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Mr kind
                              Mr flash
                              Mr pain in the ****
                              Mr course
                              Mr crude
                              Mr downright rude
                              Mr blunt
                              Mr cruel
                              Mr playing it cool
                              Mr fun
                              Mr stunned
                              Mr " I think she's the one"...
I won't grow up... I never will!
  I'd rather live on a tropical Leland
With a younger guy and chill
Sometimes life serves up a bitter pill
I WONT grow up
I never will....
The oldest married a gay
The youngest married a ****
The middle one lived with a ******
So let's leave it at that!
The first thought it was forever
The second heartache and pain
The middle ones partner ***** her niece
Now life's not the same...
Like the elephant in the room
No one daring to give it a thought
The oldest would like to ****** him
The youngest never gives him a thought
The middle one spends all his money now
And his properties that she's bought!
Boy with the dark blonde hair...
All I can do is stare
From you're beautiful eyes
And masculine face...
You're sensitive fingers
You make my pulse race
Holding me in you're arms
You kiss my face
My face on you're chest
I inhale you're smell..
Touch you and lick you
I have a girl crush
... can't you tell?...
I'm fed up being treated like *****!
Why do men think it's their god given right?
Saying "do you wanna go out on a date?"
Oh... and they never turn up , or just very late...
Which is something I really do hate
" you're gorgeous" " you're scrummy"
" you're **** -and yummy"
It pours out their mouths
Like treacle or honey
" you're really special"
" l wanna know you better"
Which is " boys" code for...
" get yer kit off luv"
" let's get down and ***** together"...
Why are men led by there *****?
" fancy a **** love"?
Better make it quick!
   You'res or mine?
For a ***** and a kiss
A bottle of cheap wine
When you're ******
" l want you baby"
He whispers in my ear
With his hand down my pants
Off comes his boxer shorts
Oops... there goes romance...
Nobody loves you when you're 66
           Oh, you can have plenty of ***
            To get you're fix
            And lust is available if you wish...
            But no one loves you when youre 66....
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