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a part of a gun
uninteresting person      
auger tunnels, bore
good nutrient source
Tawan's national flower
it's a hardwood, plum
When life is real hard to live:          
And most everything goes wrong:
Then, dear Lord be at our side,
Giving us strength to be strong.

When we find life fall apart,
Help us, dear Lord to take heart:
Give us the wisdom we need,
Don't let our lives fall apart.

It is with your help, dear Lord,
Through life's rough times we'll pull through:
Help us live in holiness:
In all that we say and do.    

In life, Lord, help us succeed,
To your Commands help us heed.
written 03-24-2024
vitamin C rich
a breathtaking marine fish
mandarin citrus
Stars seen in Neier's skies at night,
Are an awesome, marvelous sight:
Fireflies acrobat in the air,
No ropes can be seen anywhere.

Their flying is a real artwork,
Arrows and hearts light up the air:
This is an awesome sight to see,
A sight that makes us want to stare.

Beautiful songs that crickets play,
Add beauty to help end the day:
As nighttime flowers. open wide
Moonflowers' sweetness makes its way.

Neier's summer nights are grand to see,
It is there that we want to be.

written 03-22-2024
Lord, help us be courageous,
And innocent life protect:            
Help us protect the voiceless
Who are worthy of our respect.      

You made us in your image,
Of respect we're in need of:
If others will not love us,
Then give to us, Lord your love.                    

All human life has great worth,
On a cross for us you died:
Show us how we are to live,
Dear Lord, over us preside.

Lord, help us to respect life,
Times when we encounter strife.
written Monday 03-18-2024
small silvery fish
a bruising around the eye
a bass bait, shiner
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