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" do we have to go mum"?
              John looked up and said
               " no I suppose not" l said
                After all... now he's dead?
                The cremations on Thursday...
                 At the end of next week
                  Jess was silent
                   Too upset to speak
                     " he didn't get aids mum"?
                        You both look up and say
                           " no" l replied
                       " he didn't get that
                         Just because he was gay"
                       " he died from a stroke
                          I'm told it was quick"
                          " let's have tea now
                             I feel kinda sick"
                         " I hate him, I hate him"!
                               Jess starts to cry....
                          " oh why did he have to go and die"!!...
******* is like a drug to you're average male...
                Women just don't get it... but to no avail..
                It stares back at you everywhere you look
                In shops, online. And in glossy books it's women that" squirt???"
            And men with big *****....
            Quick pass the sick bucket....
           I'm gonna be sick!
         Milfs and babes...
              And men on men
        Come on girls now lets not pretend....?
         We've all sneaked a look
         When no ones around..
        Not much storyline
          Just a lot of sound!
         ******* and *******
           Squelching and grunts
      Women shouting... oh ****
         I think I'm gonna c..m!
          *** in the garden
            *** by the pool
       *** in the kitchen...
       Perched on a stool
      School girls, nuns
        Actresses, gym babes
       Even prisoners on the run?!
         It just gets sillier
As the camera runs...
     The women staring blankly
Shouting " ooh" and ""ahh"
Filming every orifice
    Now that's gone too far!
      The world is a mans oyster
      He can pick and choose
        But if you're a woman...
         You know you're going to lose.....
" are you there babe"?
         "Do you wanna play?"
            I'm having some me time
            Oh do GO AWAY!!
             " hi gorgeous..."
                " you look fit and hot"!
                   unlike you're photo
                   As youre definitely not!...
" do you like being single"?
              "Hell no"
            I seem to have lost my get up and go...
            What happened to my spirit of adventure?
                I dunno....?
              Do I fancy a bloke?
               Or a great night out?
              Who knows?
                No..... a girls day out
                 To buy lots of clothes...!!
I've slept with another married guy...
      They just migrate towards me...
        I dunno why?
         " we can't be seen in public"
           "Can I come to yours?"
           " just shut the front door
               And I'm all yours!"
            " do you have condoms"?
               I practise safe ***....
              " oh you're so romantic"
                 I hear myself say
                ( as you lick my neck)
                " do you like oral"?
                 " wear black underwear and heels"
                  " let's tie you to the  bed
                     And see how that feels?"
             Fluffy pink handcuffs
               And a blindfold
                I love the lot!
          You're like a school boy
                In a tuck shop!!......
I've joined a burlesque class!
     It's turned out to be such a laugh...
     In my fishnets and high shoes
     I practise my moves
        And strut my stuff to the groove...
         I bump and grind
         In a provocative way
        I wish the hour was longer
         co's I would really like to stay!....
*** is a wonderful thing.....
      Whether it's a quickie or a fling
     Releasing endorphins that make you feel high
     Then after the event,
      It makes you wonder..
    Why did I go to bed with that guy?....
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