jason,is on line sevwen
paper on the lip
what you say,jase..?
lily,you think youre the
cat´s miaow.. ****..
you ain´t nothing..
well,i think..
and don´t give it
that old double-negative
jive asss wise ***
cause i aint even listen..
look, i could spend an eternity
fighting (and one fight leads
to another)-we destroy,preserve
or create-up to us-we get what
we give..
o middle of the road with
a bit of bob..on mine line nine
shared bread and wine
purple the very soul..
is christopher-hey chris-did
you know st christopher is no
longer patron saint of travellers
you are through to lily-seer to
the stars..what is your pregunta..?
can i read a poem lily i wrote
it for you..
on you go, my simple kind of man
try not to swear
we are live-
in theory..
you make me happy
like a lemon tree
sometimes, the lombardy
your refferences
an answer
no longer a
rootless and parched
you bring the rain
you can
i can
why not