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21h · 17
i would pick...
i would pick magic mushrooms
and eat them as i went
happily along-

it is not advised but
how fine sat in the clouds
and rain

of so many colours
in my heart a song
that tasted sweet but

metallic..i would
go back-in my pockets
cow-pats and

sundry other stuff
a blade of grass
like god smiling..


now, they use the psychedelic
component to treat alcoholism
and depression

we were ahead of them..
there was elation
just find her..
1d · 22
vincent van gogh
vincent van gogh
(all been said before)
from his blog:
some bright colours

a chair and some clogs
an impossible door
stars like gods
but more:

what did he know?
(as  in go) or care
look at the crows
so cut an ear

a good start
a tricky wing
hang fire and one
in the heart..
let me tell you what
happiness is
when a tooth stops
aching and like-
wise a heart..
2d · 27
a nom de plume
light and sweet
a mystery

heavy or less..
look close
read the signs
are we not blessed..
3d · 24
what is heaviest
a tonne of them
or a tonne of stone

or your heart or mine..
good question..
examine one minutely
and god you may see!
3d · 22
emily said,
hope is a thing
with them..

woody said
without them..
we say,
one in our cap!

there is the miracle
of creation
4d · 19
a hat-

a hat-
can be
what one
wants´ it
to be-

(a list of
synonym or
antonym-make your own!)

it can be time,
it can save you
from a beating..

sun and rain,
marc said,the hat
that caused a revolution?

a man who saves
a space
for a quarter

another man wants
to parc his car..
a dough nut..

cherries were popular
an avacado
you name it..


names-march around the
column-they veil our vision
in the crystal corridors
they trip fron gilded tongues

and we say-a hat-and discard
it and lay in the shadows of dust
-a feather as a reward
lovers of the first touch..
clever, this is one
of those words
i have never done-

my shoulders touch
my ears and i look
into the void-

if you can explain time
or talk your way out
of a beating

then who am i to say..
if you can do the latter
by the former..then..


then ..hats off..
i mourn the demise of
the hat-

a hat might
explain time or..
or not..
i met a man of the circus
you could here it
his fathers-
clowns and light-

magic and applause..
he said won´t you play-
his handle-bars!?
(am i a charity..)

listen-la´s-give it away
for love or if you have to eat
and god bless the fray..
once, i knew an honest



lily,you would think,
strange, had lost it´s

in this day and age..
-language is meaningless
soon,we will just babble..

on screens
scream and howl
like camera caged

owls-our feathers
terminally ruffled
of  outrage..


(sounds familliar..)
it is not the one´s
with purple hair

but  hearts pierced
with nothing
to look out for-

they care for nada
(not even money)
and certainy not

for the stars
they really don´t want it
or just a reasonable part..
Jun 7 · 26
it is funny how
Michael John Jun 7
it is funny how
you can buy a musical instrument
and their is wisdom and hope
passion and love

or death..course the guy in the shop
tells you none of that-
you will want a book..?
(patting his pocket..)

in your eyes are their stars..!
yer womans a groupie
dad´s a roadie
boy,you will go far..!


next thing you know
your studying the rules
white of visage upon
the re-hab wall..

-your brain a kind of
oh god..oh god..oh..
Michael John Jun 6

i live a stone´s throw from
it is all there-

just waiting-the mundane
and odd little things
on the high and arrow

or far and far
around the corner-

i may stay or run away
to derby
in my pipe and slippers..


lily, (examines her book mark-
read a book and save the

sal and dean are visiting
bull-lee-william borroughs
down on the bayou

a complicated man
a family man with rocket
launcher and plans

for a shelf..
the breeze from the levee
a party..


-the road to redemption
and love may be..

it is the recognition and
a filter system from nothing

or the ganges..
just a stone´s throw..
Jun 5 · 92
i owned a saxaphone-
Michael John Jun 5
i owned a saxaphone-
nearly ended in a ruptured
(too painful to remember)

i could n´t play that
either (but i imagine so many
looking past their screen

nodding in a ruefull manner..
gangsters and breaker yard
a police informer..
just for decoration..
Jun 4 · 15
with a banjo
Michael John Jun 4

with a banjo
one can go
through all emotion
deep dark ocean
blue heights-
happy bird in

not that i did
i resented it-
three weeks with
back bent
blistered hand
chips and the skegness sun


then why buy it..?
lily turns a page-
what is she reading?
ah,kerouac´s on the road..

spontaneous and hopeful
chock full of possibility
spiritual so-!
not unlike the banjo

but alas not for me
ended in a dusty window
for some paltry sum
and a full belly..
Jun 3 · 26
Michael John Jun 3

is it easier to hate
than love she enquires
with a sultry tongue out..

sounds like is it easier to
hate-then love
with a very thin piece

of paper attatched to her
licking apparatuce..
something about a lettuce? it easier to love
than hate..?no,is it
easier to hate than love..


i once had a banjo
i worked three weeks
weeding a field..

i and hate, lily?
a hoary old chessnut..
she pops her tongue back

in..can,indeed there be one
with-out the other?
do you hate me sometimes? soon
dissipates like mists
over the seas..

it´s brievity quite
and quietly
hope  you don´t notice..
sometimes,i hate you..


do you think poe
feels the same
i don´t know if

they are capable of
such complexities
that is rather patronising

what about your banjo
i put it in a pawn shop
when i was hungry o..
Jun 2 · 22
Michael John Jun 2

lily says i don´t like
you because-
you re cheap
and greedy
ugly lazy and

(i am only human after all-)


(she can´t find her grass)

a pointless waste of space
a disgrace
an abomination
and just no fun..

i hate your shoes
and the way you stand
your pathetic pauses-


the way you look and breath
i curse your birth
yon dearth!
your shirt..?

(i got this at the boot sale
for a pound)

i loathe your very existance-
ah! here it is!
now, where are the papers..?


i like you because.
(not sure really)
but i love you..

and that is far
Jun 1 · 34
Michael John Jun 1

if we don´t dream
we go mad
quite literally
lily-man can not

take too much reality
it makes us sad..
so we pick our poison
(or it picks us)

and the next thing we know
we don´t care-all bad..
it is a nightmare-!


but children still see
a future!
don´t you worry..
what is reality?

they want to be
(and what-not)
free as stars..


or a poet
my father was a poet
in the oral tradition-

like the story-teller
spontaneous and funny
i was his translator

what does it mean?
i learned quickly..
to think in another

people said, you are a
poet ..
May 31 · 33
Michael John May 31

a first line-
evasive as time sometime
or illusive-could be either
or both-that is the nature
of the word-could be anything
regarding time gets us no-where or
anywhere-tricky blighter..


i had a badge or pin
as our american cousins
say-it read today i am 5
well,today i am 64 and none
the wiser..


i did n´t have all my
and we had jelly and i-
ce-cream-we played pass
the parcel and musical chairs
and in the garden swore eternal
love and friendship..
May 30 · 19
Michael John May 30

the last bugle-
be mean
be cruel
(i will remain true

to the jungle..)
and fade to white..
-i will be happy
with-out you..

o lie!
(o self-deception..)
o lack a day!
(for we must pay..)


i curse the day we met!?
i was just pht-
a vortex of purple

with a severed head
looking down at me
(i thought be cool..)
said er, you have fire..?

i thought of a legend
of medusa
there was sea and
a star

that was black-
and then i was in
a bath
we laughed

in the beginning
and then i was disscussing
morality and politcs
with a cat-poe-ah yes..

i recall it well..
May 29 · 24
p.s.-what of silence?
Michael John May 29
p.s.-what of silence?
it is beauty
it is conspiracy

is it god
or creation

or destuction
a laugh
a tear

a swish of
the devil´s tail
a minutes or

a google
sparrow **** or
the last bugle..
May 29 · 26
poetry is music
Michael John May 29
poetry is music
just with-out the music
the stars are music
just with-out music

your beauty is music
and so on..
music is music
but what of silence..
May 29 · 26
had their first lesson
Michael John May 29

had their first lesson
two little boys in bandannas
would be bon jovi..

a guy with a smart guitar
had half-rhythm-
never heard of before..

a beautiful lesbian
drove a beetle car
would rather walk her

dogs than practise..
and so forth..
i learned patience..


and that is the
finest thing in the world!
(i don´t know if

it´s finer than music
but then what is?
answers on a post card..)
May 28 · 18
my mother said:
Michael John May 28
my mother said:
you should learn the guitar
you will be popular-!

so i went to mr s. on a
thursday night
learned guiliani and sor..

he had just retired after
forty years on the rail-road
so a patient man..

his ailing mother would bang
on the ceiling and
he would be off for a smoke

his nerves a clang..
i left on my own
confronted by carulli

examined their home
i had not seen anything
so beautiful

i thought it was all
so old

generations of love
and pride
it was so peaceful..

i hated to make a noise
he would return with
a smile-

and ask how is it going?
and i said ok-i thought
someday maybe

i will teach and i did
a little bit
my pupils..
May 27 · 18
when young i talked
Michael John May 27
when young i talked
to anyone who might
come along as mad
as i or straight
i did not ask why
and tried not to be
afeared for some howled
and laughed
and talked of hell
as if it was normal-
(i thought this way i
might learn something..)
and some talked of normal
like heaven and they left
me wondering-some did not
like me and some loved me but
i always listened and mostly said
nothing-so after a while they would


the voice will tell
and the heart will wonder
the given glory of now

now, i like animals more
for in the words of hunter
they don´t hire lawyers..
May 26 · 27
live for today
Michael John May 26
live for today-
lifting an arm and
rainbow displayed
like so many displaced
universe-shall i read something?


one of mine?


i met my love
at the local bop
followed him to
the rest rooms

he was hot-
i looked down
he looked up
i asked what

star sign-
he said purple..
i said angel or

he said that
would be telling..
i asked him for

a match-
(he said brad pit
or why don´t we

this lonely existance
we are each other
anys hows

in a glance..
in a silence that
now and forever
so we had a bath..
May 26 · 27
Michael John May 26

so that is natural
in the jungle-
one ´s beans are one´s

and woe to anyone
who doth encroach..(poe)
(o lily we are nearly

she sighs and says
and what for civilization
then..a plastic duck?

nomadic man effed or
fought and then
he constructed a fence
planted a bean and said



that´s all fine
but what of a hot bath
peace and tranquillity-

all history is gossipp
any way
live for today..
May 24 · 28
Michael John May 24
so i should share my beans
with you
because i have 5 and you
have none-

poe is irate-
you know what we get
in the jungle
May 24 · 19
Michael John May 24
poe looks on cynically
pausing in his ablutions-
so,we should have some
kind of moral conscience

we should  care for others..?
has nt it all been done-
every revolution is betrayed
lilly touches an ear and

droplets decorate her crown
an ancient beauty
stars are stray and gone
in love by comparison..
May 24 · 25
s of onyx
Michael John May 24
s of onyx-
if you want to share
what is

mine-say i have
5 beans and you have

no,i have none
and you have 5..
what is to be done..?

where-by you contribute
a bean..

we put that into a kitty
to pay for street lighting

some kind of relief
where-by people are not
starving..and on..



civilizations come and
go and this one is

and the reason is-?
it is effing done..
back to the fish..
May 23 · 16
the doorbell
Michael John May 23
the doorbell
to hell-
in inspiration´s dell-

did you know lily
the sole of the foot
corresponds to each

major *****?
and plenty in-between..
lost in a dream she says-


there is so much we
don´t know
or understand

in the amazon is a cure
for everything
and what is in our

minds-don´t say
heaven and hell-
hells doorbell..!


but we have to sell
have to-
to have or to have

not-that is the crux
that is what divides

i notice she
has smoke and
the space..

with out a trace
and heat..
through slit..
May 22 · 26
Michael John May 22

scrub my soul
she says waving a
proffered foot-

in the heat
eyeing one through
onyx slits-

and tell a story
of youth

(poe sits by her shoulder
eyeing one..
in egypt)-


in egypt
i would breakfast
by the nile..

i smoked strong hash..
-and in the night
the call to the faithful

for prayer..
i was very ill..
i had  hepatitis..

the waiters dressed in fine
like a dream

the little dhows
went hither and thither
o the greens

the blue and brown..!?
the crisp croissant-
i was young..
May 21 · 27
Michael John May 21

people can be cruel-
well,i did n´t care but
these morons could n´t

pull their socks on..
they said the same things
every time..

i tried to divert  them
but in the end
stayed quiet and

drank my wine..
after about an hour
they said,you don´t

say much do-do you
no,i was dreaming of nirvarna
hope and beauty..

heaven and hell
just recurring  themes
crime and punishment

the futility of it
back is underated..


..and then lily
stagger the long road
to the beach

and lay my head
in among the bugs
and distant song..
May 20 · 28
Michael John May 20
i was a dissapointment
not so much to myself
but to the human race

they would say-
speaking as an outsider
what do you(me) think

of the human race?
i had no answer..

i berated their lack
of originality
pass the soap lily..


what did i think
(i thought i could
die for a drink..)

i thought of hope
and beauty-
that sort of thing..
May 19 · 23
Michael John May 19

life can be a dissapointment,
but don´t bother your head,
worry is a waste of wit,
and they are in short

supply..if it don´t
scan-then think about
time..soon be dead..
that sort of thing..

have a bath with a
life is so short,
and that is no secret!


good sentiment-
shall i let

my heart
speak freely
or supress

mad desire
this fire

from you
no return

to sender


your turn!
we have been in this water
so long

we look to the land
we will grow a spine!
and now

fast food
we were so hopeful
our dream gone..


laughing gas
look legs..!?

somekind of
a vision

write this

bungs and

over here!
sand like stars
shiny oh..
Michael John May 19
life can be dissapointing..
i thought there would be more..
(expectation a ****
of a cracked bell or-

you know,
i sat on the plug)-chance

or fate..this numerical sequence,
running along and down your spine,
ending in infinity-what is it..?
spine, i love..

the secret of the universe?!
(yes,it can be starless..)
did it hurt?
does it hurt
sensuous and intelligent
hard to believe we begun
as fish
who fancied a change..
but is..


we must be brave
fatalism is ok on paper
or the death of technology

we will go
by our feelings..
(see poe..)
May 18 · 99
poems for the bath
Michael John May 18

poems for the bath
what is that book?
don´t wet it-
i don´t know-
i only read a line from
the blank page and it was
an anecdote as told by a psychiatrist
about one patient that had penchant
for nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) and
when he was in the depths of a recurring vision,
he understood the secret of the universe! but
on awakening could remember nothing..
this tantalizing scenario repeated until he
managed to write down his revelation and when he
came too, he rushed excitedly or excitedly rushed to see,
that which he had written-the secret of the universe!?-
he read,the smell of petroleum permeates through-out..


bit of a let down but is that a lesson..?
(poe,hides a smirk and licks his bits..)
next time..
May 17 · 28
in the bath
Michael John May 17
in the bath
we are
long ago

we wore black
dusty of toe
purple of nose..

the sun was so hot
and love too..
how the breeze blew..!

o wine was sweet!
blue was blue
spaghetti, a time

of excitement-
never wanted for anything
when we were young..


will you wash my back?
come here poe darling
you have suds on your whiskers

writing in a spontaneous
wonders who i am..
May 16 · 15
Michael John May 16

see this soap?
here is horror and hope
here is heaven and
el diablo..

what is with-in
is with-in....

i love words and
i hate them-
every artist both loves
and hates their medium..

why don´t we like ourselves?
i don´t know-
what do you think, poe?


you would think music was
we are just too complex

we could eff-up paradise
we have eff-ed up paradise
the song contest
May 15 · 100
Michael John May 15
but not so much
the pit and the pendulum
(i can get slow torture
any old time..)

poe, we have a guest-
he does n´t like people
(i wonder who does)
he sees all-!

he sees the dark and light
but cares for neither
dull are opels bright
in his eye-fevers

like the star and half moon..
what is it you want?
to write and be a poet-
and you-a musician..
May 15 · 22
in the bath
Michael John May 15

in the bath
we on!-
what is that tapping?

¨´tis some visitor¨ i muttered
¨tapping at my chamber door-
only this and nothing more..!¨

what is it?

you like poe?
no, what-

be ye iconclast?!
no, what is that noise?
like a forrest burning..

o that is poe!!
(small feline
he want´s in-

very possesive..o..
come in, poe?!
come on..!!?


hello poe!!
hello my darlin!
ah, he does judge me

i like hop-frog,
the tell-tale heart,
and the erm black cat..
May 14 · 24
she blows a bubble
Michael John May 14

she blows a bubble
a universe of colors
i think,
examining light-
horses are over-rated..
well, i once was bitten
by a snake..
shadows are fitting-
obscurity is a luxury
i was trying to help it..
we enjoy our wine..
(i liked wine but i used it-
not so much as a social crutch
as more of an anaesthetic..)


are you hungry?
i don´t know what is
in the fridge (but not animal)
go and see..
May 13 · 14
Michael John May 13

as poly succinctly has it
-identity is the crisis can´t
you see

but to know yourself is
unless lily quips

you know yourself
as an utter xxxx
and don´t care..


ah, we are in the bath again
(strangers without pain)
candles aflickering..

conversation as bubbles..
bowie sings we are the
dead on a bootleg..


who do you like
i like whitman
he got me through..

he will..
such a lovely human
i have n´t read him

for so long
i want to
but don´t..


what about the beats
i like lew welch
anyone else..

the russians
for me it´s


time goes hey
now your old
i have never

been on horse back
never mind
i don´t..
May 12 · 18
practise and work
Michael John May 12

practise and work
that is the life
for we artists..

i mean, it may not
be any good..
but we metamorphose

from human to a god
no problem-o-
we have a choice..


we love and regret
just effing notice

i mean i exist..
(a drowning fish


remember when we
you were a purple head..

i asked you for light
and you hid in the toilet-!
everything was purple..

i did not hide-
i knew you would follow
and cast a trail

a cosmic path from my
soul to yourn

we died and were
when you peered

over the door
for a light..
heaven and hell..


we are happy
we are sad
lily laughs..

i laughed-
a purple devil?!
we had a bath..


i asked who you were
under a spell

you said well
it is all so odd
i can´t say..
May 10 · 19
we are happy..
Michael John May 10
we are happy..
we are sad..
lily laughs..

mental health-
what a conumdrum!
but not funny-

if you re lost,
in confusion,
and pain..

but the answer!-
is between our eyes
gentle as the rain..


like the grass,
(whitman knew..)
like the truth-

shoot,i can be
identity..(x-ray specs)
May 9 · 135
why do i write?
Michael John May 9

why do i write?
to remember
not to forget
that is a fear

as one ages..
one thing leads to
music helps..

and not-
to be fixed
or crucified
to the moment..

somewhere between
young and old
now and then

is fun..
but kind of painful

sometimes not
sometimes there is hope
and ambition
love and hate..


i like to write
drink tea
and sing..

as old as man
in my cave..
May 8 · 21
Michael John May 8

i was ****** lily laughs
but why bother i ask you
if not for lot´s of money
and applause..

the green room of god
the creative urge and you
know so effing bored
and look at this-

pip pip another rejection
not suitable..!?

(a suitable epitaph..)
they called me
a star..
is a star is a star..


dancing under the stars
i say lord above
out and out
savage loved

once but that
is enough
May 8 · 23
why do i write?
Michael John May 8
why do i write?
breathing will not
May 8 · 31
why do i write?
Michael John May 8
why do i write?
because i can´t..
May 8 · 19
why do i write?
Michael John May 8
why do i write?
because i can´t stop..
why do i breath
why not plop!
May 6 · 19
Michael John May 6

you are going to get us
i can see that one coming
they say-they say-

you can see the future?
(i was about to say
kudos to hello poetry
for their tolerance..)

i think it is intuition
she sniffs..
and what may that be?
wait a tic

i will consult the dictionary..
that is spooky erm stuff!?
what about subconscious


suggestion or coincidence
or just wishful thinking

guessing or a superstition
knowing-ancient power
man nature together..


o lily they will burn thee
for a witch
your heart of straw

we itch..
go further-go further
the sparks will fly

the night will howl-
pretty and clever
we see the past..
May 5 · 22
Michael John May 5

i like that one lily
but it has to blend
with your geraniums
and how to bake the perfect

apple pie -your stars
where to stay in crete
(and it does n´t..)
i stayed in crete-

it was so cheap!
we rented a house-
how many could sleep
in so small a place..?

sleeping on the roof
under the stars
pretty enough?
communal meals..

and to the dance
under the stars
lovely but no


they don´t want to hear
about your sordid excesses

i have to write what i
have to write
there would be no point

in writing about flowers
and lonely hours
and why you left

(that is obvious)
leaving me bereft
i went

because you imbibed
howled and cried
-i am not perfect

but i came back
what is worst-living
with you or with-out..

i don´t know, skin up and
we will consider
bless her..
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