our bloodstreams,
Sickening even the best of us,
And of course,
When someone complains,
Its because they hate you!
Or find you annoying!
But what if they love you,
But no,
You just cry,
Be sad,
Who cares.

— The End —