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eat fire fleeing bugs
feed especially  on ticks
the cattle egrets
they're freshwater fish
found in southeast Asia ponds        
gourami kiss fish
Dear Lord and gentle Jesus,
Close to you Lord, there draw me          
Give to me an inmost calm,
Bestow on me your mercy.        

You know what is good for me,
And what I am in need of,
Dear Lord, with thy gentle heart,
Show me how I am to love.

During life when I am weak,
Give to me the strength I need,
Your wisdom, help me to know,    
So pleasing you, I'll succeed.

Gentle Jesus, just like you,
Holiness, help me pursue.
Give to me sufficient strength,
And make my life one anew.
once Coventry Bells
attracts bees and hummingbirds
Canterbury Bells
M   for madreselva,
That is hard to get rid of.
Each bloom is very fragrant,          
Unlike you it has no love.

A   is for amaryllis,
That is well-known for beauty,
Your heart has much more beauty,
That means very much to me.

D is for dandelions,
That landscape the yards in spring,
They're picked by kids for their moms,
Bouquets moms are cherishing,    

R   Is for the rose flowers,
Many with a fragrant scent;
They are easily noticed,            
By people in an instant.                      

E is for ear-leaved tickseed,
It's a gold-centered flower,                   
A type of coreopsis,                  
Bouquets they can empower.                             

Mom, these flowers spell madre,
You're the one whom I love dear;
Mom, it's you whom I cherish,
To hearts your love does adhere.

At the time of conception,
When  you began your pregnancy;
You had become my mother,
And my mom you'll always be.
To your Son's eternal home,
Blessed Mother, there lead me;
Ask Christ to help me find joys,
Help me Mother be holy.

Ask Christ to give me the grace,
Of which I am in need of;
Help my heart's beauty increase,
In hearts help me infuse love.

Mother, help me do God's Will,
Tranquil help my heart to be;
How I can be more like Christ,
Blessed Mother help me see.

To heaven help me get there,
Good acts, Mother, help me bear.
When hyacinths are blooming,
They've a fragrance very sweet,
Their fragrance is well renowned,
Other blooms take a backseat.

Hyacinths are full of beauty,
Their colors relax the eyes;
At times they're grown in gravel,
Them, most people don't despise.

They will fragrance a garden,
In a way easily done.
;Their blooms will get the biggest,
When they are grown in full sun.

When they're in a tulip garden,
It is sweet when they open.
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