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Theresa M Rose Jun 2014
Mirror, mirror,
You are standing against the wall.
I look into you to see me
But my eyes they do fall.

Mirror, my mirror,
Oh how i wish you were my friend.
But there's no one looking back at me
When it is i that is looking in.

Mirror, oh mirror,
Why must this be?
When i look into your cold, cold glass
i can see none of me.

i see what was,
And all who have shared in this sad old core,
But i can see not i.
For i am no more.

Though there is always a tomorrow
On life's most wavy shore.
For me, i can see not a ripple
As i stand here on this lonely floor.

I am here looking in to see what image there is left of me,
But i can find there is not a trace.
For when i look into your cold and rigid stare,
I can see there is only an old stranger's face.

Mirror, poor mirror,
How i could feel for thee
You stand here looking out, and what do you see?
Is it, could it, could it really be me?

Mirror, you silly mirror,
all there is i feel is your cold and icy glaze.
Is this all there is for me,
for the rest of my days?

Mirror, my poor, poor mirror,
i look in and i can no longer endure.
Oh, with my ******, ****** hands i look down;
Now, you are merely shards of glass lying on the floor.
Theresa M Rose Jun 2014
He touches my heart.
He has made me free.
He's taken me by my hand,
He makes me see me.

I now see all that I am,
And all that I could be.
He's taken me from my watery desert
To the shores of a new wide open sea.

Oh how I have yearned,
To spread my wings in flight,
But for this pierced dove
of a long drowned love,
The world,
It was too deep in night.

He raises the hands that enveloped me.
Hands that have guided me safely to this shore.
And now,
He opens his hands, so cautiously
Allowing me a chance to soar.

I lift up my wings,
I feel the breeze
And now,
I begin to rise.

He has shown to me
Who I can be
And now,
I no longer see the lies.


Theresa M Rose Jun 2014
I sense you,
Sensations awaken…
You inspire.

Are the embers.
Sparks a fire.
You are,
The aura…
To this phoenix.
And, it is you
You that will bring the flame.
You give me abilities to fly,

Beyond the sea and eternal sands
It is you, I feel
Your touch…
Without a single hand.

You’ve conquered my fright
These feelings of endless night.
It is you…
who makes me glow.

I feel
Such a resurrective ember.
I yearn so be free
To surrender
And it is you
You’ve done this to me
You make me
Into flame.

Such a force it is
you give to me
filled with overwhelming intensity...
You’ve done this to me
fill me
With intensities… and I am…,

I am,… a Phoenix song.

Forever for me
because of this
You see

You are
And always
Will be
My beloved...

My, Mark Anthony.
Theresa M Rose Jun 2014
I see you
So many years…

An apparition;
Without recognition.

Our dearest one
In repose…

A suitable tribute
To all that was…

May she be with Osiris
And, fair better than we…


‘The Weighing of the Heart’.

Theresa M Rose Jun 2014
With You, Caesar

My words I say, “I love you!”
You smile to what I say…
You,… reach out
I reach for you
You turn and start to walk away.

“There is nothing going on here…
Not by the light of the day.
Only when there is no one looking”
These words are what you say…

“You are only here for now
That is,
If it’s,…
What you want?”
My heart’s exposed
If I want?
you know my heart…
Now,… is where I stay.

You say to me,
“ I want you.”
You hold me
I feel… these words are true.
But,… before too long
Your embrace grows strong
What is it… did I do ?”
Abandon is where I be…

You wait,
till I’m up and walking…
You look at me …In your way.
You know my heart
It's torn apart…
I see you.
What is it… can I do?
Is where I’ll stay.

You hold me tight…
I feel safe
As long as… I’m in your arms.
Still, its only in the shadows
How can this bring me harm.
So tender are our moments
Til dawns new dew light ….
Then… you go

You hold me tight
My love,…
You rule my night
And You,… you leave me
To rule my day.

You say to me,
“I never want to hurt you”
How can these words be true?
You say these words … as if you mean them
but it’s not by what you do…
You walk right in… girl in arm
And, I hear your whole family say
At least your not with… no one!
Here I stand
I am nobody at all, today!?

You tell me,
“ I had to bring her
You heard what the family’s said.
I can’t just be with nobody.”
I only turn my head…

You,…You made me nothing
(Nusquam praeter a meretricis.)
I am Caesar’s ***** …
I'm here crushed and alone
… Before all of Rome
What other feelings
Can there be.

I turn from you
I walk away…
I hear your voice,…
“I love you! “

I cant believe,…
How,… how can these words be true?
What more can you take… from me?
What more is it… will you do?

Abandon me… abandon me…
Is my heart’s cry.
I hear the words
” I love you.”
And ,…I merely wish…
I could die!?
So many times
You’ve turned from me
But now,…
I am turning too.

You grab me back into you arms…
You hold me hard
You say,
“ I love you!”

Oh, Great Caesar,
You know my heart…
My heart
Belongs to you
You make me want…
I belong to you!
My heart says …
‘ Now!’
Oh, what now?
What is it…?
I am suppose to do…

Now, with me
You are gentle
You’re attentive, loving and kind
Still, I am but your shadow
And,… of Rome I am

I fear… each day…
The days slip away
What more
Of me
Will you take…?

To all,
I am a no one.
Nobody… but to one.

All I have you rule
All but this, Isis' sun.?
Will you now take this too…?
Will you now take
leave me without
A heart.

Rome now takes to rumors
Our secrets… feed their delight.
Now,… is hard
My mind
Grows marred
As my days collide…
With our nights.
You tell me
Not to leave
“ Don’t go in today.”
If only…. I’d pay heed
I went along on my way.

Great and mighty Caesar
Daggers are now
On their way.

They will take from me
My night
And try
To take my light away

Now daggers…drip red
Now, Mighty Caesar
My love,… is dead.

And I,
I exile...  to Egypt.
Theresa M Rose Jun 2014
The heart rises;
The heart falls;

The heart needs;
The heart calls;

You answer;
It’s merely the wind.

The heart yarns;
The heart pleads;

You smile…
At the breeze.

And, ... simply shut the window,
… as you leave.
Theresa M Rose Jun 2014
I watch her
Caring for him.
He readies ... himself
To leave;
He says,
It's his time…

Time's too short... when you love.

Each morning
A cup of coffee
Before first light...
The birds awake
To a garage door opening
Dark vacant air hovers...
A new day... begins to dawn.

“ He’s looking better… “
She starts the car.

“ Maybe he’ll be… able to come home. “
We turn onto Airbase Prkwy
Not a soul...
There's just a flashing light
...on the horizon.

“ Maybe…
He’ll eat something…
“ Maybe he’ll… “
She stops...

The car… becomes hollow.
There is only
A ticking…
A turn single
... Echoing.

I look,…
I see…sitting behind the wheel
A little girl
Tears falling

... is a fragile thing.
In silence
Not a word…
Just ticking…
We wait.

To green.

Car pulls in
Flashing lights
On and off
On and off.

Sunset comes
At dawn...
It’s... his time.

Is too short
When you love.
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