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Michael John Oct 2024

40 years on lily
and i hate every-one
such is life..

what happened
you tell me-
(be brief..)


you put your existentialistic
finger on it-

brevity..death looms
we fall apart
our hearts grow cold..

there is reality..


and far too quickly
when twenty
how the sea was blue

and like wise the sky
eternal, just innocence
a sixpence

in the floating ether
the sun and tide
the evening done..
Michael John Oct 2024
when young lily
i liked women hairy
you know, natural..

and painted faces superfluous
made dull
the sun as  beautician unsurpassed..

their skin of lemon and brine
the little lines around
their eyes..

blues as the sea and sky
the rasp of the evening tide
the evening to come..
Michael John Oct 2024

examining the hair on
her arm pit-she says,
there is nothing we
have n´t killed and died for..

the emancipation of women
our morning cereal-
the supermarket is a trail
of death and devastation

not to mention depression and
exploitation-at 30 per cent off
not a big love or happy way
at any cost..
Michael John Oct 2024
try again
you want to share what´s

how about,
if we share
what´s yourn..

we share our pain
some are good at coping
others not..
Michael John Oct 2024
try again,
where would we be
without pain
some dystopian story-

but at least we´d be
happy-(though, we knew not
why)-and if we tried
our brains fried

with sport and ***,
texts-to say what it may be
we would fail-
Michael John Oct 2024

every time i write i wonder why, (examing
her arm pit
running through the mine pit
like a canary

momentarily ahead with the noxious
fumes gaining..)
if it were love
or money..


god must have wondered too
(that would no doubt be
blasphmy in less enlightened times..
they would have tortured me)

but when he made me and you
the gift of creativity
remains-(and burnt me like
an old tree..)


so,(see how far we have come)
so,we have freedom
(to be used responsibilly)
(neither love nor money)

and who is to say-what will
just to say one thing! that may
be of passing interest to someone..


that is the question
why bother-i distrust our
motive-it´s brevity
is too short

it´s length too long
just say what you mean
and let us leave it at that

love and money
inexstrictable pain
and monotony..
Michael John Oct 2024

it is obvious like the
words from long before
hindsight is right..
(a bit obscure lily

let´s have clarity..)
when i consider
when i remember
the hairy dilemma..

why are we still here
some chance encounter
what was nearly

a word that was not
to look up
or to look down
or luck

to sniff the air
portent or a change
of mind-consider reality
the lessons of history..

think of something
words..(or maybe elaborate

instinct, i mean
i knew there was some thing

not  thoughts from a
trunk..silence in the jungle
or a smile
or pray to god..


it is a wonder any get through
the things you know
and worse

the things you don´t..
me and you
guilt and innocent..
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