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Michael John Feb 9
what is the good of nothing
to a man that has everything
does he recall when he had nothing

and wanted everything..
you know when he dreamed
life was exciting!

anything seemed possible
the stars were his
when he was..young..
Michael John Feb 8
in the basement
what else
my water colours..

my guitar..
no excesses-
the past forgot

lotus eaters!?
always 4 o clock
a glass of milk and a twix
tick tock..

middle of  the road
no begining
no end
our love betwixt..
Michael John Feb 8
she is too ******* herself
the past can not be helped
for all my sins
love is my penance..

she says-with in
lies my redemption
here and now and your
darkling eyes..
in the basement..
Michael John Feb 8
yes,the past is contentious
that is, it´s content is
ious-i owe u see..

yes,you think i owe you..
yes,you do..
every greedy little expression

from those beady little eyes
say so
lily consults her mirror..

i am a product of
my past
not what i say

but what is
day to day
the die is cast..
Michael John Feb 7
if or if i knew then
what i know now..
or if i had my time over
would i do it different..?
too platitude a platitude
(or two..)

yes, i would barricade myself
into a windowless basement
with an impressive array of
weaponry-something for hand to hand
and close quarters-supplies-an extensive library-
and perhaps a poison tooth
as a last line of defence..

i will be your man friday whispers lily
paint the sky with stars
and sing softly in your ear-
for the love of anyway.. life can turn on a dime..
Michael John Feb 6
..and when the man came to
town with a violin
bright socks on

a squeeze box and
the lady of the forrest

the dogs and children
ran for a half penny
for the love of anyway..?!

the old men filled
their pipes

on their lips
news and songs
from the city-

gives the old ones
they cried..
the women sighed and

the crows flew
but danced to the
Michael John Feb 6
what is zeno´s arrow?
i don´t know
i may word search

but i don´t want too..
never before in the history
of man

has there been so much
when we knew nothing

at least we knew it
-the village and horizon
the crows laughing..
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