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 May 2017 Armando Nathan Saenz
the next time you'll see me,
would be attending my party
as I am lowered slowly
while everyone says they're sorry
to the smiling me.
All furies, pharaohs, phalanxes
Will bow before the one
Whose fountain flows from phoenixes
To bathe him in the sun
For what is time if not his throne
And what is God but just a word
To thine whose kingdom shines against
Existence's absurd
And most perplexing paradoxes
Of dualities of man
And its sealed Pandora's boxes
Of reality's demand
Upon the lonely lucid dreamer
Who has seen beyond desire
In a world of Disney Movies
Where such fairy tales expire
To a hungry belly's hatred
And the fear of thirsty lips
And taking more than your fair share
Of poison apple trips

— The End —