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3.1k · Jun 2018
an aquatic plant
flower syrup for bad coughs
the lotus flower
When are citrus the sweetest?
It's when they receive bright light,
Coming from Mary Anne's heart,
To make their sweetness just right.

Florida's groves are waiting,
For visits from Mary Anne.
They need her heart's bright sunshine,
To shine as bright as it can.

When Mary Anne takes visits,
Her, everyone wants to meet,
Because she's kind and caring,
With a loving heart so sweet.

She likes it in Missouri.
That's where her family lives.
A kind and caring howdy,
To people she meets she gives.

Should she go to Florida,
Many things she would visit.
She surely would be noticed,
With her smiles so brightly lit.

Florida wants her visits,
So it will pay her way down.
As the Florida Orange Queen,
Some year her, one, it will crown.
2.0k · Jun 2018
Oak-leaf Hydrangea
Oak-leaf hydrangea blooms,
Have a sweetness that's profound.
When the wind takes the sweetness,
The bees come from all around.

They are perennial plants,
Growing well under the trees.
They have a scent that's fragrant,
With it noses they can seize .

They like it in a full sun,                            
And can bloom there well also.
The oak-leaf hydrangea,      
In tree shade and sun both grow.

Oak-leaf hydrangea blooms,
Excels the man-made perfumes.           

In your heart is a bouquet
Beautiful in many ways;                        
It is one always in bloom,            
Your love gives it golden rays.          

It's made of understanding,                  
Gentleness and TLC;                  
It is well known for kindness,        
Your virtues give it beauty.            

This bouquet has much power,          
Light in hearts it  does infuse;      
It's a bouquet I treasure,          
That I'll never want to lose.    

This bouquet I sure treasure,
It means very much to me;
Its beauty excels sunshine,            
Around it I like to be.                

The bouquet found in your heart,
Is a bouquet highly prized.
Each day it gets lovelier,
This my heart has realized.
1.4k · Nov 2020
Phone Scrabble
Scrabble was more fun to play
When we both used the same board,  
Long distance rules we now use,
As it's all we can afford.

Playing Scrabble was more fun,    
When you used to live near Grand;
We could snack during the game,               
And we took care of one hand.

Playing Scrabble using phones,
Is twisting the Scrabble rules;
But since we are far away,
Telephones are needed tools.

When we're playing phone Scrabble,
Face up letters need to be;                    
Where they're in Scrabble box lids,      
To make them easy to see.        

Two letter racks we both use,
Two by you and two by me;
During the game if tempted,
They help us play honestly.

Mary Anne, my Scrabble friend,
With words you're fascinated
You've sculptured  many poems,
So craftily created.

I like the way you keep score,            
You keep track of it so well;
You make playing Scrabble fun
I thought  this you I should tell.

Mary Anne,, Do you have time,
For some phone Scrabble  with me?
When you've time for phone Scrabble,
Let me know when it can be.
Blessed Mother, ****** Blessed,
Ardent is my love for you.
Ask your Son, Blessed Mother,
To make my life one anew.

Blessed Mother, ****** Blessed,
Of you I have this request;
In your loving arms take me,
Where I'll be able to rest

Ask your Son to  help me find,
Joys in life and peace of mind;
Show me things I ought to do,
Help me never be unkind.            

Blessed Mother, Peaceful Dove,
Forever give me your love.
1.2k · Jul 2019
Poinciana Trees
exotic orange blooms
they're Hawaiian landscape trees
poinciana trees
1.1k · Jun 2021
the hottest planet
second planet from the sun
has no moons, Venus
1.0k · Mar 2018
Deck Of Cards
is used to win war
two black suits and two red suits
a poker deck of cards
An aromatic sweetness.
When linden trees are in bloom,
Can be easily noticed,
For their prestigious perfume.

Linden flowers are real sweet,
And draw in the honeybees.
Mary Anne's heart is sweeter,
My heart, with her care, she'll seize .  

To get nearer to her heart,
Branches get help from a breeze.
Her heart shines bright like a star,  
And she does it so with ease.            

When linden trees are blooming,
Profuse sweetness is around.
It's a heavenly fragrance
Its sweetness is sure profound.

Bright as the heart of Mary Anne,
Linden blooms would like to be.
They would shine bright like bright stars,
This sight I'd sure like to see.
If  champagne flowed from your heart,    
I'd want you to fill my glass.
The champagne would be  finest,    
And be real hard to surpass.

It would be full of bubbles,
And would fizz like soda pop.
It would be served at weddings,              
Delicious would be each drop.

It would flow forth like water,  
And bubble as from a spring;
People would be savoring          
It for being good tasting.              

If champagne flowed from your heart,
It would top the champagne chart.
Bubbleing as from a spring;
876 · Jun 2019
Jacaranda Trees
violet-blue tropic blooms
popular for landscaping
jacaranda trees
The limbs of weeping willows,
Hang over the redbud trees.
Pink flowers on the redbuds,
Are ones that are real beauties.

As gray clouds are divided,
The  sunlight, makes its way through;
The leaves then lean toward it,
As nature intends them to.

As wind whips limbs and branches,
Redbud petals whirl in air,
The ground will have  a carpet,
Of pink near the village square.
Orange petals in a rainstorm,
Are a lovely sight to see;
When the rain nears the blossoms,
Some of the orange blossoms flee.

Orange petals in a rainstorm,
Lose some of their sweet perfume;
When the rainstorm is over,
The sweet fragrance will resume.

Orane petals in a rainstorm,
When they come down with the rain
Won't be in freezing weather,
And won't stick to window panes.

Orange petals in a rainstorm,
Unlike snowflakes have have one form.
834 · Nov 2018
Mary Anne's Heart Of Beauty
Mary Anne's heart of beauty,
Is friendly with TLC.
I admire her loving heart.
Her friend I sure like to be.  

When the stars come out at night,
They're in search of her heart's gold,
That imparts light like sunshine,
They gladly accept I'm told.

Should the stars ever go  out,
She'd impart her sunshine there,
Reviving the stars' beauty,
And giving warmth it does bear.

Her heart full of TLC,
Means so very much to me.
796 · Aug 2020
Hellebore flowers
strict where it can grow
many species are poison
the hellebore flowers
778 · Aug 2018
We came here on a hayride,
To have a campfire and fun;
We will have sung many songs,
Before evening is done.

For starting a good bonfire,
Cedar kindling works real well.
When it is in a bonfire,
Silence it sure can dispel.

Over fire we cooked hot dogs,
And also big marshmallows;
Colored ones for this bonfire,
Are the marshmallows we chose.

After we will douse each flame,
To the hay wagon we'll aim.
742 · Mar 2018
is used to melt snow
helps body remove toxins  
food seasoning, salt
666 · Jan 2019
Blessed Mother Help Me Live
Dear Blessed Mother Mary,
Motherly advice give me,
That is pleasing to Jesus,
Mother, each day help me see.      

Mother, help me not worry,
What others may think of me;
Help me to have peace of mind,
And a heart for love's beauty.

At times when life has me down,
Lift me up with love and care.  
When I need your help Mother,
Close to me then be there.
Your heart has a prized bouquet,
That is sure always in bloom;
A bouquet made of virtues,
For them it has plenty room.              

It's made of understanding,
Gentleness and TLC;
And for its love and kindness,
Which give it so much beauty.

Your heart is always sunny.
I never find it gloomy.
I love its virtue bouquet.
It means very much to me.

Your heart has a prized bouquet,
And it always makes my day.
Lord, help me to live my life,
How you command me to live
Help me to appreciate,
The good to me that you give.

Help me to conform my life,
The way that you're calling me,
You want what is best for me,
Even when I don't agree.

Give me the strength and courage,
So in life I'll put you first:
My heart in your love, dear Lord,
It's there I want it immersed.

Lord, help me say yes to you,
In all that I say and do.
622 · Jul 2018
warms scalp in winter
protects the scalp from sunburn
used to make wigs, hair
622 · May 2020
Autumn Clematis Flowers
Autumn clematis flowers,
Bloom in spring and in the fall;
Bees notify other bees,
Come in for the nectar haul.

From summer's Dutch white clover,
And autumn clematis blooms,
From these flowers sweetness flows,
Filling air with sweet perfumes.

They are sweet, poor, man's flowers,
Autumn clematis climbs trees;
When people walk near their blooms,
Folks attention, they will seize.

Autumn clematis flowers,
Some people pay money for;
I'll go where they're unwanted,
Weeding them will be my chore.

When their bloom time is over,
Next years blooms, for them I'll wait;
For their heavenly perfume,
That I always find is great.
620 · Sep 2019
helps prevent gallstones
eaten to protect the heart
gluten-free millet
Lord, take my life from the earth,
To heaven, Lord, lead me there:
The weight of life’s crosses, Lord,
For me is too much to bear.

Help me carry life's crosses,
When I find life hard to live:
Needed wisdom, I need Lord,
It sufficient to me give.

I ask you Lord to help me,
Especially when there's strife:
Help me Lord to not give up,
Help me when hard I find life.

The virtues, Lord that I need,
To me give them, Lord I plead.
written 11 -30- 3023
I love how your eyes sparkle,
Heaven's stars sure love them too:    
Heaven's stars can't shine as bright,
As your eyes but would love to.

Heaven's stars want your eyes there,  
Lovelier heaven would view:
If they could shrink down in size,
They could shine on earth with you.

I love how your eyes sparkle,
They make your face brightly glow:          
Your sparkling eyes have beauty,
Day by day the more does show.      

How your eyes sparkle, I love,  
You they make me think more of.
582 · Nov 2021
Nutritional Yeast
a  complete protein
has many B vitamins
nutritional yeast
572 · Apr 2019
thorn and thornless types  
and diarrhea remedy
safe dye, blackberries
570 · Jan 2019
A Pillow Fight In Heaven
Snow clouds are angel pillows,
Angels throw about the sky.
When snow clouds hit the angels,
The air snowflakes beautify.

If the fight should continue,
To go on throughout the night,
People may wake up to see,
An awesome sight of delight.

If it snows throughout the night,
Will fighting pillows run out?
To make the fight continue
Will angels for snow clouds scout?

The weather is now warmer,
Close to thirty three degrees.
As snowflakes make their way down,
Will they thaw but then refreeze?

Will the wind twirl the snowflakes,
Until there are snow drifts high?
Will the snow drifts start to melt,
Should the angels start to cry?
547 · Jul 2019
Black Walnut
nuts high in protein
the black gold of Missouri
prized wood, black walnut
528 · Sep 2018
A Natural Escape
From monotonies of life,
An escape at times we need;
An escape at Shaw's Garden,
Will be of much help indeed.

A visit in the springtime,
When flowering trees there bloom,
Capture the eyes and calm them,
Many release sweet perfume.

Folks sure find Shaw's Garden is
A real lovely place to be.
It's a great place for a stroll,
To enjoy nature's beauty.
528 · May 2018
follows Saturday
day on which the sun comes out
glorious sun day
520 · Oct 2017
Chocolate is real tasty.
In much candy it is found.
It's found in many desserts.
It's prized for its taste renowned.

Dark chocolate is healthy.
It's said to be medicine.
When it is found in milkshakes,
Many taste buds it does win.

When it comes to making fudge,
The tastiest it does make.
When you ask for chocolate,
Seldom is is it a mistake.

When you get your sweet a treat,
And it's St. Valentine's Day,
Chocolate is a safe choice.
Many words its taste will say
512 · Jul 2019
exotic pink blooms
need a well drained sunny place
fragrant mimosa
510 · May 2019
Korean Cherry Blossoms
Korean cherry blossoms cling to limbs  like frozen drops of water. Each pink blossom with its red throat when near a body of water
leaves a beautiful water reflection. As the wind makes its way through the trees, the sky is like a parade  full of whirling confetti.
509 · Jul 2021
Lord, Help Me Not Be Afraid
Always Lord, help me trust  you.
Afraid help me never be;        
Stay near me, dear Lord, I pray,
Lord, keep an eye over me.

Lord, help me not be afraid,
When I find life hard to live;
Help me to love my neighbors,
And give me strength to forgive.

When my life is torn apart,
Heal it, make it whole once more
Dear Lord, you are my Savior,        
You I ardently adore.

Lord, help me not be afraid
I need you, come to my aid.
509 · Jun 2022
national rose month                            
is the sixth month of the year              
a woman's name, June
507 · Jun 2018
Hyacinths Haiku
sometimes they're potted                          
they have a real sweet fragrance        
gorgeous hyacinths
504 · May 2022
When hyacinths are blooming,
They've a fragrance very sweet,
Their fragrance is well renowned,
Other blooms take a backseat.

Hyacinths are full of beauty,
Their colors relax the eyes;
At times they're grown in gravel,
Them, most people don't despise.

They will fragrance a garden,
In a way easily done.
;Their blooms will get the biggest,
When they are grown in full sun.

When they're in a tulip garden,
It is sweet when they open.
504 · Dec 2022
found in wetland zones
Uruguay's national bloom
a legume, ceibo
490 · Nov 2021
mobile nutrient
helps plants to fight off disease
for crop health, boron
Give Me Lord the Help I Need

Lord, give me the help I need,  
So that I can  do your will,      
Help my life, Lord be holy,              
In my heart your peace instill.

Help me live my life for you,
While on earth I'm still living:
To my friends and enemies,
Love, Lord, help me be giving.

What you're calling me to do,
Lord, it, help not postpone,
A life that's pleasing to you,
To me make it clearly known,  

Give me strength I need to live,
When it is hard to forgive.
480 · Nov 2019
a phenomenon
dispersed light in the raindrops
colorful rainbow
Help me Mother live like you   
       Loving others just like you:   
To Christ, Mother, draw me close,  
Everyday my whole life through.

I know how you love Jesus,
Show me your love Mother dear,
To live as Jesus wants me,
Help me always persevere.

Ask Christ to give needed light,
When life's moments, dark I find.
Just like you dearest Mother,
Help me always to be kind.

Life's joys dear Blessed Mother,
Them clearly help me to see.
At times when they're camouflaged,
Mother make them known to me.    

During times when I'm tempted,
Help me Mother not give in.
Help me to be courageous,
So I will say no to sin.

Help Me Mother, Live Like You
Help me Mother live like you,
To Christ, Mother draw me to    
Help me Mother, love like you,
Everyday my whole life through.

I know that you love Jesus,      
Show me your love Mother dear.
To live as Jesus wants me,
Help me always persevere.

Ask Christ to send needed light,
When life's moments, dark,; I find.
Just like you dearest Mother,
Help me always to be kind.

Life's joys dear Blessed Mother,
Them clearly help me to see.
At times when they're camouflaged,
Mother make them known to me.    

During times when I'm tempted,
Help me Mother not give in.
Help me to be courageous,
So I will say no to sin.

Help me Mother live like you,
To Christ, Mother draw me to    
Help me Mother, love like you,
Everyday my whole life through.

I know that you love Jesus,      
Show me your love Mother dear.
To live as Jesus wants me,
Help me always persevere.

Ask Christ to give me needed light,
When life's moments, dark I find.
Just like you dearest Mother,
Help me always to be kind.

Life's joys dear Blessed Mother,
Them clearly help me to see.
At times when they're camouflaged,
Mother make them known to me.    

During times when I'm tempted,
Help me Mother not give in.
Help me to be courageous,
So I will say no to sin.

This is one of the poems that got knocked off my list  from  2017 and part of 2018.
I touched this up April 2,2023.
473 · Jul 2018
Honey Bees
good pollinators
the bears like to raid their hives
helpful honey bees
471 · Aug 2018
improves blood flow                
helps build strong immune system    
calms nerves, peppermint
467 · Feb 2021
in mint family
used in mummification
fragrant lavender
466 · Aug 2021
African Hemp
an evergreen shrub
the taller attracts more bees
used to make rope, hemp
460 · Jun 2019
explode with beauty
gun powder, wicks and cardboard
beautiful fireworks
453 · Jun 2023
White 2
clear part of an egg
when cloudy, egg is real fresh   
black's antonym, white
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