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 Mar 2018 Ophelia Jolie
I am bordering on crazy and sane
I am balancing between smart and dumb
I am tripping between love and apathy
I am stumbling between living and existing
I am not this nor that, I am just a border line.
So who am I?
Who am I? Who am I?
 Feb 2018 Ophelia Jolie
Jon York
She can be sweet as candy,
                    mean as an alligator,
cold as winter in Kansas,
hot and **** as a dancer on her
                                    stripper pole,
and loyal like a soldier but it
                        all depends on you.

There's a fire burning in her.......
                    and if loved correctly,
she will warm your entire home,
if abused, she will burn it down,
       so spoil her with loyalty, she
                       can finance herself.

She never finds the need to
     explain herself to anyone and
she doesn't need anyone's
approval as she lives her life and
       does what makes her happy.

She is wise and wary of flames but
still she knows she will survive the
fire life scorches sometimes as she
has been a phoenix before and
every time she burns to ashes she
knows exactly how to rise again.

All she wants is someone that sees
    the fire in her eyes and wants to
play with it and she is not looking
  for a knight, she is looking for a
Strong women scare weak men but a strong man can make a strong woman go weak in the knees and it is not how we make mistakes but how we correct them that defines us and we know that a great relationship doesn't happen because of the love we had in the beginning, but how well we continue building love until the end, and I love her I promise.
                                                        ­                                 Jon York   2018
 Feb 2018 Ophelia Jolie
Jon York
I felt you before I knew of your existence,
maybe it was a hint from the universe to
continue on the yellow brick road so when
I would find you along my travels I would
simply just know.

We are connected, wide and deep and no
one can remove this connection that we
have because you are part of me, I am
part of you for ever and ever.

I am who I am partly because of you and
you are you partly because of me.

In spite of being apart we connect through
our dreams and we could be a thousand
miles apart, and I'd still know you were

Re uniting with you was like a blaze of
connection-or collision, as we were both
wandering in the same labyrinth and
had finally rounded that corner that
brought us face to face.........................
(phone to phone) and it was a feeling of
being lost and alone, and then suddenly

I could never hate you because we are
too connected and I couldn't hate you
without hating myself.

Invisible threads are the strongest.

No matter what happens, this much is
certain: our souls are one until life closes
the curtains.

A part of me will always be you and a
part of you will always be me.
                                                             ­   Jon York   2018

— The End —