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She's Sussed us out now!

              The cats out of the bag...
                 Which makes me upset
                     And awfully sad.
                 Caught in a lovers tryst
               In a seedy little pub
                " very cosy" she sarcastically said.
                    As we're caught in the act!
                    We're as guilty as hell..
                        And that's a fact!
                    She turns on her her heels
                    And exits the room
                 The look on you're face
                    Is all gloom and doom
                     I burst into tears
                     Reliving the scene
                 Somehow it makes me feel
                 Somewhat unclean
              He puts a reassuring arm around me
                     And takes my hand
                          And says..
                    " l know this isn't quitewhat we'd planned"
                      " leave her to me"
                         I'tll be alright"
                    " I'll sort it"...
              Once I get home tonight"!
                   " well there's no need for you
                       To leave early now"
                           He said
                    " let's have another drink
                    And go back to you're place"?
                     " for a nightcap? I think"....
" I've got the keys to the shop"
                  As I dangle them in you're face
                " l think the changing room
                     For ***....
                  Would be the ideal place!"
                 We have  an hour to ****
                 Before I open up the shop
                 " we need to crack on "
                    Before it's 9oclock!
                "Well.....get you're kit off"?
                         I say....
                  And I'll kneel on the floor
                  " we don't have time for anything more!"
                      5 minutes later we're arranging our clothes
           Breathless and giggling we go rushing out to the door
           Hoping know one knows!...
You're not mine
                             I stole you for awhile
                            You belong to someone else
                                  I say with a smile.
                                   You consume my body
                                And invade my mind
                                    Each time we are together
                                    There's not enough time.
                                Like an emotional roller coaster
                                I'm up then I'm down
                          I can't imagine life without you around.
                                     My week begins with you
                                      And I'm switched on
                                    Until Wednesday night
                                  We kiss... then you're gone...
                                      Until next week
                                   When the angst starts again.
                              With uncontrollable feelings
                               Of love lust and pain
                              And so life lurches on...
                           In an emotional haze..
                          A quick brush of the hand...
                           And a stolen gaze...
                          Something's going to end one day...
Tom, tom, you can do no wrong...
                               Young and fit...
                          With a fine tuned wit!!
                               Up for some fun?
                                 Well so am I
                        Let's make hay while the sun shines!!...
" l'm getting in a mood now"
                    " I'm in a mood " you glared
                   As you stomped you're feet
                   All the way up the stairs!
            " go and change you're school clothes"
                       " do it right now!!"
                   " you never tell jess off.. and she's a little cow!"
                   " right!... it's no tea for you tonight!"
                     " you'll go to bed instead!"
                       I wished l knew the cunning plans
                          You're scheming in you're head?
                              Then all of a sudden...
                             There's a blood curdling cry!...
                            As you decide the time has come
                                To teach the cat to fly!...
" I don't like lizard mum"
                   Is you're plaintive cry...
                   As we go to visit you're auntie di's
                    " she always cooks liver and rice"
                    " dont be ungrateful, she's just being nice!"
                      " it gives me a break
                         From cooking a meal"
                         "Just eat up and smile
                           That's part of the deal!!"
                          It's a weekly ritual
                       That I grin and bear.
                       That's the price l pay for showing I care
                       " it's not fair.." " you don't care!"
                        I glare....
                     " but we don't like lizard mum!!...
                           " it's not fair!
                              I despair!....
When you told me you'd phoned him
                  I held my breath....
                  How many years is it
                   Since steves death?
                   Twenty odd years now..
                     Yet it still makes me cry
                     We've both moved on now
                         And got on with our lives...
                                 You and l.
                     Who were both once his wives
                          Oh how he'd laugh!
                      As we get out the knives...
                           You still the" *****"
                          And me the " poor cow"
                   I wonder who's having the last laugh now?...
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