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Michael John Oct 2024
so i would say
you missed that bit

sometimes i just thought it
in the silence
they might

ask what my book was
about-tolstoy´s rendition of
the napolionic wars..

or  portrait of an artist as
a youngman- joyce..
(that is a favourite..)

conflict of different kinds
nobody had an idea
what was going on..

the human condition fraught
with misunderstanding and


any good?
not much..
so where was i
a litany of pointless

an ending
faith to blood
hell and small bird..
Michael John Oct 2024

the people i met later
said they never really
knew me..

that is because they
were not interested
i spoke

and the tumbling weeds
the birds sang

sometimes i would say
i am an alien and
as we waited

in the silence and for them
to talk about themselves..
(which turned out to be

not far from the truth)
but in solitude
i found myself..


maybe,lily says
archly-you were boring..
they were no more

interesting-believe me
one story-
i knew better than they..
Michael John Oct 2024

chet baker do
almost blue

alone or alien
teacher asked-
what are you

kind of red
that goes


all they ever
was your heart

to stick little
pins-in and laugh
now is that too

much to ask
for free
of course..



sunday morning and
they even messed
with the time..


what is wrong with
i wish to be

a sunflower or a
bright vermillion

with a flickering grey
with eyes

as dead as the ages
one toe raised
and a tail quivering

like a nightmare
before and always



dark lily?
´tis the season to be
the bloodied rose..!


we never celebrated halloween
it came across the ocean..

the vicar said it was sick
we burned revolutionary catholics-

we built effegies
and begged pennies

the nieghbours said o
eff off now-

but ate our baked potatoes
we had fire works and fire so

rockets and catherine wheels
named after crucified martyrs

roman fountains and jumping jacks
and second degree burns

the sirens lit the rainy night
sparkelers bright wrote

we sang,remember, remember
the fifth of november

gunpowder, treason and plot..
and drank hot

soup and that,pyramids
can´t recall what they did..


at school we learned
of guy fawks
who tried to blow up

the houses of parliment
but was grassed up
he was hung drawn and quartered

and his ashes scattered at
the crossroads
his head upon a spike

on westminster bridge
or something
how times change..
Michael John Oct 2024
solitude is a matter of
how we find ourselves

amid the tumult and
others-some do not,
and for some, others-

death..they and other
become themselves-
the pack or alienated-

take your pick
either way..
the sun shines
the day long..


when i wake crying
holding the pieces that were
my guitar

it can only get better..
alone before cacti
sea and little boats..
Michael John Oct 2024

in the night i thought
a line which became quickly
a dot which was nothing

which became an egg into
tommy the cat and the sky
a moment caught like tin

in the cosmic
there the crane
before the sea

and the little boats..
just the same then
as yesterday..
Michael John Oct 2024

i was not rich or famous lily
but i experimented with lsd
not knowing-was i  alcoholic
was i depressed or just curious..

when i say experiment, i took
a tab and wanderered in the forest..
after tapping my foot in the bar
it was loose and cosmic

in the moon light or in danger
but mostly there was another way
something new an alternative
from grey there was colour..


moderation was the key
usually a friday and saturday
and spontaneously..well,i don´t know..
what time is it..

i mention with interest
as  the psychedelic element
makes it´s laborious journey
into the medical  mainstream..
Michael John Oct 2024
i am tired lily
from the red eye

i will supine
just here
in the dusty road

and read the clouds
in the reflected
decked in glory

wonder at you and
the same and yet

cosmically apart
(just go around)
alive and yet dead..

i shall prostrate for
peace are we not
kith and kin

brother and sister
do we not all want
the same..?!
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