the first time she smiled (at me)
i fell in love..wild..!?
i moved in (with her)
the cool dark ´50´s furniture..
we had six or seven cats (same litter)..
we hid from the gardener..!
watched operation triumpho (on tv)
dusty autumn gave way to winter.
and listened to maurice (on the radio)...
on sunday the choir practised below..
what did the future do..
well it played too some how..
everything being old and new..
the ambulance lounged outside..
along the coast was the cabo des gato..
we went there and rather foolishly
camped in a dry river bed..(flash flood)..
but here to tell the tale..the fire and
peaceful starry nights..(and love)...
and today seventeen years and no
on but still here this very moment..(rose bud)..
still here but another part of town
all water that..all rock..air would..