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Jul 2020 · 112
Reserata Carcerem XLVII
Adeyemi Joshua Jul 2020
Whilom, sate taunted tortoise b' brook;
hoist'd hunger 'n haughty hoofs trod th' nooks
smothered stomach wrought foiled furrow -
sumptuous severity 'n grace glowed.

Thereupon eerie eyes espied;
bounty bowl ñ tide with salient sigh.
Apt acumen whispered t' him th' draw;
rustic rage rent b' pored passion's call.

Sewn strife b' haughty hurls was sore licked,
'n' wished h' th' tumbling tide would t' th' bowl spit,
but moist mirage choked worn wishes,
'til quethe sassy stream's ***** lips.

Anon, grew grousing nymph from waves,
wh' for bounty bowl (bruised brunch) had came.
a) of ploughed plight.
b) Written apace with Middle English lexis:
i) Whilom - Long ago
ii) Sate - sat
iii) Wrought - made
iv) Thereupon - then
v) Espied - saw
vi) Quethe - say
vii) Anon - Immediately
c) The following are used with no syllabic consequences:
i) b' - by
ii) 'n - in
iii) ñ - on
iv) t' - to
v) 'n' - and
vi) h' - he
vii) th' - the
viii) 'til - the
ix) wh' - who
d) Poet's vocabulary.
i) Draw - content.
Jul 2020 · 104
Reserata Carcerem XLVI
Adeyemi Joshua Jul 2020
Salient Sufi quondam was hexed;
haggard hags hoisted hurls 'n' were vexed,
apt alakazam gin behoved -
ere, he'd betrothed marred mercies thrown.

Pestered paddock anon hurled hymns,
pored panther knocked 'p gaunt 'n' gullible thrill,
apared asp pruned pulpy foils time tossed,
taunted trio 'n clumsy cauldron washed.

Sent they then ***** winds t' bear thence
ere sassy Sufi wh' loathed rec'mpense.
T' transient agora bore they him;
a felon furrow 'n an isle's lips.

Jolting judgement torn trio ñ him leased;
an attendant t' paddock 'n' asp's spree.
a) of jolting judgement.
b) Written apace with Middle English lexis:
i) Sufi - A mystic Muslim
ii) Hexed - to cast spell
iii) quondam - long ago
iv) hags - witches
v) gin (obsolete) - a trick
vi) behove - befit
vii) paddock - toad, frog
viii) Anon - immediately
ix) Apar - armadillo
x) asp - snake
xi) thence - from there
xii) ere - before
xiii) Agora - a place of gathering.
c) The following are used with no syllabic consequences:
i) 'n' - and
ii) he'd - he had
iii) 'p - up
iv) 'n - in
v) t' - to
vi) wh' - who
vii) ñ - on
Jul 2017 · 79

— The End —