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Sajini Israel Mar 2018
The tree dance to the rhythm of the wind,
The gentle breeze from the east caress me.
Fascinated by the ambidexterity of nature,
I began to venerate my best friend.

Bleeding and bereaved I was the first day we met,
Trapped in the net of frustration I could only lament.
You came to my house as a lamp curing my darkness
And penetrated my heart with volatile sweetness.

As i watched you smile with the precision of divinity,
You built in me memories as tall as infinity.
I learnt to escape realities grip,
As you taught me how to dream.

You walked in the shadow of my mind
And put a sunshine in my smile.
You dived into the river of my tears,
And whispered comforting words in my ear.
Dedicated to my best friend.
Sajini Israel Mar 2018
Beneath the faces of Jasper
lies some rough clay.
Inside the darkest coal
we find gold refined.

Within each stormy phase,
lies a sleeping node.
Around every peaceful road,
We hear chants of warfare.

In every broken villa,
stands a fence too high to scale.
In every fortified garrison
Lies too many vaults that can be penetrated.

The mightiest pens,
use the smallest hands.
The smaller heads,
wear the biggest crowns.
Sajini Israel Mar 2018
Run to the Garden,
there lies some harps With melodies so cool
that makes nature's hand's ignite our thoughts.

Run to the stream,
there we search for sweet waters
to retire our feelings
and refire our thinkings.

Run to the desserts,
there we find rough stones and big rocks.
Beneath the hardest rock
Shines the greatest luck.

Run to your mind
Embedded there are treasures untapped.
Run to your heart
For it overflows with stories untold.
Sajini Israel Mar 2018
The rain drizzles,
Some birds whistle.
Gently and gradually warm sensations fizzle.
Wow!! The accuracy of the universe is beyond mechanical precision.

In a scuffle for recognition,
Each animal developed a distinct sound that will stand as a mark of identification for millenniums until evolution takes pre-eminence in all ramifications.

Smarter than all animals,cunning in skills and crafty in dealings came the sapiens.
He processed things mentally with the speed of light not minding its limited size.
It could tame all other animals which where a hundred times its size because its brain was a well developed device.

Amidst men,some men stood out for their skills in Academics,science,humanities,medicine and engineering.
Beyond their natural eye focal length they extended their vision to a radius far above the limitations of mediocre imaginations and consolidated thier works for future generations in writting.

Give me a pen and I will conquer the universe.
Teach me to use the pen and I will reshape the earth.
Give me an audience and I will reform your minds.
Watch me write and I will show you the meaning of might.
By Israel Sajini(SAJO)
Sajini Israel Mar 2018
Strolling in the woodlands,
I see ahead of me a large stretch of ****** timber where blackberry thickets foam white in spring time.

In the valley littered with gold,
winter reaches for me.
It cuddles me with frost and restrains me with cold.

Words from inking pen strikes me,
Its stinging sentences reviles me.
Rising from deep waters I learn to be bold.
I face my predators unlike days of old.

Wondering in dream's land,
my eyes quake at mountains taller than everest.
Lost in dream's arms,
I rise above the tempestuous plunge of sea tides.

— The End —