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111 · Apr 2018
If I could have you back
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
If I could have you back.
We would sit together
On that black vinyl settee
With the orange cushions
And stretched zips ,split.
With the light going down
Over the horizon
Across the fields
To the bay
And the small lampshade
Bringing comfort
Lit up the corner
Near the table
Where we had our teacups
And a bicuit tin,
Half empty.
We would talk
Later into the night
You in one armchair
And I near the table
Returning always
To put the world to rights;
It was better in the old days
When neighbours lent
A pint of milk
And you knew the man
Who sold broken biscuits
And there weren't so many cars
Two in most front gardens now.
Then you would be near asleep
And I ready to go too
But we continued
Talking on and off
Till by three o'clock
We had to stop.
If I could have you back.

Love to my dearest dad Eric William Henry Ayton -Robinson
111 · Feb 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
I remember standing in the hall
Feeling wet stuff
In my smalls
Did not know what it was
Told my mother
She did rub.
Years and years
Of washing knicks
Then my daughter's
Joined in quix.
Now I'm old and grey
This problems gone away.

Love Mary ***
111 · Oct 2019
Staying too long
Mary Gay Kearns Oct 2019
Glad to be on the way out
Than  on the way in .

Love Mary ***
111 · Feb 2018
Day by day.
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Bobble hat and Terrance rat
Bought a flat at the back
Filled it up with tiny things
Pebble stones and fairy wings
They built some shelves
Made of wood
Cheaply bought
Without much thought
Stacked them up
Day by day
With their collection
Now on display.
Bobble hat was rather grand
So went shopping in a Harrod's
The store detective very cross
When Bobble hat took a lot.
Under hat, behind the brim
Lots and lots of diamond rings.
Terrance rat was not impressed
Said your manners' a disgrace.
But off they went out for tea
To their local Busy Bee .

Love Mary

For Evelyn and Florence and all those who like to play.
111 · Oct 2018
Thoughts on a garden.
Mary Gay Kearns Oct 2018
If I could make a garden
Planning it would need
For all the things of loveliness
I’d have to find a seed.

The first would be gentleness
To listen with its words
and then Compassion
Climbing up the old brick wall.

Intertwined with Peace
And a touch of Tenderness
Wisdom in abundance
But most of all love.

A gardener needs good tools
To **** and dig and prune
To take away the debris
Sweep with a clean broom.

When it comes to tools
The old ones are the best
Sharpened by experience
And cared for with love.

A garden must be accessible
For all that walk its ways
Giving to each and everyone
A pleasure that will stay.

Love Mary ***
111 · Feb 2018
I think I am five
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
If you came to my house
A toy room  you would see
With lots of bits and pieces
Collected by little me.

I pretend they're for the grandchildren
Who love them more than can say
But really eBay bargains
Mother bought to stay.

I have pound puppy doggies
And pound kitty cats
Tiny plastic teddy bears
In a cottage pack.

Lots of playpeople
Lego fairy Belville
But best of all the dollies
Over a hundred to thrill.

There is a police station
And a collection of cars
A garage with a lift
And a small farmyard.

The children always happy
When they come to play
Grandma's Christmas grotto
Every single day.

Love Mary xxxx
For my grandchildren .Love Grandma ***
111 · Mar 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
Sitting by the window watching the falling snow
Landing on your dustbin and the ground below.
Footsteps up the path look like a wiggly snake
Big ones and small ones and those ***** cats make.

Love Mary ***
For my lovelies from Grandma
111 · Feb 2020
A life.
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2020
A life.

Our lives come and go like the blossoms on a tree
A story told by many voices
It cannot be conveyed with any accuracy
Beyond that of dates and time
For the rest remains a secret
Nothing can describe.
Neither plan nor preparation maps our path
For it meanders like the tributaries of a river
Into unknown clearings
Stopping short of perfection
Clinging to the goodness found
Loving where it can that night owl of wisdom
Belonging to a tribe of people
Who at the end pick up the petals
And put them in a drawer
Saying this was he or she
Who we came to know
Whose name in an address book
Brings tears to our eyes
This was a life.

Love Mary ***
111 · Jan 2018
Watching you ,watching me
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
I watched you today on FaceTime,
A new invention of hyperspace.
You were smiling
I wanted to join in with your playing,
What was it today?
A playmobil playground
And added dinosaurs
In red , blue and green.
You made them talk
Little words from your head.

Love Grandma to Evelyn.
111 · Jan 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
What do I say to you
Blonde clipped hair
Twinkle in your eye
Not yet shy
Politeness always
Abides in that wise style
Ages older than your time
Mischief gentle
On your mind
Friend of intelligences
But in your own
Tested life's experience
With a king's crown
Love you for your wit
And candour
For the loving heart within
Be you happy in your hour
May your life
Always sing .

To Tasman love Grandma xxxxx
111 · Jun 2019
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2019
We are limits lost and found
Created and removed
A moment of magnificient
Beauty on the go.

Love Mary ***
Could say more but no need to. Love Mary
110 · May 2018
Silver foil
Mary Gay Kearns May 2018
Preciouly I unwrapped the roll
Taking only what was necessary
The angels needed wings
In the sky stars twinkled
So I covered my cardboard
In tiny sheets of silver
And the fairy’s wand
For the top branch
Of Christmas
Sparkled .

Love Mary **
110 · Aug 2019
Besieged hope
Mary Gay Kearns Aug 2019
I never thought
It mattered
All those years

Knowing he was
At twenty-five
It glowed.

Sadly sandust
Besieged hope
Now in poverty
We *****.

Love Mary
110 · Apr 2018
This girl
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
This girl
Came to visit me
As often as could be
First in her mother's arms
Then on buggy wheels;
She played with the dolls' house
Spread out across the floor
What more could a Grandma want
Than a friend to play with the toys.

Love Grandma to Daisy ***
Thank my darling Daisy .Love you always Grandma ***
110 · Jan 2018
If only
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
If only I stayed with my dolls
I would not be where I can't see,
They always gave me comfort
Sitting looking at me.

I remember all their faces,
Had personalities too,
Some robust and cheeky,
Others floppy and rather unwell.

At night on my bed they would sit,
Or cuddled up close in a shawl,
Blue eyes, Rosebud and Belinda,
And  a wee little baby black girl.

If only I'd stayed with my dolls,
Nothing bad would have
Befallen me,
I'd still live in imagination,
A Wonderfully, gifted world.

Love Mary **
110 · Feb 2018
Over the sea
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Evelyn flew over the sea
In an aeroplane above the blue
To a place she never knew
With a plot and his crew.

She went to see her family there
Amongst a land green and fair
To kiss and hug those she loves
Bringing her smile the little dove.

Grandma Janet, Uncle Jim,
If there's time go for a swim
Crawling with Grandpa is such fun
Next year I'll be able to run.

Saw a lighthouse, the crashing waves
Mummy holds me against the sway
Someone takes a photograph
Be back soon it's been a laugh.

Now it's time to go to bed
Fly over the ocean sleepy head
Back to daddy and my toys
I bet he's waiting that naughty boy.

For Alex from Evelyn and Grandma ***
110 · Mar 2019
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2019
Where do we meet?
Can it be said
You have the same words
In your head
Or ideas reframed
Do your eyes drop tears
And your hands reach out
To touch the soil
Do we ever meet?
Different voices in the wind.

Love Mary **
109 · Apr 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
Running between downpours
Mackintosh over head and back
Clutched tightly the front
To stop the drips on our chests
Run now, go.
And we left the shelter of a shop doorway
Feeling the rain hit our shoes
Soaked socks
Eyebrows drizzle
We keep going in the storm
Reaching a dry spot under
The leaves of a Sycamore tree
Rest, relax
Sharing chewy nuts.
The road is awash
Dribbling streams criss cross
Meeting in drains
And steam rises from tarmac
Misting the air
Then out comes the sun
The blue sweeps in
Blowing away grey clouds
And we continue our journey
In the now still puddles.

I loved these moments .
Mary ***
109 · Feb 2018
End of term
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Oscar, so it's  Summer,
School ends for lost boys
And errant masters, alike,
Skipping out the doors
Books still in cupboards left
Football shed untidy
With lost socks
Flapping blue-tac ends in
Open window jam wind.

love Mary
109 · Feb 2018
Being read to.
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
I loved it when you read to me
Sitting together on the orange settee
Babies  fed and in their beds
Your words in my head
Images fill my mind
Travellers on a roof top climb
Comrades gathered around
Against evil to find
Gandalf was my superhero
Reminded me of you.
Now nearly seventy-two
It really has come true.

Love Mary **

The Lord of the Rings by Tolkein

My favourite book
Read to me at 16 , And again and again by my dear Roger
109 · Apr 2019
The gardens
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2019
We spend our lives learning how to say goodbye
All that we love and are familiar is to be slipping
And the treasures on the wall will go to others so
I will not be sad for all will continue in the gardens.

Love Mary ***
109 · Feb 2019
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2019
On high ground through narrow entrance
The allotments opened doors to pickers
Of fruits that of which freedom allowed
Bushes dotted in the sunlight, touchingly,
Where the wasps and flies buzzed around
And the excited voices of children called
To harvest the ripe blackberry as it dropped
I loved my mother’s blackberry and apple
Pie with top of the milk to soften the pastry
With all that love.

Love Mary xxxx
108 · Mar 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Mar 2018
After the snow came
You stopped loving me
Disappearing up the hillside
Fading into shadows
Cast by the trees
It was a protection
From the gradual
Separation to come
I knew it was fear
That held you
When it should
Have been me.
108 · Jun 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Jun 2018
Everything I lose,
Each day a little surprise,
A hoped for beauty,
Falls away,
And I am in tatters
Torn and scraped
Beside those
Ever ending

Love Mary ***
108 · Feb 2018
The lilacs
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
On a wall for many years
Is a painting three foot tall
Behind the class, in a frame
A collection of artefacts displayed;
Two apples and a jug,
Reflected in an oval dish
A brightly coloured tablecloth
Orange with embroidered grapes.
Two wine bottles in green and brown
And a shell which was jumble found
Plucked in a hurry so to last
For they are known to drop
So fast
Taken from a garden tree
Placed in perfect harmony.
In a classroom, not too late
These pretty bunches
I did paint.

Love Mary **
107 · Feb 2018
Before tea
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Standing in the garden
Waiting for my tea
I played with the flowers
Games of you and me
Gathering all the petals
To make a baby's bed.
Scently, sweetly blowing
The roses above my head
Round and round the garden
My dancing feet would leap
Floating in my petticoats
The dress with the dainty pleats
In the dappled sunshine
Of a warm evening breeze
Just a little girl happy and free
Calling from the kitchen
A face with a smile
Tea's nearly ready
Your favourite
Cherry pie .

Love Mary for her dear mother Grace x
In remembrance of things past , thank you Mum ***
107 · Feb 2018
In times of gaiety.
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
On a sunny day waiting for
The answer
About costs
A husband with cheque book
Looked out of the window
Of the reception area
Tha attendant looked out of the window
At this woman
Dancing along a low wall edging,
" Look at that woman,  is she drunk ?", he said.
"That is my wife"
Returned my husband's voice,
" She just has a playful personality."

Love Mary **
107 · Jan 2018
The Harlequin.
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
In shop windows, reflected panes of glass,
There once was a woman walking,
In heels ever so fast;
Her shirts flowed outwards
To the breeze of a step,
Hair bounced upwards,
Silky with respect;
Inside a pocket
A tea bag and a chain,
Sixpence for the metre
To get her home again.

Love Mary **
Watford high street , the Harlequin
107 · May 2018
Mary Gay Kearns May 2018
The boy with broken wings
Lost the ability to swim
Too far out he began to shout
But the current took him out.

Love Mary ***
107 · Apr 2018
Continual return
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
Holiday were always spent at The Isle Of Wight
Its sandy, long beaches ideal for building castles
Floating in the shallows of the sea
Safe from rapid currents and rocky projections
It was without much tourism and low priced.

Year after year we returned to the same spots
The same  walks and the same unpredictable
At shop counters the assistants did not change
Only the hotel owners, running at a loss the previous year.

My parents bungalow situated near to Totland bay
Overlooking field filled countryside, narrow lanes
With the sea salt reaching noses on windy days.
It was a paradise of simple meals, memories
And long conversation of the regularity of things.

Intertwined were the years of my own childhood
Playing with my brother on chalet steps as
My parents prepared the day's sandwiches
And those, taking my four across the Solent
For annual holidays visiting of grandparents.
107 · Apr 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
How many foldings hold my name
Leave out who I am
Fold me and fold me
Till I can't be seen
Stored away in a drawer.

A fold is a crease
A link drawn
You folded me
So now I can't stand.
How many foldings hold my name
Leave out who I am.

Love Mary x
107 · Sep 2020
Scented silence
Mary Gay Kearns Sep 2020
Offer quietly the edges of your mind
Transversing memories in our time
For though we are saddened
We still shine
This lover of mine.

Love  Mary ** happy birthday husband for the 7 th September
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Paintings are not just for Reading.

You stare, asking why
What is going on here,
There are grapes and
With a skull
And two chairs.

True it can be read
We do all the time,
But stand and see
How the colours combine
Finding a harmony,
An untold rhyme.

The pink tip of that rose
Echoes in the sky,
Giving a painting
A sudden surprise
Which shimmers the greyness
In her shadowed brow.

If one moves ones eyes
Finds different ways
To enter this world
The artist has made,
You'll come to see
Paintings are not just for Reading.

Love Mary **
107 · May 2019
Mary Gay Kearns May 2019
And so it went on sale in Knightsbridge
A little gallery hardly seen
A painting of a ceramic ***
Tiny with two eyes
Pallid in the beam.

The man bought it for its thoughts
That led him in a quiet dream
Of places where he use to hide
Memories of shelves and spaces
And childhood’s magic theme.

Love Mary ***
107 · Feb 2018
An ordinary afternoon.
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
I went down to  mossy side where the banks are green
Filled my heart with longing and cast it in the stream
I looked at the gold fishes  swooning in the winter sun
Unbuttoned my coat and gave it to a swan
My shoes were too heavy so I lent them to a boy
I'll take them for you Miss wrap them in tin- foil.
I needed some wings so reached up to the sky
Someone dropped a pair now I can fly
Remember me in Springtime when the flowers bloom
The rest of the time have a good afternoon.

Love Mary **
107 · Feb 2018
Humble heart
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Your heart is as soft as a bird's feather, downy
From birth
As gentle as the passing of a skirt
As it moves against skin
As kind as the wisest of people
When their heart is risen
Above all things
Son you are all these things
And I love you .

Mum xxxx
107 · Jul 2018
A shiny branch .
Mary Gay Kearns Jul 2018
Can you catch me brother
Down in the ditches
Before I fall
And scrape my knees.

We’ll do our special
Where you go first
And I travel behind
Holding your hand.

The branch was shiny
Smoothed by rubber
And small greasy hands
Not too long to stand.

And we balanced along
A ballet dancer’s song
Feet repeating steps

Love Mary x
107 · Feb 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Darling granddaughter
A fairy's name
Beautiful and gentle
A poetic refrain
In a cradle
White as snow
Curled like a ribbon
Waiting to show
All of your treasures
Saved for our pleasures
Sweet Evelyn
May your love roam.

Love Grandma ***
106 · Feb 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Hugo you are an enigma
I see photos of you and your sister
On my iPad as I rest,
Pictures in my head.
Life seems to be fun
With your siblings
And your mum
Going out to the beach
Into the waves
Darting, leaps,
Another day it's climbing trees
With your Ruby at your heels.
In the woods where it is dark
You imagine many parts,
Costumes drapped across your chest
Delphi in a bright blue dress
Piggy - backs are all the rage
Laughs and giggles all the day,
Holidays are your best
Time to play and time to rest.
Like your grandad you do look
Clever with your reading books.
I see your picture on my wall
A young boy unspoiled;
Wish you many happy hours
And adventures to inspire.

Love Grandma ***
106 · Jan 2018
Beach baby
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Vigo did it well with camera roll,
Dipping into dreamers' daze,
Capturing a warm and wanting glow,
The spectacle of deckchair rows.

Delicious dancing girls raise a leg,
The dipper glides a windy ride,
There is grandpa on his wheels,
Cavorting  between lovers' bows.

And  where were you on Sunday?
Underneath the bandstand clock,
Waiting for life to depart,
And the silence of the dark.

Love Mary **
106 · Apr 2018
Under the Sycamore tree
Mary Gay Kearns Apr 2018
The tarmac a dotted carpet
A yellow orchard
Fallen seeds, tiny stems
Carry in the gutters a dream
Fertility in a crack of sand.

Love Mary x
Mary Gay Kearns May 2018
How many lifetimes would I need
Merely to read aloud
Only the names of those who died
At the hands of the predators,
The unaccountable rulers,
The great dictators.
Only to make a start,
I would set up my soapbox at Hyde Park Corner
Keeping apocalyptic preachers company,
Or occupy the Empty Plinth in Trafalgar Square
With a friend, a lunch-box and glass of water
And read aloud to those who might listen
And those who care,
From a text that would solely consist
Of a verified list
Of innocenct lives lost
In the entrenchment of every autocrat
Who in his lust for power
And the creeping poison of his paranoia
Tramples on justice,
Makes torture a tool of government,
Imprisonment his answer to his critics
And execution his advocate.
And as each page of the list would fall
To be floated away by the wind,
My friend who surfs the internet
Would step up to supply me
With a new list to dismay and terrify me,
A list in forty languages and more
A list to extend
And exceed all other lists that went before.
And he and I, alternatively,
Reading in relays would take breaths;
Speak up, read on;
As if by calling out a name we might restore
The breath of life; or at least,
A stranger in the milling crowd
Might, after half a day, exclaim
‘I knew him!’ or ‘I remember her!’,
And justify the roll- call,
And suddenly give sense and resonance
To names on pages blowin’ in the wind .

By John Garbutt
This is the truth of the history of humankind .
We are a flawed species .Love Mary x
105 · Feb 2018
To love
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
I held you up to the stars
And they shined on you
I showed you the wind
And it slipped around you
The snow made an igloo to keep you warm
And love reached you
In my arms .

For my darling husband love Mary ***
105 · Feb 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Before you were mine
You looked after your father
Kept house for a man
Whose life was a disaster
His son, too, called John
Grew up to be a philanderer.
In a grey suit you worked
From nine till five
Thought each day
Could you escape
This noble role set down for you;
A sister you had
Married and free
Lived a life without much strife
So it seemed.
Then as it is the way with men
Who linger after the needs of women;
Frank, your dad,
Taken with a smile and money
Married and moved to the country
To live with Gwen and her mother.
Did he like it ?
I'm not sure
But laziness has its score.
At thirty you were not young
But beauty lay
In your dark and wavy hair
And eyes of hazel brown
That no longered frowned
For you married my dad
And I am glad
Before you were mine.

Thanks to my lovely mother Grace Emily Ayton - Robinson and to Carol AnnDuffy who so inspired me with her poem.

Love Mary ***

Love Mary
Glad to have you Mum
105 · Dec 2018
The wheat.
Mary Gay Kearns Dec 2018
Its what in darkness gives light
So how to find a fountain
My wisdom now fail and withered
Be close to times that gathered
The wheat in gleeful arms to home.

Love Mary xxxx
105 · Jan 2018
Beauty and purpose
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
Beauty and purpose.

In your garden I see my flowers,
Given with grace to share for a smile,
We started with roses, yarrow and thyme,
Adding poppies, géraniums and sweet dandelion;
Now it is, a herbal paradise,
Collecting fragrances pure and bright,
Healing properties grown with love,
To make people better,
Show them what's right.

To Victoria and Pieter
Love Mum ***
104 · Sep 2019
Poems to write
Mary Gay Kearns Sep 2019
The pottery shop at Freshwater
Glassworks at Freshwater
Touching glass
For Nuska
104 · Feb 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Hawthorn hangs like gossamer
May breaks into sun
Clouds raise the heavens
A new Summer has begun.

Benches line the walkways
Sounds tickle the air
The lynchpin of existence
Turns another year.

Florets of Mayflower
Meet the spreading green
Trees bend into motion
Children are unseen.

And we in our circle
Paint the world afresh
Making every boundary
A moment of caress.

Love Mary
A view from Croxley Green
104 · Jan 2018
Mary Gay Kearns Jan 2018
First and dimpled blessed babe
Born to me on an Autumn day
By my side in your cot
A tiny face, I never forgot
For a while I looked on you
Stroked your hair tenderly
On my chest you did lie
Like a crimson butterfly .

I will take care of you
Wrap you from the
Evening chill
In my arms
Or on my breast
My tiny blackbird, rest.

Do not worry I am here
Standing by the open door
Listening for each and
Every stir
The ******* of
A hungry girl
There never was
A day so fine
As when I knew
You were mine .

Love From Mummy ***
104 · May 2018
On a green cushion.
Mary Gay Kearns May 2018
He was little rosy faced chubby child
On a green cushion in the garden
Near the new central heating chimney pipe
Waiting its silver form to be installed.

Your romper was an altered smoked dress
Its puff sleeves made you look like a girl
Banging a rubber toy you smiled in the sunshine
Your dad sat down near you, hopeful.

He disliked workman and home improvements
And the roses grew their heads haphazardly
Needed last years pruning to give shape
Tea I brought in mugs to this moment in time.

Love Mary
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