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The poverty trap...
                             That's where I'm at...
                        You can find it at the turning...
                            At the end of the track..
                          It's just past hopeless
                          Then right for despair...
                          Down a dark, dark, road
                          Called " nobody cares"
                             Where they chuck out the *******
                              And any old crap
                          Co's the system don't care
                                 And that's a fact!
I was soooo... excited
                      I couldn't breathe..
                  I've booked  a boudoir shoot
                  Can you believe..!!!
                 I've waxed and buffed
                 Within an inch of my life!
        So much cheaper than going under the knife....
                A photo to keep...
                Of me at my peak!
         The appointment is nearing
       It's the end of the week!
        I arrive on the day
        Less makeup and bra...
         Already for the professionals
        To make me a ⭐️

            A star for a day
           All pampered and spoilt...

        In my ****** and heels
   I'm positioned on a couch..
    Then over a chair
    I hover.. then crouch..
   Laid out on a bed
   In my **** red set
   All pouting and pearls
I purr...provocatively
In my makeup and curls
It's all so surreal
With bubbly in hand...
The photographer says...
" look at me.. now smile"
" now give me you're sultry pout"
My basques really pinching
I wanted to shout!
When the photos are taken
And the viewing booked
When I shall see
The finished photos
Of the " divine. Amelie"...
A stolen identity
         And a broken heart
           You ******* up my life
           So where shall I start?
           Extracting information
              Bit by bit,
           But who you really are
              Doesn't seem to fit...
             " you are my queen"
               And" l love you babe,
            The words in my mind
         That won't seem to fade...
       Flowers and chocolates
      Delivered to my door
     " l love you.." l love you"
           Over and over you said.
" you're the one I adore"
But you never phoned
And we never met
But now l know the truth
     I just want to forget....
" l've got a cold!"
         "And I feel old"
  I don't feel attractive vibrant and bright..
I just wanna cocoa at the end of the night..
Don't want rampant *** or dress up in a basque!
Just want someone to ask...
" hey how you feeling today?"
Is that too much to ask?
Instead I am deluged with messages from men
Saying" hello ****" can I message you again?
" wanna see a photo of me?"
" no I don't wanna see you  you're ****!"
" l'll settle for a cuppa, hot water bottle and some vick?"
More inviting
Than someone saying ...
" hello honey you sure look exciting..
" in a onesy and no makeup"
It sure ain't that enticing!!!
I walk the streets....
              Come rain or shine,
            Giving men a bit of my time..
            A bit of my time...
           Means blow jobs and ***,
         As I stand and scan the streets at night..
        Looking for a punter
        Wondering who'll be next,
        It's a game of Russian roulette..
       Because you never know...
       If he'll pull a gun out...
       And it's time for you to go.
       Violence and drugs are all part of the scene...
        Slapping on the makeup
        Feeling unclean..
        Being called  a ****
        A ******* or worse...
        Knowing full well
        You will end up in a hearse.
The come and go man
    Catch him if you can....
       If you're quick enough
          You'll see him scram....
               Down you're stairs...
                  And out to his car...
                     And out of you're life...
                        Which means, "VERY FAR!!!
                           He'll take his wine..
                              Which he bought you..
                                                           As a gift
              Then when he's done with you...
                He'll leave you feeling ******!
                         Away into the night he goes...
                        " catch me if you can"!
                     He's the come and go man...
              Shouting " catch me if you can"!
Please don't hit her.. I say a silent prayer.
As the three of us huddle up close on the stairs.
We're all in our night things all ready for bed.
Please god, he won't put his fists to her head.
Lindy is crying. and rubbing her eyes..
As we listen to the shouting and terrible cries.
Geri is sitting as quiet as a mouse.
As we three sit alone in that unhappy house.
As she taunts him,and goads him,and spurs him on.
" you're a ******* she says," do you know that john"
He shouts back and says that she talks utter crap..
Then it falls deathly quiet....
         As we wait for the slap!!
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