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Before we ask for something,
God knows what we're in need of;
God likes to give us good things;
Especially when it's love.

We're called to be persistent,
Living as God wants us to;
Holiness is what pleases him,
It, he wants us to pursue.

God wants hearts to be gentle,
And be understanding too;
With hearts open to our Lord,
Our lives then become anew.

Absence of your love, dear Lord,
Is something we can't afford.
Oct 2019 · 52
found on potatoes
are used in propagation
vision organs, eyes
Oct 2019 · 92
Giant Puffball Mushroom
size of a football
biggest edible fungus
the giant puffball
When there is grace in one's heart,
Life is easier to live;
People who are close to Christ,
Are blessed with joys he does give.

Brilliant light from our Savior,
Will not cease to shine brightly;
His heart so full of beauty,
By the whole world, one can see.

When a heart does not lack grace,
It will be a heart that's wise;
The things that are not from God,
Grace-filled hearts want to despise.

When in a heart, there is grace,
It draws closer to our Lord;
To hearts it wants to show love,
God, by such hearts is adored.
Oct 2019 · 150
When I Find Life A Burden
When I find life a burden,
And it's difficult to live;
During such times as these, Lord,
Needed strength to me, then give.

When burdens weigh on my heart,
Lift me up, Lord, from their weight;
Lord, make life's burdens lighter,
For your help, Lord, help me wait.

When I find life depressing,
Help in finding peace, give Lord;
When I find my heart broken,
Lord, help it to be restored.

When I find life a burden,
Joys in life, Lord, help me find;
Help me, Lord, to trust in you,
And help me find peace of mind.
Mother, Blessed, queen of love,
Help Me, so I'll love like you;
Help my heart be one that's pure,
Heaven, help me to pursue.

Help me Mother, through my life,
So that I will be at peace;
The love I have for your Son,
Help it, Mother, to increase.

Please, help my heart, dear Mother,
Find peace and tranquility;
The good that is in others,
Help me, Mother, each day see.

Help my heart to always be,
Mother, blessed,  queen of love,
A heart that is contented,
Seeking good I'm in need of.
Oct 2019 · 121
keeps one from tiring
lowers bad cholesterol
helps eyesight, okra
Oct 2019 · 84
a good food for growth
has an inedible skin
low in fat, catfish
Oct 2019 · 56
Pigeon Peas
potassium rich
healthy pigeon peas
Oct 2019 · 155
Royal Empress Tree
large lavender blooms
the world's fastest growing tree
royal empress tree
Sep 2019 · 74
vitamin D rich
helps to combat depression
protein rich sardines
Sep 2019 · 66
low mercury fish
keeps the red blood cells healthy
in sushi, herring
Dear, Blessed Mother, guide me,
Help me always persevere,    
To live the way God wants me
In a hostile atmosphere.

When I find life depressing,
Raise my spirit with your love;
So that I'll become tranquil,
Blessed Mother, peaceful dove.

Help me when I am tempted,
Ask your Son to give to me,
Grace to live in holiness,
So I'll love God ardently.

Dear, Blessed Mother, guide me,
Help my heart, Mother, be free.
Sep 2019 · 129
lowers blood pressure
increases one's energy
improves mood, tuna
Sep 2019 · 130
boosts the heath of gums
boosts the heath of tooth enamel
the abalones
Sep 2019 · 90
aggressive feeders
they go after eel type jigs
a food fish, bluefish
Sep 2019 · 129
have lots of sharp teeth
attack their prey in the air
preying needlefish
Sep 2019 · 620
helps prevent gallstones
eaten to protect the heart
gluten-free millet
Sep 2019 · 130
magnesium rich
it lowers cholesterol
high in fiber, rye
Sep 2019 · 58
Globe Amaranth
is popped to make flakes
powerful gluten-free grain
globe amaranth grain
Sep 2019 · 34
are made out of glass
lets sunlight and warmth inside
in most homes, windows
Sep 2019 · 55
is the ice cream tree
delays the signs of ageing
the cherimoya
Sep 2019 · 100
for the night garden
open in late afternoon
fragrant moonflowers
Sep 2019 · 91
cool weather flowers,
edible flower petals         
beautiful pansies
Sep 2019 · 126
Stinging Nettle
treats hand arthritis
gives minerals to the soil
invasive nettle
Sep 2019 · 54
St. Val's Day In Florida
St. Val's Day in Florida,
Is a lovely place to be;
Though snow there is seldom seen,
It's a grand place of beauty.

Citrus trees display beauty,
With fragrant blossoms of white;
The sky is one of wonder,
An awesome sight of delight.

Petals from the trees are leaving,
As the winds uplift them high,
Filling the sky with beauty,
That can make a person sigh.

At this sight people marvel,
As their petals fill the air.
It's a sight truly awesome,
Tufts of petals everywhere.
Lord, help me to be prudent,
And live as you want me to;
First in life help me put you,
To you, Lord, help me stay true.

Help me to love my neighbors,
And help me to do your will.
Give me grace, Lord, that I need,
Peace in my heart, there, instill.

In life's decisions, help me,
So that prudent they may be.
In heaven's quest, Lord, Lord, help me.
Bring me closer, Lord, to Thee.

Wisdom and understanding,
Them, help me draw closer to.
Help me to live prudently,
In the things I say and do.

prudence, Lord, help me pursue,
Everyday my whole life through;
Lord, help me be more like you,
As you draw me close to you.
Sep 2019 · 79
The Bells Of Ireland
green bells are swaying
in front of Dublin's abbeys
the bells of Ireland
Sep 2019 · 69
improves brain function
used for healing broken bones
wonderful horsetail
Sep 2019 · 132
large doses, poison
expressed leaf juice gives blue ink
fast growing larkspur
Sep 2019 · 325
Autumn Clematis
Autumn Clematis

has real sweet flowers                
prune after the  blooming ends    
autumn clematis
Sep 2019 · 100
Canna Lillies
impressive blossoms    
must be quite warm or won't bloom
lovely canna plants
Aug 2019 · 86
has potato taste
Promotes youthful skin and hair                          
nutritious breadfruit
has potato- like flavor
a great potassium source
Aug 2019 · 68
dogs are faithful ones                          
people liked as favorites
cats make good ones, pets
Aug 2019 · 55
Witch Hazel
is richly scented
draws one's tissue together
soothes cuts, witch hazel
Aug 2019 · 74
known for cheery blooms                  
state flower of Florida
coreopsis plant
Aug 2019 · 44
A Loch Ness Monster?
prehistoric lineage
today's paddlefish
Aug 2019 · 74
dung that brings high price
is swung by baseball hitter
winged cave mammal,bat
Aug 2019 · 224
Red Snapper
can weigh fifty pounds
can live more than fifty years
Gulf fish, red snapper
Aug 2019 · 114
tasty fish when smoked
a hair style of the eighties
firm, lean fish, mullet
Aug 2019 · 80
Blue Crabs
have selenium
have high quality protein
delicious blue *****
Aug 2019 · 51
improves nerve function
clears up skin inflammation
aids vision, papaya
Aug 2019 · 341
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
used to soothe gout pain
famous aid for women's health
raspberry leaf tea
Aug 2019 · 109
Cow Peas
a cheap super food
amazing source of protein
black eye peas, cow peas
Aug 2019 · 128
Banana Flowers
exotic tree flowers
early stage of bananas
banana flowers
Lord, help me despise evil,
And harm to me it does bring,
When I have a heart of stone,
Give it love for softening.

At times when my heart is sad,
Then, Lord, bring to it your joy;
Help me have a gentle heart,
With love that is its alloy.

Lord, keep beams out of my eyes,
So that I'm able to see;
When I love the way you want,
My heart is full of beauty.
You're someone very special,
Hearts like yours are prized and rare.
There are smiles bright on my face,
You're the one who put them there.

Ireland has the Blarney Stone,
And its share of shamrocks green;
Ireland sure wants your visits,
To help the chefs with cuisine.

I hope you have a swell time,
While on the Emerald Isles,
And make Ireland much brighter,
With the sunshine of your smiles.

When you return from Ireland,
Immense light, here, there will be;
Your heart profuse with sunshine,
Highlights Missou's scenery.

Mizzou' has the Gateway Arch,
And the Mississippi wide;
Warmth you've  brought bring into my heart,
And joys, there, you've multiplied.
Aug 2019 · 38
My Friend, Mary Anne
When hearts she sees are broken,
With her love, them, she will patch.
She has a heart of sweetness,
Lilac flowers will not match.

Her sweetness excels blossoms,
Of black locust and bloom white;
And also sweet orange blossoms,
That sure bring noses delight.

She's someone very thoughtful.
She sure knows how to be dear;
She's a heart of TLC,
Everyday of every year.
Aug 2019 · 64
Popcorn tree
candles from tree seeds
a serious invader
shade plant, popcorn tree
Blessed Mother, make me wise,
The way Christ wants me to be;
Help me lead others to God    
By good examples daily.              

Tenderly, dearest Mother,
Lovely Lady dressed in blue:
With your love reach out to me,
And draw me closer to you.

Help me to live peacefully,
Patience, help me to pursue.    
Daily, Mother, help me love,
In a way that will please you.
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