I'd break these feelings
Into litlle pieces
Rearrange them with by bare fingers
Into something
That doesn't hurt as much.
I'd put my soul into the streets
Let it be stepped on by million feet
And still
It wouldn't hurt as much.
I'd take your name, your smile your touches
And put them somewhere in some old pockets
And then it won't hurt so much.
But here I am with all these feelings
And they are not into pieces
They are not.
And my soul is still inside me
I can feel it burning, stabbing
Oh, oh, it hurts so much!
And your face, your smile and touches
They are are still here, in my pockets.
Oh, they hurt so much.
So I'll take this mirror in front of me
Break it into little pieces
rearrange them with my bare fingers
Into a face that wears a smile.
And I'll pretend
That it doesn't hurt so much.
It doesn't hurt that much.
For my Robin