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Oh valentine...
        Won't thou be mine?...
       Ain't life a swine!...
     Everyone's got one
      So where's mine?
      It's such a simple gesture
       And a lovely thought
       A heart shaped card
      That you're lover has bought
     Alas! I was forgotten... again..
      Discarded on the scrap heap of life
      Nobody's lover
      Not even someone's wife?...
       So where was l
       When the bouquets were dished out?
        A single rose would be nice
  But it ain't gonna happen baby
     And it wasn't meant to be
           So won't someone please....
           Send a valentines card to me?...
I dream about you you know?
Even though it was so long ago
But scars run deep
A repeating dream
With a continuous theme..
And you still looked the same
     You're perfect teeth
  And winning smile
But underneath you were still vile..
   You never forgave me...
      For what I did
      Reporting you to the police...
           For the physical abuse
           The split lips.
The fractures the bruises
  And the lose tooth
   Nights when you threw me out in the rain...
       It's surprising I came out of this
       Still sane!...
      I was very lucky
Escaping with my life
But now you've married someone new
   I fear for you're wife...
" I've just had *** with an unavailable man"
    Whose life is very busy right now....
      But he'll text me when he can...
        If I had a fiver
       Each time I've heard that line
      It would stop me from wasting
              My valuable time!
          You're expected to slot into their busy life
               Feed their alter ego
                 Endulge their every vice
                 Playing second fiddle
               Means you never get to win
              When all you'd really like
              Is a little time with him
               You're feelings and emotions
                 Don't feature in his life...
                  He just wants  some excitement
                   In his boring little life...
                    Maybe I should just call time
                     Or maybe ring up his wife?....

                   In hi
Why is it such a hard thing to say?
            Let's face it...
       It's only a word at the end of the day...
             " are we an item?"
                 "Are we a pair"
             I want an agreement
              Now is that unfair?
              How long have you known me?
                 8yrs or so?...
                Surely long enough for you to know?
                 I don't want marriage
                    Or tie you down...
                    Yet I mention that "word".
                   And you're wearing that frown!
                      Regular contact?
                      A walk in the park?
                     The friendship is solid
                      And we do have a laugh
                      You're **** young and funny
                       And you make me giggle
                        Which is just as well..
                        That you like my **** wiggle!!!....

When I saw you today
         I couldn't hide
         The feeling in my stomach
         Like a rising tide..
          Whether you noticed me
           I couldn't tell
           For if you did
            You hid it so well...
            In the beginning
            Everything was magical..
                Fresh and new
               A sense of anticipation
                    I never knew
                 On the brink of something special..
                     Who knew then
                What was in store for you and me?
               That the violence would have to end
                 And l would make you pay
                            You'll see...

A father at you're age?
                  Is all rather sad...
                   I feel concerned for the baby
                  And contempt for the dad...
                   Still...when she's lost her figure
                   And she's up half the night..
                   You'll be losing you're temper..
                          And picking a fight..
                          I wonder who's eyes
                         Will be blackened tonight?
                              You'll never change
                                 You just live a lie...
                              You haven't the guts
                           To look life in the eye!
                     " mr cardboard cut out man"
                            That's you're nickname
                       Who's whole existence
                          Is one long acting game....
" e're you alright ger?"
                " you've gone a bit green?"
                ( tell me I'm imagining this
                  And it's all been a dream)
                So far my thoughts on this trip
                Remain to be seen
              " well I'm off for a pint then
                If you're sure you're ok?"
                Nota terribly romantic start
                     To the perfect day!
                    He lurches down the deck
                    In his trainers and his coat
                    Eagerly intent on tipping
                     Draught bass down his throat
                I wander  around the boat a bit
                    To **** a little time
                    Hoping later on....
                   There would be candlelight and wine
                        But I was disappointed
                           For later on he said
    "We'll use the cafeteria co's its cheaper there instead!
                   We sit down to eat our meal
                    On this unsteady vessel
                 Whilst watching you devour
                You're favourite  fry up special
                I've ordered mackerel salad
                Oh well when in doubt!
               Watching as you stuff black currant.cheesecake in you're mouth....
        " never mind luv.. don't you worry"
           " tomorrow I'll treat you to a ruby Murray"( curry)

                   Later we wandered around the duty free
                     And into the perfume shop
                    " it is our honeymoon " l say..
                       " or had you forgot?"
                     Then in you're loudest voice you shout...
                          For all the world to hear
                   " I'll a've that little bottle there
                               If it's not too dear?"
                        " happy now? You said
                            With that stupid grin
                      Direct me to the nearest hole
                         That I can bury myself in!!!!!arghhh....
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