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to beat severely
a mix of flour and water
highlight, save, then paste
found on some rivers  
combination and deadbolt                                    
found on some heads. locks
used with knife to cut
where road divides in two parts
used to pitch hay, fork
light the sun emits                                  
what mustard brings to cold cuts
you're my life's sunshine
For the beauty of the heavens,
I give my thanks, dear Lord to Thee::
Crickets and frogs that play music.
Are a grand orchestra to me.

For the rippling streams of water,
Where I obtain my daily food:
Where animals come for water,
I am  thankful with gratitude.

For watercress that lives in streams
I collect to go with my meals:
When it's in a bright green color,
Its healthiness it then reveals.

For friends that I can confide in,
Thanks, dear Lord for sending my way:
When I find life dark and dismal,
They bring  sunshine into my day.

Most of all, Lord I am grateful,
For your love for me without end:
You  bring hope and joy in my life,
Lord, you are my forever friend.
written  Monday   05- 29-2023
Lord, give us strength to persevere,
When hope appears it's at its end:
When trials test our faith in you,
Strength in our hearts to us then send.

Be our strength in times of troubles,
stumbling in life help us not be.    
Rigid like rock help us stand firm,  
Willing to put our trust in Thee.  

Give us dear Lord what we need most,
  In holiness, Lord, help us live,
Help us Lord, to not hold grudges,
And show us how we should forgive.
Peer pressure help us not succumb.
Help us live lives that are wholesome.

written Saturday 05-27-2023
is done with a pet
on back of a wedding dress
wheels roll on rails, train
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